Zimmerman Telegram
The Zimmerman Telegram was a Telegram to form a millitary alliance with mexico, from germany who needed to prevent america from joining world war 1 and turning the tables,British communication confirmed it was a real telegram and caught it,Arthur Zimmerman confirmed it was real, and sided with joining against germany. -
Period: to
Us History B Timeline
History Time Line From 1917 to 2001 -
Model T Is Finished
The Model T is finally finished, Ford Would Build 15 Million Cars, Be The Most Mass Produced Car In History Till The Volkswagen Beetle. -
WWI Armistice
The End of WW1, Germany surrended and the Kaiser left his role in office, The begining of Weimar Germany and End Of Monarchy In Germany, Leading to Germany having to Pay The Allies For Damages, And Decrease The Military -
The 19th Amendment
The Amendment, allowed women to vote. releaving tensions -
Charles A. Lindbergh's Flight
Charles A Lindberghs is the first person to cross the alantic ocean in plane, He was only 25 when he completed it. -
Black Thursday
On October 24th 1929, The Stock Market Crashes, Rippling Over The Entire World In Just Weeks. People Lose Their Jobs And The Economy Fails. -
The New Deal
FDR. Makes Programs And Jobs, To Fix The Economy And Give Back Jobs To The People, It Works And Several People Are Able To Provide For Themselves -
Hitler Becomes The Chancellor Of Germany
Paul von Hindenburg had put Hitler into office, To ensure he could control how much power Adolf had. Untill Adolf becomes Chancellor. gaining power and eventually taking dictatoral powers in the late 30's -
The Munich Pact
The Allies give Hitler parts of the countries surrounding him, to avoid setting out a war with Nazi Germany, resulting in hitler taking Czechoslovakia and other parts of nations to repopulate the german people in. -
Germany And Soviets Invade Poland
Germany and The Soviet Union, do a joint invasion of Poland. The Blitzkrieg is first seen by the Polish in one of the biggest slaughters in human history by the Germans and Soviets. Setting Off World War 2 -
Pearl Harbor
The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, which results in America joining World War 2 to Fight the Japanese -
Allies, (British,Americans,And Canadians). Storm Mutiple Beaches Across the coast of France, To Retake It From The Nazis. -
Long Telegram
The Long Telegram is sent, the views of one american. on the Soviets. Communist East Block, And everything in Eastern Europe. -
Hiroshima And Nagasaki
The Allies use the Atom Bomb, on Hiroshima, On August 6th. Then August 9th. Resulting In The End Of WW2 -
UN Formation
The United Nations, is formed in San Fransico, CA. It's The Main Hub of Nations problems and questions, A more stable version of the League Of Nations. -
April 4, 1949, Washington, D.C. Nato Is formed to Prevent The Soviets From Taking All Of Europe. -
Soviet Atomic Bomb
1940-1949, The Soviets Gather Materials for their own Atom Bomb. -
The Korean War.
Jun 25, 1950 – Jul 27, 1953. Korea is split between North and South. Through China Claiming it to prevent America at their door step, and America backing the South to prevent a Communist Korea -
Brown v Board of Education
Seperate Schools for Race, Declared Unconstutional. Slowly Progressing Civil Rights. -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks refuses to give her seat up, leading to her arrest. Protests accured for several hundred days. leading into MLK's Rise -
Cuban Missle Crisis
Cuba has Soviet missles planted on the island, leading to a stand off between America and Cuba. Days and Days, Leading To Nuclear War, It is barely avoided. -
JFK's Assassination
JFK is Assassinated by a Sniper, Leading to his arrest. He is killed by a club owner. -
Gulf Of Tonkin
An American ship is sinked. leading to the Vietnam War. With Millions of deaths of vietnamese and 70,000 Americans Losing Their Lives -
Vietnam War
1955-1975, South And North Vietnam Split, Leading To 17 Years of American Combat in South East Asia, Millions Die. -
The Republicans break into Water-Gate hotel, To steal documents about the upcoming elections -
Nixon Resigns after Water-Gate Scandal, Is Pardoned -
Apollo 11 Moon Landing
Humans Reach The Moon, With The World Seeing An American Flag Get Planted On The Moon -
The Fall Of The Berlin Wall
From August 13 1961, To November 1991, The Berlin Wall, Standing In At 11 Feet, Defends The Communist Block East Berlin, From West Berlin. It Falls On November 1991. With The Fall Of The Soviet Union -
The Invention Of The Internet
The Internet Is Invented, Building up to become a major part of society -
September 11 Attacks
19 Hi-jackers From Al Qaeda hijack planes to fly in the world trade centers. Killing 2977 Citizens. 19 Hi-Jackers.