US History-by Andrew Lambert

  • Aug 1, 1492

    columbus sets sail to find a route to the east indies

    columbus sets sail to find a route to the east indies
  • Nov 18, 1519

    hernando cortes captures tenochtitlan beginning the fall of the aztec empire

    hernando cortes captures tenochtitlan beginning the fall of the aztec empire
  • Virginia founded

    Virginia founded
  • Massachusetts founded

    Massachusetts founded
  • New Hampshire founded

    New Hampshire founded
  • New York founded

    New York founded
  • Marayland founded

    Marayland founded
  • Connecticut founded

    Connecticut founded
  • Rhode Island founded

    Rhode Island founded
  • Delaware founded

    Delaware founded
  • The Carolinas founded

    The Carolinas founded
  • New Jersey founded

    New Jersey founded
  • pennsylvania founded

    pennsylvania founded
  • Carolinas split into north and south

    Carolinas split into north and south
  • Georgia founded

    Georgia founded
  • french and indian war begins at battle of fort necessity

    french and indian war begins at battle of fort necessity
  • french troops defeat general braddock

    french troops defeat general braddock
  • Quebec surrenders to the British.

    Quebec surrenders to the British.
  • British troops take montreal, ending the french and indian wat in north amereica

    British troops take montreal, ending the french and indian wat in north amereica
  • treaty of paris is signed between britain and france ending french and indian war

    treaty of paris is signed between britain and france ending french and indian war
  • sugar act

    sugar act
  • stamp act

    stamp act
  • Townshend acts

    Townshend acts
  • Father Junipero Serra builds first mission at San Diego

    Father Junipero Serra builds first mission at San Diego
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
  • Tea act

    Tea act
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
  • intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
  • Congress creates the first five executive departments

    Congress creates the first five executive departments
  • Congress passes the Judiciary Act to organize the federal court system

    Congress passes the Judiciary Act to organize the federal court system
  • george washington inaugerated

    george washington inaugerated
  • The French Revolution begins when an angry mob storms the Bastille

    The French Revolution begins when an angry mob storms the Bastille
  • Congress creates the first Bank of the United States

    Congress creates the first Bank of the United States
  • French King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette are beheaded

    French King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette are beheaded
  • Britain seizes American ships trading in the French West Indies

    Britain seizes American ships trading in the French West Indies
  • Washington issues the Neutrality Proclamation

    Washington issues the Neutrality Proclamation
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
  • 11th amendment

    11th amendment
  • 12th amendment

  • The American ship, the Constitution, battles the British ship, Guerriere, in the north Atlantic near the beginning of the War of 1812

    The American ship, the Constitution, battles the British ship, Guerriere, in the north Atlantic near the beginning of the War of 1812
  • -Battle of Lake Erie

  • British troops capture Washington, DC

  • battle of new orleans

  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

  • Britain defeats France in the war in Europe

  • Treaty of Ghent signed

  • US and Britain reach agreement to jointly occupy Oregon

  • missouri compromise

  • William Becknell leads group of traders from Missouri to New Mexico

  • Stephen Austin is given a land grant and leads settlers into Texas

  • nat turners rebellion

  • General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna comes to power in Mexico

  • Mexican troops begin a siege of the Alamo

  • Texans declare independence from Mexico

  • Battle of San Jacinto is won by Sam Houston

  • Manifest Destiny plays important role in election of James K Polk as President

  • compromise of 1850

  • harriet beecher stowe's uncle toms cabin

  • kansas-nebraska act

  • bleeding-kansas

  • Dred Scott Decision

  • 13th amendment

  • 14th amendment

  • 15th amendment

  • 16th amendment

  • 17th amendment

  • 18th amendment

  • 19th amendment

  • 20th amendment

  • 21st amendment

  • 22nd amendment

  • 23rd amendment

  • 24th amendment

  • 25th amendment

  • 26th amendment

  • 27th amendment