US History Akins 1786-1876

  • Dec 6, 1492

    Christopher Columbus discovered America - Kaleb Neptune

    Columbus discovered new land north of cuba.
  • north carolina founded-madison turner

  • North Carolina founded and settled by John White-Nichole Roeber

    North Carolina was founded by John White at Roanoke Island and was the first English settlement.
  • Jamestown is founded Zach Cavazos

    Captain John Smith led settlers to Virginia and named the town in the name of their king (King James I).
  • Jamestown was founded-madison turner

  • Slavory Morgan Bartlett 1609

    The slave trade began when English people saw that the Spanish were making a lot of money selling people to work for the plantation owners living in what is now called America. The English developed this idea and started trading slaves for goods with the chiefs of the tribes in the west of Africa. Settle in Jamestown named after by King James 1st
  • Slavery introduced in Jamestown-Nichole Roeber

    This was a major place for slave trading and buying.
  • Dutch sell Slaves in Virginia-Francisco Melendez

    Dutch ships headed for Barbados had slaves on them and got sold in Virginia
  • Mayflower Compact - Kaleb Neptune

    The Mayflower Compact was signed on 11 November 1620 on board the Mayflower, which was at anchor in Provincetown Harbor. The document was drawn up in response to "mutinous speeches" that had come about because the Pilgrims had intended to settle in Northern Virginia, but the decision was made after arrival to instead settle in New England.
  • The Mayflower landed at plymouth Rock. - Kaleb Neptune

    The Pilgrims arrived on Plymouth, Massachusetts, Dec. 11th 1620
  • European's discovered the Iroquois Indians - Kaleb Neptune

    When Europeans first arrived in North America, the Iroquois were based in what is now the northeastern United States, primarily in what is referred to today as upstate New York west of the Hudson River
  • Europeans discover The Cherokees - Kaleb Neptune

    The Cherokees are original residents of the American southeast region, particularly Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
  • Europeans discovered the Cahokia Indians - Kaleb Neptune

    The Cahokia's where located in the American Bottom floodplain, between East Saint Louis and Collinsville in south-western Illinois, across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, Missouri
  • European's discovered the Aztec's - Kaleb Neptune

    The Aztec indians where the indians that lived on the land that is present day California and Texas.
  • City Upon a Hill" by John Winthrop Morgan Bartlett

    Winthrop sailed west on the Arbella the spring of 1630, Puritan John Winthrop's 1630 sermon "A Model of Christian Charity". Winthrop admonished the future Massachusetts Bay colonists that their new community would be a "city upon a hill", watched by the world.
  • South Carolina becomes a colony-Nichole Roeber

    King Charles gave the land to 8 noble men known as the Lords Proprietors.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony-Francisco Melendez

    The Masssachusetts Bay Colony legalizes slavery.
  • William Penn born-Nichole Roeber

    Born in London, England.
  • navigation acts- kimberlee cuevas

    imported and exported by british ships and were not enforced
  • Massachusetts and Conneticut limited slavery- Hunter Hunt

    In 1652 Rhode Island law limited bond service to no more than 10 years or until the person turns 24.
  • Navigation Acts - Megan Smiley

    Three acts passed from 1660-1673 that put restrictions on trade. They were not enforced.
  • The Navigation Act- Rachel Martin

    The Navigation Acts were a series of events that prohibited other ships besides English charter ships from delivering goods.
  • Maryland recognizes slavery for life-Francisco Melendez

    Maryland becomes the first colony to enact laws that recognize slavery for life. Under prior English law slaves who became Christians were granted freedom.
  • Virginia passes a law revoking...- Hunter Hunt

    Virginia passes a law revoking...- Hunter Hunt
    Virginia passes a law revoking the English law that allows for slaves that converted to Christianity to become free.
  • Virginia revokes slave law-Francisco Melendez

    Virginia passes a law revoking the prior English law that allowed for slaves that converted to Christianity to become free.
  • king philips war-kimberlee cuevas

    an armed conflict between the indians and the English colonists
  • Charlestown became center town of the Southern colonies-Nichole Roeber

    This was the main town for trading and was one of the biggest plantation towns of the south.
  • Pennsylvania founded-Nichole Roeber

    The land was given to Willaim Penn by King Charles II because the King owed Penn's father a great debt.
  • Marylou Ramirez

    October 4 1682 The United States Navy began a blockade of Galveston Harbor in July 1861, but the town remained in Confederate hands for the next fourteen months
  • computer invented-madison turner

  • Joshua Lup,The Anglo population in the English colonies in America reaches 275,000- Joshua Lup

    with Boston (pop. 7000) as the largest city, followed by New York (pop. 5000).
  • Joshua Lup, Yale is founded

    The French establish a settlement at Detroit. In October, Yale College is founded in Connecticut.
  • Slaves causing damage- Hunter Hunt

    Slaves causing damage- Hunter Hunt
    An insurrection of slaves caused property damage and in turn were punished or executed in New York.
  • first slaves used-madison turner

  • Joshua Lup, First slaves in Lousisiana Territory

    The first group of black slaves is brought to the Louisiana territory
  • french and indian war rivarly in india-madison turner

  • indian group cherokees were founded-madison turner

  • Joshua Lup, Population slaves is 75,000

    The population of black slaves in the American colonies reaches 75,000.
  • North and South Carolina beomce separate royal colonies-Nichole Roeber

    They separated due to their differences.
  • Joshua Lup: Baltimore founded

    Baltimore is founded in the Maryland colony.
  • George Washington Birth - Jakub Walters

    1732 George Washington was born. This is important becasue he was the first President of the United States, and his leadership help win the revolutionary war.
  • Georgia is founded- Hunter Hunt

    Georgia is founded- Hunter Hunt
    Georgia was founded by the spanish and was named after King George the second. Half of the population is slaves.
  • Differences between North and South-Rosario Tovalin

    New England (North) Colonies were settled by more religious, skilled, educated colonists, while the South Colonists population were mostly convicts, not so skilled, and they focus more in gain profit.
  • John Adams is born- Hunter Hunt

    John Adams is born- Hunter Hunt
    He was a founding father, an American lawyer, statesman and political theorist.
  • Runnaway Slaves -Francisco Melendez

    Previous runaway slaves had made their way to Florida, where they had been given freedom and land. The Spanish had issued a proclamation stating that any slave who deserted to St. Augustine, Florida would be given freedom.
  • The Great Awakening - Monica Ortiz

    The "Great Awakening," even if it cannot be traced directly to the American Revolution, at least helped to bring the colonies closer together religiously and ideolgically in the decades preceding the war. The rise of dissent from teh Church of England in the Middle and Southern colonies allowed for the loosening of religious, civi, and social ties between the southern colonist and England.
  • Thomas Jefferson Born - Jakub Walters

    Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743. He is the Fatehr of the Declaration of Independence. This caused a stable government for the United States.
  • Joshua Lup, The Iron Act is passed by the English Parliament

    The Iron Act is passed by the English Parliament, limiting the growth of the iron industry in the American colonies to protect the English Iron industry.
  • John Locke- Cynthia Patterson

    rejected the notion that humans were born deprived and could not be rehibilitated if placed in a healthier environment.
  • James Madison Morgan Bartlett

    James Madison Morgan Bartlett
    Born: 16 March 1751 and Died: 28 June 1836. He also contributed to The Federalist Papers to explain his advocacy for a strong federal government. Father of the Constitution
  • french and indian war-kimberlee cuevas

    the british military successfully penetrated the heartland of the New France
  • John Marshall was born- Hunter Hunt

    John Marshall was born- Hunter Hunt
    He was the Chief Justice of the United States from 1801-1835.
  • Alexander Hamilton is born- Hunter Hunt

    Alexander Hamilton is born- Hunter Hunt
    He was a Founding Father, a soldier, economist, and political philosopher.
  • Seven Years' War - Monica Ortiz

    The causes and outcome of the Seven Years' War and about the British attitude toward the colonists during that war helped shape a negative colonial view of the British and so sputted the emergence of the resistance movement. The consequences of the Seven Years' War on the British, on their North American colonies, and on the relationship between the two explained in the differing frames of reference of the British and the colonists.
  • Civil War begins-Daniel Moran

    The South secedes from the Union and the Civil War begins. The first battle of the civil war was the bombardment of Fort Sumter. Lincoln held the nation together.
  • The Proclamation of 1763 Zach Cavazos

    Prohibited us to move west of the Applachian Mountains.
  • proclamation 1763- kimberlee cuevas

    prohibits any settlement west of the appalachian mountains.
  • Aug 14, 1764 is the Stamp Act Rebellion Day in the United States

  • The Sugar Act Rosario Tovalin

    A tax imposed by the British on imported sugar, molases, and other goods into the colonies. It created more strict methods of enforcement.
  • Taxation without Representation-Rosario Tovalin

    After Britain stablished the Sugar Act, the colonist opposed the enactment of this act in the believe that they cannot be enforced to pay new taxes without legal representation being a violation of their most"essential rights as freemen."
  • sugar act- cynthia patterson

    increased tax on sugar, indigo, and tea but forbid the import of foreign wine
  • currency act

    regulated paper money
  • The Stamp Act-Rosario Tovalin

    Britain passes the Stamp Act which forces the colonists to use special stamped paper for anylegal documents, printed materials,
    news papers, and playing cards. This action caused violence and protests in the major urban areas and harrasment of renenue officers. Next, colonial representatives meet for stamp act congress.
  • mason and dixson line Morgn Bartlett

    Originally the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania in the United States. The 233-mi (375-km) line was surveyed by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon in 1765 – 68 to define the disputed boundaries between the land grants of the Penns, proprietors of Pennsylvania, and the Baltimores, proprietors of Maryland. The term was first used in congressional debates leading Today the Mason and Dixon Line still serves figuratively as the political and social dividing line between the North and the South
  • Stamp Act - Lindsay O'Donnell

    The stamp act was a Tax enforced on the colonist from England to pay for the French and Indian war. Since being at war cost a country a ton or money, England was starting to become broke because they have been at war for decades. This caused the colonist to become discouraged and started talking about breaking away from England.
  • Quartering Act - Monica Ortiz

    This bill required that Colonial Authorities to furnish barracks and supplies to British troops. in 1766, it was expanded to public houses and unoccupied buildings, and was updated again June 2, 1774, to include occupided buildings.
  • Stamp Act - Keith Dobson

    The Stamp Act was the first act passed solely upon the colonies. It was made so the colonies could pay off Englands debt from the French and Indian War.
  • stamp act- cynthia patterson

    first tax on the colonies to pay for the french and indian war.

