US History

  • The invention of the Model T

    The invention of the Model T
    The first Model T came out! Invented for ordinary people to drive everyday.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    This notorious letter helped accelerate the United States decision to join WWI.
  • The WWI Armistice

    The WWI Armistice
    The Great War Ends! Germany finally signs the armistice agreement.
  • The 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment
    After years of fighting for their voice, female citizens are finally granted the right to vote.
  • Charles Lindbergh's Flight

    Charles Lindbergh's Flight
    Lindbergh lands near Paris! Completing the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Black Thursday

    Black Thursday
    The United States stock market begins to crash, spiraling them into The Great Depression.
  • Hitler becomes chancellor

    Hitler becomes chancellor
    After Hitler's rise to prominence, he is named chancellor of Germany.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    A series of projects and programs meant to help the United States get out of the Great Depression.
  • The Munich Pact

    The Munich Pact
    French and British Prime Ministers sign the Munich pact with Adolf Hitler, resulting in Germany's conquest of Czechoslovakia though diverting the outbreak of war.
  • Hitler Invades Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
    Hitler's troops invade Poland, all along the 1,750 mile border of the country.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    United States naval base near Honolulu is attacked by the Japanese, 2,400 Americans died in the attack. The next day the U.S. declares war on Japan.
  • D-day

    The largest amphibious attack in history occurred when the allies invaded Western Europe.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The first deployed nuclear bomb was dropped over the city of Hiroshima, 3 days later a second bomb was dropped over Nagasaki.
  • The formation of the United Nations

    The formation of the United Nations
    The United Nations was formed to negotiate and maintain the peace of all the nations.
  • The Long Telegram

    The Long Telegram
    The long telegram was sent by George Kennan, telling of his views on the Soviet Union.
  • The formation of NATO

    The formation of NATO
    The United States along with 11 other Western nations formed NATO, splitting the nation in half.
  • Russians acquire the Atomic Bomb

    Russians acquire the Atomic Bomb
    The Soviet's detonate their first atom bomb, performing many different tests along with it.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    As Communism spread through Korea, a battle began between the North and South. The United States joining with the South because of the United Nations.
  • Brown vs Board of education

    Brown vs Board of education
    A huge step in the civil rights movement! The Supreme Court decides that racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was increasingly unpopular among U.S. Citizens, eventually dividing Americans which led to America's withdrawal.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
    Rosa parks helped to start the civil rights movement in America by refusing to give up her seat on a bus.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    The U.S and Soviets participated in a 13-day political stand-off when the U.S. discovered that the Soviets were storing armed nuclear missiles on Cuba.
  • JFK's Assassination

    JFK's Assassination
    While traveling through Dallas, Texas John F. Kennedy is assassinated.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    America's full involvement in the Vietnam war was started when they were authorized to repel any attacks on the U.S.
  • The Apollo 11 Moon Landing

    The Apollo 11 Moon Landing
    Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin are the first humans to land on the moon!
  • The Watergate Break-ins

    The Watergate Break-ins
    Robberies occurring in Washington D.C. lead up to the first ever presidential resignation.
  • Nixon's Resignation

    Nixon's Resignation
    Involvement in the Watergate scandal lead President Nixon to resign.
  • The invention of the Internet

    The invention of the Internet
    The U.S. first used the internet as a weapon in the Cold War.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    After years of separation, families and friends are finally reunited as the Berlin Wall falls.
  • The 9/11 Attacks

    The 9/11 Attacks
    Two planes were flown into the twin towers and one was flown into the World trade center during a terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.