    ANDREW JACKSON BORN IN RURAL SOUTH DAKOTA born too Andrew and Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson-dakota hegar
  • Andrew Jackson born-Paige Slater

    Andrew Jacksons was born in 1767 in a backwoods settlement in the Carolinas receiveing onl y sporadic eductaion growing up.
  • Boston Masacar - Jakub Walters

    Boston Masacar - Jakub Walters
    The Boston Masacre was caused by the British Army was trying settle down roiting colonists that were upset about the Townshed Acts. The Boston Masacre was important becase five colonists died, adn this event helped lead to the Revlutionary War.
  • Boston Massacre

    The first man to die was a black man.
  • Boston Massacre-Valeria Porras

    A confrontation between a group of bonstonians and British troops, during which the troops opened fire on the citizens, killing five of them.
  • Joshua Lup, population grows to 2,210,000

    The population of the American colonies reaches 2,210,000 persons.
  • townsand act- cynthia patterson

    was used after the repeal of the stamp act.
  • The Gaspee - Brittany Bryan

    Drunks stole the boat that was bringing in supplies. (start if the Boston Tea Party)
  • San Admas calls for meeting - Lindsay O'Donnell

    San Admas calls for a meeting with all the colonies after all the destructive events England has imposed on the colonists. This was the first time that all the states met up in agreement that something needs to be done about England's control over the colonies. At the meeting, they decided that as soon as England imposes something on one of the colonies, a delegate from that colony will inform the other colonies of the event so everyone is informed on what’s happening.
  • Committees of Correspondence - Monica Ortiz

    One of the major results of the Boston Massacre. Established by Samuel Adams, it consisted of three to five "leading citizens" in each colony that pledged to keep the other coonies aware of any events in their colony. As an example, in Virginia, the leading citizens were Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison and a few others. The formation of this Commitee served a the first "unofficial" grouping of our Founing Father joined all the colonies into a "We" versus "them."
  • The Tea Act - Brittany Bryan

    Passed to keep the East Indian Tea Colonie from going broke. (Contributed to the Boston Tea Party)
  • Boston Tea Party

    The American colonists that began dumping tea off the British ships called themselves, Sons of Anarchy. They were dressed as Indians.
  • tea act- cynthia patterson

    the East India Company had been required to sell its tea exclusively in London on which it paid a duty which averaged two shillings and six pence per pound
  • Boston Tea Party - Monica Ortiz

    The Boston Tea Party was a symbolic act, an example of how far American's were willing to speak out for their freedom. Two short years later, Americans were wiling to give their lives for thier freedom, as shots rang out on Lexington Green.
  • Administration of Justice Act - Zach Cavazos

    British officials could not be tried in provincial courts for capital crimes, giving the British power to do whatever they wished, because no punishment would be given to them while they were in the colonies since they would just be sent back to Britain.
  • Massachsetts Government Act - Zach Cavazos

    Annulled the charter of the colonies, giving the British governor complete control of the town meetings, and taking control out of the hands of the colonialists.
  • Quebec Act - Zach Cavazos

    Extended the Canadian borders to cut off the colonies of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Virginia.
  • Boston Port Bill - Zach Cavazos

    The bill closed off the port of Boston to all colonists until the damages of the Boston Tea Party were paid off.
  • John Adams Delegate - Jakub Walters

    John Adams became a Delegate from Massachusetts to the Continental Congress. This got John Adams name out there as a interlectual patriot, which led to his vice presdincy to George Washington.
  • The continental Congress-- Rachel Martin

    Two elite groups met from each of the 13 colonies to discuss the matters at hand with the British trying to oppress them. They met in secret to come up with a plan for the intolerable acts.
  • Joshua Lup, the First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia with 56 delegates

    representing every colony, except Georgia. Attendants include Patrick Henry, George Washington, Sam Adams and John Hancock.
  • "Give me liberty or give me death" - Jakub Walters

    Patrick Henery gave his speech "Give me liberty or give me death" to boost patroits spiruts agains Great Britain. This helped encourged people to support the Revolutionary War.
  • The Second Continental Congress is held in Philadelphia - Zach Cavazos

    Where John Hancock is elected the president of the commitee.
  • The Battle Of Bunker Hill - Zach Cavazos

    The first major and significant battle between British and American troops.
  • Pennsylvania Abolition Society-Francisco Melendez

    The Pennsylvania Abolition Society is organized to protect the rights of blacks unlawfully held as slaves.
  • Common Sense - Keith Dobson

    Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine. Became one of the driving forces of the Revolution. Began to form as a nation due to Common Sense
    Common Sense was used in both the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence- Ashton Phillips
  • The North Carolina Assembly- Bryan Mateus

    The North Carolina Assembly was the first to empower its deligates and the continental congress to vote for independence from Britain.
  • jefferson/declaration of independence-Dakota Hegar

    Thomas Jefferson submits his final draft of the Declaration, and a committee revised it and submitted it in june of 1776. six days later it was signed and put into effect, and was basically the piece of paper that started the revolution.
  • Declartion is submitted to congress

    When the declaration was submitted six changes were made, it was shortened as well.
  • Declaration of Independence- Daniel Moran

    Declaration of Independence- Daniel Moran
    The colonial government came together to declare themselves as free from England. The colonies were not happy with the rule of England, so they decided to break apart and declare themselves as independent states. The signing of the Declaration of Independence was important because it proved to Englad that the colonies were serious about breaking away. This later caused the colonies to become their own independent states.
  • Declaration of Independence is signed- Valeria Porras

    The declaration of independence is signed this day and approved by congress. It was a public defense of America's decision to declare independence from Britain that was to be printed and sent to the individual states.
  • declaration of independence- kimberlee cuevas

    Unanimous declaration of the thirteen colonies
  • Naval Base at Newport - Bryan Mateus

    The Naval Base at Newport, Rhode Island is captured by the British
  • Crossing the Deleware - Jakub Watlers

    General George Washington, crossed the Delaware River on Christmas night and mached his men nine miles inot Trenton. They attacked the Hessian troops allied with Great Britian. This helped boost the moral of colonists troops.
  • George Washington Victory-- Rachel Martin

    George Washington led his troops to a British post in New Jersey, where they defeated the British in a surprise attack on Christmas.
  • Vermont abolishes slavery-Francisco Melendez

    Vermont, an American colony and still not a state, is the first government entity to abolish slavery.
  • Henry Clay- Morgan Bartlett

    Henry Clay- Morgan Bartlett
    Born on april 12,1777 die on June 29,1852.Served as the Speaker of the House of Representatives and later became the leader of the new Whig Party. He was defeated for the presidency three times. Known asThe "Great Compromiser" of 19th century U.S. politics. He is best remembered for his role in the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the 1850 Compromise Act, temporary fixes to the slavery issue settled later by the Civil War.
  • Battle of Germantown and Brandywine --Rachel Martin

    Sir William Howe led the British to two victories against George Washington. This caused the British to rule Philadelphia for another season.
  • Battle of Saratoga- Cody Valenzuela

    this battle is important because this is the battle that was the turning point in the American Revolutionary war.
  • Battle of Saratoga - Jakub Walters

    General Burgoyne surrendeered to colonist General Gates. Burgoyne attacked the colonists troops new the town of Saratoga, and 86 percent of Burgoyne troops were captured. This is important becasue it gave the colonists hope to winning the war.
  • The Articles of Confederation - Brittany Bryan

    The final choice is up to the states, the people of the states.
  • Vermont-Veronica Mateus

    Vermont, an American colony and still not a state, is the first government entity to abolish slavery.
  • Battle of Valley Forge - Jakub Walters

    Battle of Valley Forge - Jakub Walters
    The Battle of Valley Forge was a superise attack lead by George Washington. He lead his 11,000 men into Pennsylvania, to atack the British troops while they were celbrating the Christmas Hlidays. This is important becasue it boosted the colonists morale. This inspired the French military to help the colonists win the Revolutionary War.
  • created peace commision-Bryan Matus

    A Peace Commission is created by the British Parliament to negotiate with the Americans. The commission then travels to Philadelphia where its offers granting all of the American demands, except independence, are rejected by Congress.
  • replacement of henry clinton-bryan mateus

    British General Henry Clinton replaces Gen. Howe as commander of all British forces in the American colonies.
  • terror against frontier settlements-bryan mateus

    A campaign of terror against American frontier settlements, instigated by the British, begins as 300 Iroquois Indians burn Cobleskill, New York.
  • clinton withdraws troops-bryan mateus

    Fearing a blockade by French ships, British Gen. Clinton withdraws his troops from Philadelphia and marches across New Jersey toward New York City. Americans then re-occupy Philadelphia.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation were written in 1778 to 1779. They were a league of friendship. It said that the states would defend each other and recognize legal proceedings and return criminals to the state where they committed the crime.
  • Commercial Treaty of 1778- Jessica Payen

    A Treaty of Alliance was formed in a defensive agreement that stated that France would ally with the US if either were to go to war with Britain.
  • The battle of Stoney Point Rachel Martin

    An elite group of colonial soldiers attacked the British along the Hudson River. This was a major victory for Americans because it prevented the British from attacking their colonies on the coastal towns of Connecticut and New York.
  • peace plan- bryan mateus

    A peace plan is approved by Congress which stipulates independence, complete British evacuation of America and free navigation on the Mississippi River.
  • defeat of indians and loyalist forces-bryan mateus

    American forces defeat the combined Indian and Loyalist forces at Elmira, New York. Following the victory, American troops head northwest and destroy nearly 40 Cayuga and Seneca Indian villages in retaliation for the campaign of terror against American settlers.
  • winter quarters- bryan mateus

    Washington sets up winter quarters at Morristown, New Jersey, where his troops will suffer another harsh winter without desperately needed supplies, resulting in low morale, desertions and attempts at mutiny.
  • british Gen. sets sail-bryan mateus

    British Gen. Clinton sets sail from New York with 8000 men and heads for Charleston, South Carolina, arriving there on Feb. 1.
  • Arnold appointed commander- bryan mateus

    • Benedict Arnold is appointed commander of West Point. Unknown to the Americans, he has been secretly collaborating with British Gen. Clinton since May of 1779 by supplying information on Gen. Washington's tactics.
  • Pennsylvania abolishes slavery-Francisco Melendez

    Pennsylvania became the first state to abolish slavery with a laws calling for gradual abolition.

    Andrew Jackson fought in the Battle of Hanging Rock where he was captured by British forces
  • Pennsylvania - Veronica Mateus

    Pennsylvania became the first state to abolish slavery with a laws calling for gradual abolition.
  • Articles of Confedeteraion - Jakub Walters

    The Articles of Confederation were adopted. This is important because it helped with the idea of the Constitution, and gave the Colonists a government while they were fighting the Revolutionary War.
  • Battle of Yorktown - Rachel Martin

    With the help of the French, George Washington had another victory in Yorktown, Virginia.
  • Daniel Webster Morgan Bartlett

    Daniel Webster Morgan Bartlett
    Born on Jan 18,1782 die Oct 24 ,1852. Webster’s support of the Compromise of 1850. Is best known as an enthusiastic nationalist and as an advocate of business interests during the period of the Jacksonian agrarianism.he Defense the constitution. Congress had been given the power to levy duties only for raising revenue, and the growth of factories would create a propertyless working class that would threaten society.
  • John C. Calhoun Morgan Bartlett

    John C. Calhoun Morgan Bartlett
    Born: 18 March 1782 and Died: 31 March 1850. Most famous for his role in the pre-Civil War debate over states' rights. In the early 1830s over the issue of federal tariffs: Calhoun claimed that states could nullify federal laws. Calhoun became a symbol for southern unity and his likeness was used on the currency of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. Calhoun, Clay and Daniel Webster, were dubbed the "Great Triumvirate" for their oratory and statesmenship.
  • Joshua Lup, The Dutch recognize the United States of America

    The Dutch recognize the United States of America as a result of negotiations conducted in the Netherlands by John Adams.
  • Peace Treaty ends Revolutionary War - Jordan Ebbs

  • Treaty of Paris

    Signed by both Britain and the United States, officially ended the American Revolution.
  • Treaty of Paris, Guillermo Hinojos

    The Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783, ended the American Revolutionary War between Great Britain on the one hand and the United States of America and its allies on the other.
  • Massachussetts abolishes slavery-Francisco Melendez

    Massachusetts abolishes slavery and grants voting rights to blacks and Native Americans.
  • Massachussetts

    Massachusetts abolishes slavery and grants voting rights to blacks and Native Americans
  • Massachusetts - Veronica Mateus

    Massachusetts abolishes slavery and grants voting rights to blacks and Native Americans
  • British Acknowledgement - Keith Dobson

    After the American Revolution, Britain officially acknowledges the United States as independent from Britain.
  • Ben Franklin invents bifocal glasses J. Rachele Williams

    In Franklins later years he was having trouble both seeing up close and at a distance, so he came up with the bifocal glasses that would help him see at both distances without having to swap out glasses. The distance lens was set at the top and the up close lens was set at the bottom allwowing him to read and see things across the room whenever needed.
  • THe 3/5 Compromise - Brittany Bryan

    Slaves were counted as 3/5 for voters and 3/5 for property
  • Period: to


  • Shays Rebellion, Guillermo Hinojos

    Shays' Rebellion was an armed uprising in central and western Massachusetts from 1786 to 1787. The rebellion is named after Daniel Shays, a veteran of the American Revolutionary War.
  • Shay's Rebellion - Cynthia Patterson

    Daniel Shay led a rebellion against state legislature after the state raised taxes on land. Nearly 2000 debtor farmers in western Massachusettes were threatened with forclosure of their mortgage property.
  • Armed mob prevents the Northampton Court from holding a session-Rene Ruiz

    In Massachusetts, to prevent debtors from being tried and put in prison, ex-Revolutionary War Captain Daniel Shays, who is now a bankrupt farmer, leads an armed mob and prevents the Northampton Court from holding a session.
  • Shay's Rebellion 1787 Morgan Bartlett

    Daniel Shay and other farmers rebel againts the state because of high land taxes. This rebellion influenced massachusetts's ratiffication of the U.S. constitution which it achieved some of its legislative goals
  • Articles of Confederation-Dakota Hegar

    The Continental Congress adopts a resolution to have call apon a committe of state delegate to change the Articles of Confederation.
  • Constitutional Convention, Guillermo Hinojos

    The Constitutional Convention took place from May 14 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to address problems in governing the United States of America, which had been operating under the Articles of Confederation following independence from Great Britain.
  • Phiadelphia Convention- Kimberlee Cuevas

    -George Washington was elected president of the convention.
    -Slaves were allowed to be counted as 3/5 persons for the purpose of apportionong representatives and determining electoral votes.
  • Period: to

    The Great Compromise - Brittany Bryan

    How we made it work, "a senate and a house"
  • Northwest Ordinance-Veronica Mateus

    Act of the Congress of Confederation of the United States
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Act of the Congress of the Confederation of the United States
  • The Federalist Papers-Rosario Tovalin

    They were created by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, Debating Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists idea the Federalists fupported a strong central government while anti-Federalist didn't. The Federalist papers help in interpretering the Constitution and the Civil Rights, It continues to be the text most often cited by the Supreme Court when trying to identify the original understanding of provisions of the Constitution.
  • The Ratification of the Constitution - Zach Cavazos

    Delegates of every state got together to approve the documents that would make up the constitutution. Through the next couplw of years up to 1789 when the constion was finalized delegates continued to argue and discuss flaws with the document.
  • The Federalist papers- Hunter Hunt

    The Federalist papers- Hunter Hunt
    The federalist papers were written during October 1787 to August 1788.
  • 3/5 Compromise- Benjamin Bradbery

    This act was added to the constitution for the south the ratify it. It allowed three of every Five of slaves to be counted.
  • The Great Compromise- Ashton Phillips

    The Great Compromise occured between the Small and large states. The problem was the representation in the senate and how they could make the numbers fair.
  • Constitutional Convention of 1787- Jessica Payen

    Was held to compromise on numerous key points in order to create a new constitution suitable for all the states.
  • Federalist papers - Monica Ortiz

    The Federalist Papers were written and published during the years 1787 and 1788 in several New York State newspapers to persuade New York voters to ratify the proposed constitution.
  • Northwest Ordinance - Olivia Baltazar

    The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was enacted by congress in order for the United States to expand it's terriories further than the original thirteen colonies. Basically, this was established in order to create a provisional government the stretched passed the Ohio River after the US gained that terriory after the Revolutionary War. Also, it made sure that the people who lived on the lands each were guaranteed their Bill of Rights and prohibited slavery in these regions as well.
  • Great Compromise- Cynthia Patterson

    constitutional convention centered on how many represenatives each state should have in the new governments law making branch, the U.S congress
  • U.S Constitution - Keith Dobson

    Became the new "standard" of the United States government. It was ratified by the US states known as "The People."
  • Constitutional Convention 1787-Paige Slater

    Madison wrote most of the U.S. Constitiution at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. His Constitution created a strong federal government.
  • Delaware-Dakota Hegar

    Delaware is the First state to ratify the constitution, followed by Pennsylvania, New Jersey, etc.
  • Onstitutionail convention of 1787

    Madison writes most of the constitution.
  • North bans slavery-Nichole Roeber

    The north banned slavery from everything north of the northwest borders.
  • Constitutional Convention of 1787-Corey Blackmon

    Madison wrote most of the U.S. Constitution.
  • Constitution of the US

    A formal announcement is made by the president of Congress that the Constitution of the United States is now in effect.
  • Virgina and Louisiana Purchase Morgan Bartlett

    The Kentucky and Virginia legislatures took the position that the federal Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.
    The Resolutions argued that the states had the right and the duty to declare unconstitutional any acts of Congress that were not authorized by the Constitution.
  • Federalist Papers - Keith Dobson

    Papers written by Alexander Hamiltion, John Jay, and James Madison to promote the passing of the new Constitution. Consisted of 85 articles.
  • Constitution of the United States Morgan Bartlett

    The main idea of the constitution is the frame work of the government. The convention first met on September 17th, 1787. The constitution took effect March 4th, 1789. The Constitution addresses to the states and the 13 colony.It's main purpose is clearly determined in the Preamble. also it did not deal with slaves, they just compremise.
  • First Presidential Election, Guillermo Hinojos

    The Electoral College elected Washington unanimously as the first president in 1789; he remains the only president to have received 100 percent of the electoral votes.
  • Washington Elected -Landry Serrano

    Washington Elected -Landry Serrano
    George Washington is elected first president of the United States in New York City.
  • George Washington- Kimberlee Cuevas

    George Washington was the first prestident and was elected convention president by unanimous vote.
  • Bill of Rights-Dakota Hegar

    The United States adope the Bill of Rights, which contains the first 10 admendments, and sends it too the states to be ratified.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts, Guillermo Hinojos

    These were three laws that were passed because people feared that the French were sending spies to the US. These laws were the Naturalization Act, the Alien Act which gave the president the power to deport any alien who was seen as a treat to the American government.
  • Madison Elected to House of Representitves - Jakub Walters

    James Madison was elected into the House of Representive in 1789. He introduced the Bill of Rights. This introduced civil rights into the consittuiton.
  • Judiciary Act - Olivia Baltazar

    Under Article III of the US Consitiution, it made it so that lower federal courts could be established. Now, there would be a Supreme Court and lower tiral and appearl courts, This went along with the Checks and Balances of power.
  • George Washington - Keith Dobson

    George Washington unanimously becomes the 1st president of the United States. After American Revolution became the perfect and most deserving choice as president.
  • Whiskey Rebellion- Cynthia Patterson

    a tax on whiskey that was protested by the people.
  • mr.president

    Jan 8th - US President George Washington delivers 1st "State of the Union" address
  • First Supreme Court Assembled-Landry Serrano

    First Supreme Court Assembled-Landry Serrano
    The Supreme court first assembled in the Merchants Exchange Building in New York City, John Jay was the first chief justice.
  • Benjamin Franklin dies- Rene Ruiz

    Benjamin Franklin dies in Philadelphia at age 84. His funeral four days later draws over 20,000 mourners.
  • Joshua Lup, Benjamin Franklin dies in Philadelphia at age 84

    His funeral four days later draws over 20,000 mourners.
  • mr. president- Matt Whitworth

    Jan 8th - US President George Washington delivers 1st "State of the Union" address
  • 1790- Industrial Revolution and the Civil War

    Advances in modern tecnology help the transition of ideals, equipment,poeple , and medicine
  • Hamilton's Financial Policy-Rosario Tovalin

    Hamilton visited all of the states to persuade them to handle all of their debths to the government so they can be paid off. This action caused the states to be in debth with government and now they are forced to pay federal taxes. It is important because now we continued to pay federal taxes up todate.
  • Whiskey Act- Marie Howell

    A Tax put on domestically made whiskey to help pay the national debt.
  • Rachel Jackson-Rosario Tovalin

    Jackson married Rachel Jackson after she filed papers to divorce her first husband. Later on they found out that de the finalization of her divorse didn't went through, so she was accused of poligamy and Jackson of adultary. they adopted a idian child who died before he reached adult hood-dakota hegar
  • Bill of Rights, Guillermo Hinojos

    The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which limit the power of the U.S. federal government.
  • Bill Of Rights- Keith Dobson

    Introduced by James Madison to the First US Congress. Protected the individual rights of American citizens that can not be taken away without due process of law.
  • Vermont - Veronica Mateus

    Vermont becomes the fourteenth state and enters the Union as a free state. First state to be admitted after the adoption of the Constituiton by the 13 original states.
  • Jackson gets married-Sarah Coutu

    Jackson marries Rachel Robards. She had been previously married and comes to find out that that divorce was never finalized... This then marred Jacksons name as a homewrecker and that his wife was a whore and their marriage was illegitamate.
  • Bill of Rights Morgan Bartlett

    An equal concern to many was the fear that the Constitution did not sufficiently protect individual rights and freedoms.The Bill of Rights is a series of Amendments to the Constitution and, therefore, is not subject to repeal by Congressional action.
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    June 1, 1792 Kentucky becomes the fifteenth state and enters the Union as a slave state.
  • Kentucky joins- Hunter Hunt

    Kentucky joins- Hunter Hunt
    Kentucky becomes the fifteenth state of the United States and enters the Union as another slave state.
  • Kentucky - Veronica Mateus

    Kentucky becomes the fifteenth state and enters the Union as a slave state
  • French King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette executed- Jordan Ebbs

    Suspended and arrested as part of the insurrection of 10 August 1792, he was tried by the National Convention, found guilty of high treason, and executed by guillotine on 21 January 1793
  • Eli Whitney invents Cotton Gin-Valeria porras

    The modern mechanical cotton gin was invented in 1793 by Eli Whitney
  • Fugitive Slave Act - Olivia Baltazar

    Congress had passes the Fugitive Slave Act in order so that any runaway slave could be captured and retreived back to their owners. Also, anyone who was found guilty of helping hid runaway slaves were fined $500. This act was largely opposed by the northern states.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    This act basically stated that if any slave were to escape from their owners, the owner can go and retreive them even if they flee in a free state. People would were accused of hiding runaway slaves were fined. The Northern states highly disapproved.
    did not detour many slaves from trying to run thought-dakota hegar
  • Sovereign immunity-Dakota Hegar

    The llth Admendment is passed which states that a person from one state cannot sue a different state that they do not reside in.
  • Cotton Gin- Jessica Payen

    Invented by Eli Whitney during the Industrial Revolution.
  • Whisky Rebellion - Monica Ortiz

    The whisky Rebellion gives Jefferson a hard time. West doesn't want the whisky rebellion. If they don't pay the army will come visit them. Some historians say it was an attempt to overthrow our democracy and establish a police state ruled by a small elite with George Washington as king. It brought us to the brink of civil war.
  • Naturalization Act - Brittany Bryan

    Use to naturalization to bring in voters
  • exradition treaty

    Jun 24th - US & Great Britain sign Jay Treaty, 1st US extradition treaty
  • French Directory - Jordan Ebbs

    The French Directory was a body of five Directors that held executive power in France
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    June 1, 1796 Tennessee becomes the sixteenth state and enters the Union as a slave state.
  • Tenessee admitted to union- Sarah Coutu

    Tenessee becomes a state and also joins the confederacy a couple days later. It became a major battle ground during the civil war.
  • Tennessee - Veronica Mateus

    Tennessee becomes the sixteenth state and enters the union a slave state
  • Adams beomces president

    Adams is elected 2nd President of the United States, and Jefferson becomes Vice President having the second highest electoral votes..
  • Adams is elected president

    Adams is elected second president of the United Statess & Jefferson becomes Vice President with the second highest elcoral votes. Adams was not inaugurated until March 4, of the following year.
    adams and jefferson dont get along till old age, when they became friends threw letters.-dakota hegar
  • John Adams elected President- Jessica Payen

    Adams was elected as VP in 1789 during Washington's term; after Washington's term ended, Adams ran agaisnt Thomas Jefferson for Presidency. Adams and Jefferson were rivals due to their disagreements in their beliefs over the limits of Federal power over the states and the indivial citizens.
  • XYZ Affair - Keith Dobson

    The United States became angry when sending embassadors to France, being unrecognized they were labeled as X, Y, and Z rather than their names.
  • XYZ Affairs - Monica Ortiz

    XYZ Affairs - Monica Ortiz
    The XYZ affair was when we sent over ambassadors and the french didn't recognize them. They called them XYZ, not even ABC. They called them XYZ which is offensive since its the last three letters of the alphabet.
  • XYZ Affair, Guillermo Hinojos

    • XYZ Affair, Three French agents, publicly referred to as X, Y, and Z demanded major concessions from the United States as a condition for continuing bilateral diplomatic relations.
  • 11th amendment- Sarah Coutu

    eleventh amendment is officially added to the constitution
  • Alien and Sedirion Acta- Devon Joseph

    The Alien and Sedition Acts were four different acts. The Naturalization act, The Alien act, The Alien enemies Act, and the Sedition Act
  • Alien Act Morgan Bartlett

    An Act Concerning Aliens yet it authorized the president to deport any resident alien considered "dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States.
  • Sedition Act Morgan Bartlett

    An Act in Addition to the Act Entitled.An Act for the Punishment of Certain Crimes against the United States and made it a crime to publish "false, scandalous, and malicious writing" against the government or certain officials
  • Alien and Sedition Acts, Guillermo Hinojos

    These were three laws that were passed because people feared that the French were sending spies to the US. These laws were the Naturalization Act, the Alien Act which gave the president the power to deport any alien who was seen as a treat to the American government.
  • Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

    Drafted by Jefferson and Madison. Proposed to Kentucky and Virginia. The state has the right and the duty to interpose itself between the federal government and the people.
  • Kentucky and Virginia Resolution

    Thomas jefferson and James Madison created the kentucky and virgina resolution to counter the Alien and Sedition acts
  • Kentucky and Virginia Resolution- Benjamin Bradbery

    The state has the right and duty to interpose itself if the federal government passes law, that the state views unconsitutional.
  • The XYZ Affair- Hunter Hunt

    It happened during the administraton of Adams that he interpreted an insult from France.
  • Alien Sedition Acts

    Four bills passed be federalists in 5th U.S. congress after the french revolutions. Reign of terror.
    Passed by John Adams.
    Some democratic republicans refused to enforce federalist lawss and even threatened to rebel and due to this the fed's threatened to send in an army and force them to capulate.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts- Cynthia Patterson

    alien act was used to deport anyone believed as dangerous and the sedition act was a law against malicious writing.
  • Kentuky and Virginia Resolution, Guillermo Hinojos

    Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, the Resolutions argued that the states had the right and the duty to declare unconstitutional any acts of Congress that were not authorized by the Constitution.
  • Nullification- Benjamin Bradbery

    The idea of nullification was brought about when the Kentucky and Virginia resolution was brought about. It is the right of the states to nullify a law if it feels it is unconstitutional.
  • The Logan Act

    The Logan Act, passed less than a year after the Alien and Sedition Acts, stated that US citizens could not interfere with any kind of negotiations between the US and a foreign nation.
  • Logan Act - Olivia Baltazar

    Was passed shortly after the Alien and Sedition Acts and it made sure that citizens of the United States could not interfere with negotiations between the US and other foreign nations.
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    February 28, 1800, act provided for the taking of the second census of the United States. The results of the 1800 census show a total population of 5,084,912 including 887,612 slaves or 17% of the population. Slaves are virtually non-existent in northern states and as high as 42% in South Carolina and 39% in Virginia.
  • Article III- Supreme Court - Rosario Tovalin

    The Supreme Court rules over Congress to deside under Article III of the Constitution if an act is unconstitutional.
  • Election of 1800- Benjamin Bradbery

    Jefferson and Adams run against each other in election.
  • Rachel Jackson- Ashton Phillips

    Rachel Jackson was the wife of Andrew Jackson. She was trouble from the get-go but he stayed by her side until she passed
  • The Midnight Appointments- Ashton Phillips

    Late night appointments made by Adams. This appointed John Marshall as cheif justice and Marbury the clerk of the courts in Philedelphia.
  • election of 1800 -Monica Ortiz

    The election of 1800 was a signifigant event in U.S. history. Jefferson was elected to presidency. This was the first time in U.S. history that power changes hand and noone dies. The power switched from federalist to anti - federalist.
  • Election resolution cont.

    Bayards decision was mostly based on the fact that Burr became so unreasonable by the time that the decision was made on Feb. 17,. that he was no longer veiwed as a man that could be reasoned with.
  • election resolution of 1800

    In the election of 1800, the two running candites, Jefferson and Burr tied for 73 electoral votes. This tie then moved to the hosue of reps. who then voted to make this decision. Meanwhile Jefferson tried to convience Burr to accept vice-presidency under him and Burr refused. Eventually the tie breaking decision rested soley in James Bayards hands and by the end of the dispute Bayard decided that Jefferson would be namde the 3rd president of the U.S.
  • Wahington D.C. becomes captial- Sarah Coutu

    becomes official capital of the united states. Residents had right to vote but not ones from the district of columbia.

    Thomas Jefferson takes office as the President of the United States.
  • John Marshall- Chelsey Morgan

    John Marshall was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
  • Joshua Lup, New York passes Emancipation Act

  • Thomas Jefferson is elected president Zach Cavazos

    This election marks the first transfer of power in the United States.
  • Jefferson elected president

    February 17, on the thirty-sixth ballot, Jefferson is elected president and Aaron Burr becomes vice president.
  • Thomas Jefferson elected president. Valeria Porras

    Following the election of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson becomes president in 1801
  • Midnight Appointments, Guillermo Hinojos

    President Adams midnight appoints John Marshall as Chief Justice; in the midnight just before leaving office John Adams appoints John Marshall as chief justice and Marbury to the Court of Philadelphia.
  • Joshua Lup,Population 5.3 million

  • city of jazz

    Jan 11th - Monroe & Livingston sail for Paris to buy New Orleans
  • Marbury v. Madison- Valeria Porras

    John Marshall asserts power of Supreme court to decide constitutionality of acts of Congress
  • Ohio- Veronica Mateus

    Ohio becomes the seventeenth state and enters the Union as a free state based on the terms of the Northwest Ordinance
  • Lousiana Purchase - Monica Ortiz

    New Orleans remains english, so they U.S. wants to buy it. They sell it for 40,000,000 but the U.S. Can't afford it so they change it to 20,000,000. Jefferson is a strict contsitutional, and the president has no right to buy property but he thinks it's whats best for the counrty to buy it.
  • Lousiana Purchase Morgan Bartlett

    Lousiana Purchase Morgan Bartlett
    The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition by the USA of 828,800 square miles of the French territory Louisiana in 1803. It more than doubled the size of the United States.
  • Louisiana Purchase, Guillermo Hinojos

    Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. First he authorized $40,000,000 to buy only the New Orleans Port, but because Napoleon who was the leader in France needed money really bad to keep fighting England, so he said he would sell the whole Louisiana Territory for $20,000,000.
  • Louisiana Purchase continued. J. Rachele Williams

    This Purchase consited of all of present day Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, And Nebraska; parts of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, New Mexico, and Northern Texas, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado, and Louisana. It doubled the size of the present U.S. and wa 828,000 square miles.
  • Lewis and Clark- Rosario Tovalin

    During the Louisiana Purchase, Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to perform an expedition to the Louisiana territory to explore about the geography, native plants and animals.
  • Marbury v. Madison- Marie Howell

    helped define the "checks and balances" of the
    American form of government.
  • Lewis And Clark Expedition- Ashton Phillips

    Lewis and Clark explored the new territory to make sure that it was suitable to be settled upon. Jefferson had sent them on this expedition and wanted to be with them enough that he considered giving up his presidency!
  • 1804 Slaver is illegal in the North - John La

    States in the North declare itself Free States
  • Alexander Hamilton Dies-Rene Ruiz

    Alexander Hamilton dies after being shot the previous day by Vice President Aaron Burr in a duel at Weehawken, New Jersey.
  • Lewis and Clark - Olivia Baltazar

    During Thomas Jefferson's presidency, he sent Lewis and Clark to go and explore the territories of the United States after the purchase the Louisiana Purchase. Jefferson wanted to know about the new land which had been aquired.
  • The return of Lewis & Clark - John La

    Afther accomplishing their task and returning to Washington D.C. Lewis and Clark , became American heros
    the expedition took two years and 25 days if you count lewis leaving from pittsburgh-dakota hegar
  • Henry Clay- Benjamin Bradbery

    Henry was a Senator and Representative from Kentucky.He was noted as a "great compromiser" after his efforts behind the compromise of 1850.
  • Jackson kills a man-Sarah Coutu

    Jackson gets very jealous over his wife alot. He kills a man in a duel over her.
  • Embargo Act of 1807, Guillermo Hinojos

    The Embargo Act of 1807 was an American laws restricting American ships from engaging in foreign trade between the years of 1807 and 1812. The Acts were diplomatic responses by presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison designed to protect American interests and avoid war.
  • congress prohbits the import of slaves J. Rachele Williams

    The bill prohibiting the inportation of slaves was first porposed in 1805 by a senator from Vermont, but was not passed by both houses of ongress until 1807. However due to the previouse restriction imposed by Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution, the law would only become effective on January 1, 1808.
  • 1807 - Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves - John La

    The Act passed to prohibit the acquistion of new slaves.
    Effectivly slowed the transalantic slave trade.
  • James Madison

    James Madison
    James Madison grew up in Virginia. He attended Princeton, graduating in two years, to later on marry Dolley Payne Todd .George Clinton was chosen to be his Vice President. He ran against Charles Princkney who opposed Jefferson in 1804. Madison was able to win 122 of the electoral votes. - Christina Marmolejo
  • Congress abolishes the slave trade-Nichole Roeber

    They saw it as a bad thing and got rid of it completely.
  • Abraham Lincoln born-Daniel Moran

    Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin on the Kentucky frontier. Abraham Lincoln later went on to become president of the United States.
  • Abraham Lincoln Morgan Bartlett

    Abraham Lincoln Morgan Bartlett
    Lincoln was nominated for the presidency by the Republican Party with Hannibal Hamlin as his running mate. He ran on a platform denouncing disunion and calling for an end to slavery in the territories.He is credited with holding the Union together and leading the North to victory in the Civil War. Further, his actions and beliefs led to the emancipation of African-Americans from the bonds of slavery.
  • Non-Intercourse Act, Guillermo Hinojos

    This Act lifted all embargoes on American shipping except for those bound for British or French ports. The intent was to damage the economies of the United Kingdom and France.
  • War of 1812-Corey Blackmon

    England had saw us as a nation and felt that if they didnt do something to hold us back that we could be very successful. So a battle at sea started between us and Britain.
  • War of 1812- Paige Slater

    This was a war faught between the Untied States and the British. A battle on the sea started since the British were impressing American sailors who felt threatened. The war ended with neither country accepting to change their behavior.
  • Louisiana becomes state-Dakota Hegar

    Louisiana is the 18th state admitted to the Union. Louisiana became the 18th state on April 30, 1812. It joined the Confederacy on January 26, 1861 and re-entered the Union after the Civil War.
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    April 30, 1812 Louisiana becomes the eighteenth state and enters the Union as a slave state.
  • Jackson becomes famous - Lindsay O'Donnell

    During the War of 1812, Andrew Jackson was called in to be a general. Jackson would fight right along with his troop and lead them from the front of the line and every stood in the back. He was very well respected and liked by the colonist after the war of 1812.
  • War of 1812- Benjamin Bradbery

    This war was between the British and the American Colonists. Occuring during Madison's term as president. Andrew Jackson was serving as General, and got the name "Old Hickory"
  • sweet treat

    January 11 1st pineapples planted in Hawaii
  • sweet treat- Matt Whitworth

    Jan 11th - 1st pineapples planted in Hawaii
  • Horeshoe Bend-Corey Blackmon

    Jackson's forces accomplish a crushing victory on the Tallapoosa River. Allies of the British were no longer a threat on the frontier.
  • Washington fire-Dakota Hegar

    led by General Robert Ross, the british set fire to many public buildings after the defeat at the battle of Bladensburg. this has been the only time since the american civil war that the capital building has been captured and occupied by an outside force.
  • The Jacksonian Democracy- Ashton Phillips

    This opened the doors to democracy and the idea to campaign came from this time period.
  • Creek War- Marie Howell

    Jackson's troops are victorious at Horseshoe Bend on the
    Tallapoosa River,
  • Treaty of Ghent-Corey Blackmon

    US and Great Britain agreed to the Treaty of Ghent which resolved none of the pre-war issues
  • Treaty of Ghent

    US and great britain agreeg to the treaty of Ghent but solved none of the pre war issues
  • Treaty of Ghent- Chelsey Morgan

    Treaty of Ghent was signed by Great Britian and the United States to end the war of 1812.
  • The Battle of New Orleans-Corey Blackmon

    The british suffered more than 2000 causalties to 6 of the U.S. killed. This resulted in a victory and restored the nations pride.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The highlight of Jackson's military career was his victory over British forces at the Battle of New Orleans in January 1815. The British suffered more than 2,000 casualties while the American sustained six killed and 10 wounded. This victory helped to restore the nation's pride following the embarrassing White House torching by the British and the government's ignominious flight. Jackson emerged a national hero.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The highlight of Jackson's military career was his victory over British forces at the Battle of New Orleans in January 1815. The British suffered more than 2,000 casualties while the American sustained six killed and 10 wounded. This victory helped to restore the nation's pride following the embarrassing White House torching by the British and the government's ignominious flight.
  • choo choo- Matt Whitworth

    Feb 6th - NJ issues 1st US railroad charter
  • Tariff Bill of 1816-Paige Slayer

    The Tariff Bill of 1816 was a short comprimise between the conflicting interests. No one was satisfied with this comprimise.
  • Tariff Bill of 1816

    Caused anger and resentment
  • Tarrif Bill-Corey Blackmon

    Protection was admitted as an incidental feature only, and the raising of revenue made the predominant principle in calculating duties
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    December 11, 1816 Indiana becomes the nineteenth state and enters the Union as a free state.
  • James Monroe elected president

    James Monroe elected president
    James Monroe was the fifth president of the united states of America. Kaleb Neptune
    last president from the founding fathers era-dakota hegar
  • James Monroe-Valeria Porras

    James Monroe is elected president and inaugurates the "era of Good Feeling"
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    December 10, 1817 Mississippi becomes the twentieth state and enters the Union as a slave state.
  • gas! - Matt Whitworth

    Feb 5th - 1st US gas co incorporated, Baltimore
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    December 3, 1818 Illinois becomes the twenty first state and enters the Union as a free state.
  • Mcculloch v Maryland- Daniel Moran

    The case debated whether or not Congress had the power to incorporate a bank pursuant to the Necessary and Proper Clause. The ruling stated that Congress does have the power to incorporate a bank.
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    December 14,1819 Alabama becomes the twenty second state and enters the Union as a slave state.
  • Missouri Compromise

    In 1820, Missouri applied to Congress for statehood. At the time, there were 11 free states and 11 slave states in the union. The people of Missouri wished to enter the union as a slave state. If Missouri entered the union as a slave state, the balance of power would be uneven. Northern states objected to the addition of a slave state Missouri and a compromise was needed. Henry Clay was able to work out a compromise that the north and soutn agreed on.
  • population- Matt Whitworth

    Feb 6th - US population announced at 9,638,453
  • Missouri Compromise 1820 Morgan Bartlett

    Congress admitted that Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a non-slave state at the same time, so that the balance between slave and free states in the nation would remain equal.
  • 1820- The Underground Railroad- John La

    Free thousands of slaves threw usage of secret passage raid by Haritte Tubman
  • Missouri Comprimise-Paige Slater

    The Missouri Comprimise of 1820 was the first warning sign that war was on the way. Missouri wanted to join the Union but the South did not want that to happened becuase then the South would not have as many votes in the senate and they did not think that would be fair so the South started to become paranoid that slavery would get taken away.
  • The Missouri Compromise of 1820 - John La

    To keep harmony between the slave and free states when the Missouri Territory was addmited, parts of Massachusetts became the free state of Maine and the rest of Missouri became the slave states
  • James Monroe re-elected-Landry Serrano

    James Monroe re-elected-Landry Serrano
    Last president who was a founding father. Supported Jefferson's ideas.
  • Missouri Compromise- kimberlee cuevas

    it was the issue of slavery in the new territories
  • New York gives free Blacks the right to vote-Rene Ruiz

    New York gives free Blacks the right to vote
  • 1822 -Vesey, Denmark- John La

    A freed slave whom brought his own freedom was accused of planning a rebellion in Charalston and than hanged.
  • the great state -matt whitworth

    Jan 3rd - Stephen F. Austin receives a grant of land in Texas from the government of Mexico
  • The Monroe Doctrine- Jessica Payen

    The Monroe Doctrine was the frist articulation of American foreign policy.
  • Jackson elected into senate-Sarah Coutu

    Jackson is elected int oUS senate. Immediately people start to view him as a presidential possibility.
  • Henry Clay and the Corrupt Bargain of 1824- Marie Howell

    After the votes were counted in the U.S. presidential election of 1824, no candidate had received a majority of the Presidential Electoral votes, thereby putting the outcome in the hands of the House of Representatives. To the surprise of many, the House elected John Quincy Adams over rival Andrew Jackson. It was widely believed that Henry Clay, the Speaker of the House at the time, convinced Congress to elect Adams, who then made Clay his Secretary of State. (via wikipedia)
  • Election of 1824-Corey Blackmon

    Jackson Gained most of the majority rule but lacked the electoral college vote. Jackson ended up losing the election.
  • Election of Jackson-Corey Blackmon

    Ran for president against John Quincy Adams, John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay and William Crawford.
  • John C. Calhouon- Benjamin Bradbery

    John C. calhoun was elected vice president during the presidency of John Adams. Then was reelected to serve again under Andrew Jackson.
  • Andrew Jacksons first run for Presidency- Marie Howell

    Jackson garnered the most popular votes but lacked electoral
  • John Q Adams elected President- Marie Howell

    Adams defeats Jackson in Presidential elections
  • clubs in boston- matt whitworth

    Feb 13th - American Temperance Society, forms in Boston
  • Abominable Tariff of 1828- Valeria Porras

    The Tariff of 1828 was a protective tariff passed by the Congress of the United States on May 19, 1828, designed to protect industry in the northern United States. It was labeled the Tariff of Abominations by its southern detractors because of the effects it had on the antebellum Southern economy
  • Election of Andrew Jackson- Paige Slater

    In 1828, Andrew Jackson won the presidency after he believed the election of 1824, won by Adams, had been stolen from him.
  • Andrew Jackson Election-RosarioTovalin

    This time Jackson won the election for President and was regarded as the Revolution of 1828, marking the rise of popular political participation. He organized a ball party and invited everyone, he opened the White House for the public, it was actually "the people's White House" as he called it. By the way, Andrews Jackson was Mrs. Akins favorite character of all Presidents.
  • Revolution of 1828- Sarah Coutu

    in the election of 1828, Jacksons election marked the begining of popular political participation.
  • Andrew Jackson- Chelsey Morgan

    Andrew Jackson took office in 1829 and served two terms. -Chelsey Morgan
    The "Jacksonian Democracy" opened the doors to democracy and starting campaigns.- Ashton Phillips
  • State v. Mann-Valeria Porras

    decision affirms the idea that the master's control over the slave is absolute
  • 1st railroad station is opened-Landry Serrano

    1st railroad station is opened-Landry Serrano
    First railroad station opened in Baltormore. Railroads were critical in expanding America.
  • Webster-Hayne Debate of 1830- Brittany Bryan

    To limit sales of public land

    On September 27, 1830, the Choctaw signed the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek and became the first Native American tribe to be voluntarily removed. This agrement represents one of the biggest transfers of land in the U.S. without warfare. This was the first tribe to be removed under the Indian removal act.
  • Martin Van Buren- Sarah Coutu

    Martin Van Buren knows he needs to get in with Jackson. Van Buren starts writing to jackson everyday and is pretty much starting to tell his own advice and input on what jackson should do. He influences Jackson by telling him he needs to be mad at Calhoun for wanting to court marshall Jackson. This leads to the Eaton Affair.
  • Indian Removal Act

    During Andrew Jackson's presidency, he signed a law that issued for the resettlement of Native American Inidans west of the Mississippi River. The Inidans who did not leave by choice were fored to do so. This was later known as the Trail of Tears in which thousands of Native Americans died.
  • Eaton Affair- Sarah Coutu

    Jefferson had an affair with a bar taverns daughter who came and visited the white house. Jeffersons vice presidents wife (Ms. Calhoun) was upset by this and moved away to South Carolina. Later on Jefferson heard that John Calhoun had done him wrong by wanting him court marshalled so he tells Calhoun he has 24 hours to vacate the white house so Calhoun moved to South Carolina with his wife.
  • Indians vs. Georgia-Dakota Hegar

    The Cherokee nation went to court with the state of Georgia after they learned they were being removed form their land and relocated. the argument was the indians were a forign nation in the sense of the U.S constition and laws, but were removed from their land anyway because of the indian removal act. Justice Marshall ruled over this proceding.
  • Nat Turners Rebellion- Chelsey Morgan

    A Virginia slave lead the biggest slave revolt in U.S history.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion-Valeria Porras

    A virginia slave leads the bloodiest slave uprising in U.S. history
  • The Treaty of Cussete-Dakota Hegar

    Following the Indian Removal Act, in 1832 the Creek National Council signed the Treaty of Cusseta, ceding their remaining lands east of the Mississippi to the U.S., and accepting relocation to the Indian Territory. Most Muscogee were removed to Indian Territory during the Trail of Tears in 1834, although some remained behind.
  • The Tariff Act of 1832 reduces duties-Francisco Melendez

    The Tariff Act of 1832 reduces duties. The South, still dissatisfied threatens secession. South Carolina's legislature organizes an army and declare the tariffs null and void.
  • Ordinance of Nullification Morgan Bartlett

    The ordinance declared the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 “null, void, and no law, nor binding upon this State, its officers or citizens.” It also forbade appeal of any ordinance measure to the federal courts, required all state officeholders (except members of the legislature) to take an oath of support for the ordinance, and threatened secession if the federal government tried to collect tariff duties by force. In its attempts to have other Southern states join in nullification, however, South Carol
  • Nullification Crisis - Brittany Bryan

    Calhoun resigns as Vice President in 1832, and is replaced by Martin Van Buren.
  • Lincoln elected to legislature- Daniel Moran

    Lincoln served in the State government of Illinois. He was elected into the legislature as a Whig. He did not like slavery and went against it even at this time of his career. abraham lincoln did not attend school to become a lawyer, just something i thought was interesting-dakota hegar
  • jackson- Matt Whitworth

    Jan 29th - Pres Jackson orders 1st use of US troops to suppress a labor dispute
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    August 1, 1834 Slavery abolished throughout the British Empire because of the Slavery Abolition Act 183.
  • Texas declares independence from Mexico-Rene Ruiz

  • Battle of the Alamo

    An attack on Texas from the Mexican Army occured an attempt to take over.
  • Lincoln recieves law license- Daniel Moran

    Lincoln recieves his law license and becomes a leader of the Whig party. He started his political career in Illinois. Abraham Lincoln goes on to become a very important person in the cases of slavery.
  • Texas Revolution - Jordan Ebbs

    The Texas Revolution or Texas War of Independence was an armed conflict between Mexico and settlers in the Texas portion of the Mexican state Coahuila y Tejas.
  • Texas Revolution - Olivia Baltazar

    A war the was faught between Mexico and the US settlers in revolt to gain independece from Mexico and gain the republic of Texas.
  • Dred Scott - Kaleb Neptune

    Dred scot was a free slave till his master Amerson died. then dred scott was made a slave again.
  • Trail of Tears - Lindsay O'Donnell

    The trail of tears was Andrew Jackson's policy to remove the Cherokee Indians east from the Mississippi river and migrate them to Oklahoma. This caused the Indians to face starvation, diseases, exhaustion and many died before they finished the journey.
  • Trail of Tears- Ashton Phillips

    The Cherokee indians were living in Georgia where crops and trade began to flourish. Jackson wanted to move them out to Oklahoma. Many native americans passed away while on this journey.
  • The Abominable Tariff- Ashton Phillips

    The abominable tariff started the State bank and was a result of the trail of tears.
  • Georgia Cherokee- Ashton Phillips

    The Cherokee were originally placed in Georgia to get them out of the way for settlement. Georgia was originally no good for producing crops. When they found out that the land was flourishing Jackson decided to move the Indians back to Oklahoma. Many diseases took the lives of several of their tribe, this was the result of the "Trail of Tears".
  • Martin Van Buren- Ashton Phillips

    Martin Van Buren was an extremely wealy and showy man from the North Eastern part of early America. He felt the need to get into good graces with Jackson so he started a delimma between Calhoun and his wife and even Calhoun and Jackson.
  • Oregon Trail - Jordan Ebbs

    The Oregon Trail is a 2,000-mile (3,200 km) historic east-west wagon route that connected the Missouri River to valleys in Oregon and locations in between.
  • 1840- Amistad Case - John La

    John Quincy Adams fights aganist slavery with the argument of equal rights and liberty for all men.
  • Westward Expansion- Jessica Payen

    In the span of five years, the U.S. increased in size by a third by annexing Texas and negotiating with Britain for the Oregon country.
  • Oregan Trail - Olivia Baltazar

    The Oregon trail was a route taken by many Americans who wanted to migrate westward. It began in Independece, Missouri and later ended in Oregon.
  • First Continuous Filibuster-Landry Serrano

    A continuous filibuster in the U.S. Senate last from until March.
  • town meeting - matt whitworth

    Mar 14th - Boston conducts its 1st town meeting
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    June 10, 1845 Frederick Douglass publishes his first autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself. The book details his life as a slave.
  • Andrews Jackson-Rosario Tovalin

    On the month of June Jackson died.
  • Santa Anna presidency is overthrown in Mexico-Rene Ruiz

  • potatoe famine-madison turner

  • Annexation of Texas- Cody Valenzuela

    In 1845, the United States annexed Texas as the 28th state of the U.S.A. The citizens of Texas approved the new constitution and the Polk signed the documents formally integrating Texas.
  • Mexican-American War- Cody Valenzuela

    From 1846-1848, there was an armed conflict between the U.S. and Mexico. This event happened after the annexation of Texas, despite the revolution of 1836 that Texas had against Mexico.
  • Oregon Treaty cont. J. Rachele Williams

    Few people know that America almost went to war with Great Britian for the third time in 1843, over the dspute of the Oregon country. The Oregon Trail played a huge role in Maifest Destiny and when Pol came into office he was extremly eager to compromise with Great Britian since the U.S. was allready at war with Mexico. He had no desire to fight two wars at once. The treaty gave the U.S. control of land that became the states of Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington,
  • Wilmot Proviso Jalen Jarrett

    amendment to a bill that provided two million to president Polk for the Mexican War.
  • Oregon Treaty - Olivia Baltazar

    The Oregon Treaty was an agreement between the boundary between the US and Canada at the 49th parallel west of the Rocky Mountains. This treaty settled disputes between the US and Great Britain over the Oregon territory.
  • Gold Discovery- Chelsey Morgan

    In 1848, Gold was discovered in Sutter Mills, CA. This lead to the massive gold rush in 1849.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo-Veronica Mateus

    Peace treaty, largely dictated by the US, that ended the Mexican-American war
  • Treaty of Guadlupe Hidalgo Jalen Jarrett

    Treaty that ended the Mexican War, gave U.S Texas and the Rio Grande Rives as its boundary.
  • Seneca Falls Convention- Chelsey Morgan

    Women's rights advocates hold a convention to demand womens rights!
  • Free Soil Movement-Veronica Mateus

    Free soil movement begins, opposing spread of slavery into the new territories
  • Free Soil Movement-Nichole Roeber

    This opposed the spreading of slavery to the new colonies.
  • Gold rush Kyle Eggers

    In 1849 the gold rush was the heart of California. 80,000 people move to California for the gold rush searching for great wealth.
  • millions die from potatoe famine_madison turner

  • Civil Disobedience-Veronica Mateus

    Thoreau published "Civil Disobedience", an essay that came out of his refusal to pay taxes supporting the mexican war.
  • Compromise of 1850 - Brittany Bryan

    Domestic slave trade is prohibited in Washington DC and California is admitted as free state.
  • Compromise of 1850-Chelsey Morgan

    Henry clay proposes a bunch of laws that later become the Compromise of 1850
  • Compromise of 1850- Jalen Jarrett

    series of five bills that were intended to deal with the spread of slavery to territories in order to keep northern and southern interests in balance.
  • $20 dollar gold piece-Landry Serrano

    $20 dollar gold piece-Landry Serrano
    First $20 dollar gold piece is issued in America.
  • Comprimise of 1850-Paige Slater

    This was a five part comprimse written by Henry Clay. It said California would enter the Union as a free state, the Mexican session would be divided into three territories, each of those territories would use popular soveriegnty to determine if the state would be slave or free, the slave trade would be ended in Washington D.C., and the fugitive law would be put in place which said northerners had to return run away slaves.
  • California Admitted to the Union J. Rachele Williams

    In February of 1848, Mexico and the United States signed a treaty which ended the Mexican War and yielded a vast portion of the Southwest, including present day California, to the United States
    became a state in September 9, 1850=dakota hegar
  • Fugitive S;ave act-Chelsey Morgan

    This act was passed by congress. Part of the Compromise of 1850, that helped the government capture and return runaway slaves.
  • The Compromise of 1850- Lindsay O'Donnell

    The compromise of 1850 admitted California as a free state and removed restrictions on slavery in the New Mexico. It also created a stronger fugitive slave law.
  • Fugitive Slave Act Rachel Martin

    The act was passed as part of the Compromise of 1850. The act required any official that did not arrest a runaway slave, to pay fines. the number of captured slaves increased-dakota hegar
  • Compromise of 1850- Benjamin Bradbery

    It allowed California to be admitted as a free state. It enacted a new fugitive slave act. Everything done by this compromise caused both positive and negative results and held off the Civil war for about 10 years.
  • The Missouri Compromise- Ashton Phillips

    Missouri wants to become a state however the issue of unequality in the senate arises.
  • fugivitive slave act-kimberlee cuevas

    US marshals returned runaway slaves to the south
  • manifest denstiny-madison turner

  • Clays Compromise Kyle Eggers

    Saved us from civil war in 1850
  • 1851-2 Stowe, Harriet Beecher's Uncle Tom Cabin- John La

    Help moved abloisionist setiments against slavery by portraying slavery and its effects. still a best seller-dakota hegar
  • Uncle Toms Cabin- J. Rachele Williams

    Written by Harriat Breecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin was publiched in 1852. It is said that this book helped lay the ground work for the civil war, This book writes aboutt he truths of slavery and how a a christians love can abolish even the worst things in life, such as slavery.
  • President Filmore dies in office, succeeded by Franklin Pierce-Rene Ruiz

  • Gasden Purchase- Jessica Payen

    The US purchased what is now part of New Mexico and Arizona from Mexico.
  • Gadsen Purchase - J. Rachele Williams

    President pierce send James Gadsen to Mexico in 1853 with several different proposals to by the California Gulf. The treaty presented was called the The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, at first Mexico declined this offer, but evetually, after a few revisions to the treaty the U.S. purchased the territory, wich added 27,305 square miles to Arizona and 2335 square miles to New Mexico and established the southwestern boundary of Arizona at Yuma, where it remains today, for the price of $10,000,000.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act -Brittany Bryan

    It will be up to the settlers to decide on the question of slavery. Submitted by Stephen Douglas
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act Jalen Jarrett

    Nebraska was divided into two parts, Kansas and Nebraska and the question of slavery was to be decided by popular sovereignty.
  • Kansas/Nebraska Act Morgan Bartlett

    Kansas and Nebraska was a significant piece of legislation because it dealt with several controversial issues, including slavery, western expansion, and the construction of a transcontinental railroad. The residents of the Kansas and Nebraska territories would decide for themselves whether they would enter the Union as free or slave soil states. By repealing the Missouri Compromise, the Kansas-Nebraska Act reopened the divisive issue of slavery's expansion & brought U.S. closer to Civil War.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act- Benjamin Bradbery

    This act divided the Nebraska territory into both Kansas and Nebraska. There was a question about slavery but was to be determined by popular soveringty.
  • Smith & Wessoninvent revolver - Jordan Ebbs

    This first pistol venture was not a financial success, and by 1854 the company was having financial difficulties.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    When Kansas was entering the Union, they got to vote if they wanted to be a slave state or free state, so pro slavery people and anti slavery people moved to Kansas so the state was split, half was slave and half was free. The two governments would fight for ten years, all the way up to the Civil War, this came to be known as Bleeding Kansas.
  • Bleeding Kansas - Lindsay O'Donnell

    Kansas was split in half one half a free state and on half a slave state. Two governments were created and for the next 10 years they would fight a mini civil war between them. During the conflict, people were killed and attacked for the disagreements over slavery.
  • Kansas Kyle Eggers

    The election was held in kansas this year.
  • Pattawattamie Massacre

    Led by John Brown during bleeding Kansas, five men were killed.
  • Telephone invented Jalen Jarrett

    The Telephone was important because it allowed people in different citys, or states to communicate without waiting for months.
  • Dred Scott - Lindsay O'Donnell

    Dred Scott was a slave for Missouri but his owner moved to Wisconsin with its own and his own freed him. When is owner died, Missouri forced him to come back and be a slave again. Dred Scott did not think this was fair and took the case to the Supreme Court. Supreme Court ruled against him. The court ruled that since slaves were not U.S. citizens than Scott could not sue in federal court.
  • Dred Scott Decision-Landry Serrano

    Dred Scott Decision-Landry Serrano
    Dred Scott lost his case saying he was a free man because he now lived in a free state, the court ruled since he owned no property and was property of his owner he cannot be considered free no matter where he lives.
  • John Brown's Raid-Chelsey Morgan

    His mission was to destroy slavery. He lead followers across to Virginia and took control seizing the towns guns and ammunition. They planned on arming slaves to start a rebellion. Marines quickly took control of the situtaion and captured Brown and later found him guilty for treason.
  • Supreme Court Kyle Eggers

    The issue of slaverey turned to the supreme court in 1857
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates Jalen Jarrett

    Running for govenor of Illinois, Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas had a series of debates,
  • Oregon admitted - Jordan Ebbs

    Oregon was declared as the 33rd state.
  • Harpes Ferry Jalen Jarrett

    Attack planned by John Brown on a armory in Harpers Ferry, John Brown and 24 other men raided the town in hopes of getting the slaves to join them and fight.
  • John Brown's Rebellion- Jessica Payen

    John Brown, his sons, and a small number of loyal supporters, that were against slavery, launched an attack against the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia.
  • 1859 - John Brown's failed slave revolt - John La

    Abolistionist John Brown tried to capture federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry but failed at starting a slave revolt.
  • Lincoln's Great Speech-Landry Serrano

    Lincoln's Great Speech-Landry Serrano
    Abraham Lincoln gives speech in New York City that people believe gave him enough support to be elected as the 16th president of the United States.
  • Lincoln elected

    Lincoln was elected president in the electin of 1860. He ran agaisnt Stephen Douglas and John C. Brokenridge.
  • Election of 1860 - Lindsay O'Donnell

    The election of 1860 was against Abraham Lincoln for the Republican Party and Senator Steven Douglas for the Northern Democratic Party nominate and John C. Breckinridge for the Southern Democrats nominated. Lincoln was not an abolitionist and southerner feared he would abolish slavery and their way of life. Lincoln won the popular vote and took office in March of 1861.
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected- Rachel Martin

    Abraham Lincoln was elected president, causing chaos among slave owners.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected President Jalen Jarrett

    Out of the Republican Party, Abraham Lincoln steals the election and becomes the 16th president of the United States.
  • Lincoln elected President-Rene Ruiz

  • election of 1860- kimberlee cuevas

    abraham lincoln attempts to hold union together
  • South Carolina Secedes From Union Jalen Jarrett

    After Abraham Lincoln is elected president, South Carolina become the first state to secede from the Union.
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    December 20, 1860 - South Carolina secedes from the Union. Followed within two months by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas.
  • Sates seceed Kyle Eggers

    on this date six other states seceded from the union.
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    March 4, 1861 Abraham Lincoln inaugurated president.
  • Lincon Kyle Eggers

    Lincon entered office
  • Four more states join the confederacy-Nichole Roeber

  • Battle of Fort Sumter-Daniel Moran

    The Battle of Fort Sumter marked the beginning of the civil war. The battle was caused when the Confederate army urged the Union to surrender Fort Sumter, but did not. The bombardment then started and also started the civil war.
  • Kara Jackson- Civil War begins

    At 4:30 a.m. Confederates under Gen. Pierre Beauregard open fire with 50 cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The Civil War begins.
  • Marylou Ramirez

    1861 April 20 Robert E. Lee declines command of the Union Army
  • 1861- South Caroloin Seccedes from the US

    Within South Carolina's Ordinance Of Secession , they declare as their own poeple that South Carolina is official "dissolved" from the Uion and its Consitution.
  • Battle at Bull Run- Chelsey Morgan

    First major battle of the Civil war. Victory went to the Southerners and helped inforce their views.
  • Lincoln takes office - Lindsay O'Donnell

    Lincoln takes off in March of 1861. The country is now divided against the north and south. Lincoln tried to solve the issue of slavery peacefully but the south wanted to keep slavery legal and would not agree with anything. Lincoln decided that there wasn't any other chooses but to force them to abolish slavery and this lead to the civil war.
  • Alexander Naumann

    Alexander Naumann
    November 1, 1861 Lincoln declares George McClellan General-in-Chief of the Union army.
  • Abraham lincoln- Benjamin Bradbery

    He was the 16th president of the united states and also the first one from the Republican party. Also known as "honest Abe".
  • Civil War - Keith Dobson

    After the Confederates withdrew from the United States to become the Confederate States of America, it started the Civil War. Battle between the North and South for control of the united States.
  • Civil War- Keith Dobson

    Following the election of president Abraham Lincoln, 11 southern states succeeded from the United States creating the Confederate States of America.
  • marylou ramirez

    On January 27, President Lincoln issued a war order authorizing the Union to launch a unified aggressive action against the Confederacy. General McClellan ignored the order
  • Marylou Ramirez

    January 31 1862 President Lincoln issues war order authorizing the Union to launch a unified aggressive action against the Confederacy
  • Marylou Ramirez

    1862 May 20 Homestead Act becomes law.
  • Homestead Act- Cody Valenzuela

    President Lincoln signed this bill to push forward with more laws of controlling the land of the people.
  • First Battle of Winchester-Cody Valenzuela

    This event was a major victory for the Confederate Army's Stonewall Jackson.He pursued the Union Army back to Maryland.
  • Marylou Ramirez

    1862 September 22: President Lincoln issues Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves
  • Emancipation Proclamation-Daniel Moran

    The Emancipation Proclamation, produced by Abraham Lincoln stated that all slaves would be free. Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after two years of the civil war to end slavery. This event was a step closer to the end of slavery.
  • Union Scout Advantage- Cody Valenzuela

    Daniel Freeman was let into the office where the Homestead Act was and he took most of the advantages that the Homestead Act was set for.
  • Battle of the Ironclads- Cody Valenzuela

    This event was on the water. The fleet was trying to destroy Fort Sumter when intercepted by patrolling ships.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville- Cody Valenzuela

    The Battle at Chancellorsville is a seven day battle. This was known as General Lee's perfect battle because of the risky decision he made in conducting the strategy.
  • West Virginia admitted - Jordan Ebbs

    West Virginia was the only state to form by seceding from a Confederate state, and was one of only two states formed during the American Civil War
  • The Battle of Gettysburg - John La

    Largest number of casulties in the Civil War and a major turning point for the Uion
  • July 3 1863-PICKETTS CHARGE-Dakota Hegar

    General Robert E. Lee advances into Pennsylvania where he meets George Meade. First battling north of the city, by the second day Union forces had retreated south, forming a strong line as men arrived almost continuously. On the third day, the infamous Pickett's Charge marked the end of the Confederates hope for a victory.
  • Marylou Ramirez

    1863 August 10: The president meets with abolitionist Frederick Douglass regarding equality for Union 'Negro troops.'
  • Gettysburg Adress- Jessica Payen

    Speech given by President LIncoln during the dedication of the cemetery for the soliders who died during the turning point of the Civil War.
  • Marylou Ramirez

    1864 August 20 Confederate Victory at Lovejoy's Station.
  • Lincoln Re-elected- Chelsey Morgan

    On this day President Lincoln was re-elected as the President of the United States for his second term.
  • Marylou Ramirez

    1864 November 8: Abraham Lincoln is re-elected president defeating Democrat George B. McClellan.
  • Marylou Ramirez

    1865 January 31: Congress approves the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution to abolish slavery. The amendment is then submitted to the states for ratification.
  • Amendment XIII

    Amendment XIII abolishes slavery of any kind in the United States and can be enforced by congress.
  • Marylou Ramirez

    1865 February 3: Peace conference between President Lincoln and Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens fails
  • Marylou Ramirez

    Feb 6 1865 Lee became general in chief of the South.
  • Freedmans Bureau-Corey Blackmon

    Purpose was to help freed slaves with food, medical care, resettlement, and it was charged with establishing schools.
  • John Wilkes Booth - Keith Dobson

    John Wilkes Booth becomes on of the most famous people in the United States after assassinating President Abraham Lincoln at the ford Theatre
  • Civil War Kyle Eggers

    The civil war ended on this date.
  • Civil War Ends- Daniel Moran

    The two generals met on April 9, 1865 to officially end the war. General Lee's troops were surrounded by the Union and later general Grant called upon Lee to surrender.
  • The 13th Amandment- Rachel Martin

    The thirteenth amendment passes, outlawing slavery in ten confederate states.
  • Appomattox Courthouse- Jessica Payen

    Robert E. Lee surrenders his army, end of the Civil War.
  • Civil War Kyle Eggers

    This is the date when the civil war ended
  • Abraham Lincoln is assasinated- Rachel Martin

    The assanitation happened in hopes of overturning the government.
    assasinated by john wilkes booth while lincoln was attending a play-dakota hegar
  • Marylou Ramirez

    1865 April 14: Abraham Lincoln and his wife Mary go to Ford's Theater to see the play "Our American Cousin" . During the third act of the play John Wilkes Booth shoots the president in the head at approx 10:13 p.m.
  • John Wilkes Booth-Dakota Hegar

    After Shooting President Lincoln 12 days Previously, Booth was shoot and killed against orders by Boston Corbett on the property of the Garrett family.
  • Kara Jackson- John Wilks Booth killed

    April 26, 1865 - John Wilkes Booth is shot and killed in a tobacco barn in Virginia.
  • Civil War ends - Keith Dobson

    General Robert E. Lee surrenders to General Ulysses S. grant at Appamotox Court House to seal the victory for the Union over the Confederates.
  • Execution of Captain Henry Wirz-Nichole Roeber

    The notorious superintendent of the Confederate prison at Andersonville, Georgia, was tried by a military commission presided over by General Lew Wallace from August 23 to October 24, 1865, and was hanged in the yard of the Old Capitol Prison on November 10.
  • Bell puts the first patent on the telephone J. Rachele Williams

    In 1865 Bell was awarded with putting the first patent on the telephone. Both of his parents were death from the time he was born so he grew up working with differnt sound devices, and in the midst of all of this he came up with and patented his idea of the telephone.
  • Congress Kyle Eggers

  • 13th Amendment-Daniel Moran

    The 13th Amendment was passed in 1865 and finally abolished slavery. The Amendment was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864 and by the House of Representatives on January 31, 1865. The amendment was obviously the turning point for slavery as it abolished it.
  • 14th Amendment Kyle Eggers

    The 14th amendment was passed through congress on this day.
  • Civil Rights Act-Corey Blackmon

    The legislation gave blacks the rights and privelidges of citizenship and black codes were eliminated.
  • Civil Rights Act- Cody Valenzuela

    The Civil Rights Act stressed on the importance that African Americans have their civil rights. What many don't know was that Andrew Jackson tried to veto it.
  • 14th Amendment-Corey Blackmon

    Guaranteed citizenship to everyone born in the United States, limited states from denying life, liberty, or property without the process of law, and required states to provide equal protection of its laws.
  • Civil Rights of 1866 - Rachel Martin

    This protected the rights of African Americans. The act required anyone born in America has equal opportunity and equal rights.
  • Voting Rights- Cody Valenzuela

    The African American men were given the freedom to vote in the United States in Washington, D. C.
  • Alaska Purchased - Olivia Baltazar

    Alaska was purchased from Russia by the Secretary of State William H. Seward and it would ultimately increase the size of the US by about 20 percent.
  • Reconstruction Act- Cody Valenzuela

    These laws were passed for the states of the confederates to be readmitted to the Union, on the condition of freed slaves.
  • Alaska Purchased - Jordan Ebbs

    The purchase, made at the initiative of United States Secretary of State William H. Seward, gained 586,412 square miles (1,518,800 km2) of new United States territory.
  • Presidential Election- Cody Valenzuela

    The Presidential Election was between war hero, Ulysses S. Grant and Horatio Semour. This was after the LIncoln assassination.
  • The Election of 1868- Rene Ruiz

    General Ulysses S. Grant nominated for the Republican Party.
    Rene Ruiz
  • The Meaning of Black Friday- Cody Valenzuela

    The meaning of Black Friday comes from this year because two men are trying to make America lose sells while they hold on to the Gold.
  • Education Act- Cody Valenzuela

    This rule stated that the country would be separated by 2500 different schools and school electors would be elected by ratepayers.
  • Virgina Returns-Landry Serrano

    Virgina rejoins the union.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    Giving African Americans the right to vote but ratified the right to African American women.-Christina Marmolejo
  • Klu Klux Klan Kyle Eggers

    Klansmen were rounded up tried and convicted
  • Force Act of 1871-Corey Blackmon

    Protected the right of citizens to vote, hold office, and gave the president power to use military force and make arrests.
  • Bill of righte-- Rachel Martin

    James Madison was greatly influenced by a famous British philosopher John Locke. He incorporated many of John Lockes ideas in the Bill of Rights.
  • Amnesty Act Kyle Eggers

    Amnesty Act was passed and restored pow er to confederate soldiers
  • “Jim Crow” laws enacted in Tennessee-Rene Ruiz

  • Civil Rights Act- Cody Valenzuela

    This is the day that the amendment stated that all men are created equal regardless of race and anyone may eat, drink, etc. where they so choose to in restaraunts.
  • End of Recunstruction Kyle Eggers

    This was the final part of the recunstruction period
  • Election of 1876 - Lindsay O'Donnell

    The election of 1876 was against Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel J. Tilden. Tilden won the popular vote but did not receive the majority of the electoral votes. Due to this Tilden was pronounced as the new president.
  • Reconstuction Kyle Eggers

    Union troops pull out and all reconstrution is done. All damage is repaired.
  • Thomas Edison patents electric incandescent lamp-Landry Serrano

    Electricity is about to hit the world.