US History B Assessment Timeline

  • Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

    Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
    This UK-based campaign was founded by Canon John Collins, Bertrand Russell, and Peggy Duff in opposition to the use of any nuclear weapons by the UK's government. I believe that this is historically important because of the vast range of groups whose support it drew, such as scientists, religious leaders, and journalists. This forms an important connection to Unit 5 because of the campaign's strong ties to the Cold War.
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    Founded by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in California, the BPP were an activist group who fought for the equality of the Black community. One distinction of the BPP from other Black-power movements of their time is their willingness to use violence and force when necessary. The BPP is an important historical movement because of the impact and influence they have, not only on today's Black-power movements, but also on their conception as a whole. Unit 7 touched on the BPP & member Fred Hampton.
  • Resurrection City

    Resurrection City
    Resurrection City was a campground and demonstration led by the Poor People's Campaign in Washington. These sit-ins and demonstrations were conducted in order to bring government attention to the issues of homelessness and lack of resources for the homeless. This connects to Unit 7 because the Poor People's Campaign was conceived by Martin Luther King Jr. and is considered to be his "last great initiative" before his assassination.
  • Stonewall Rebellion

    Stonewall Rebellion
    Started by drag queen and LGBTQ+ rights activist Marsha P. Johnson, the rebellion took place at the Stonewall Inn in New York to protest discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community at the hands of other citizens as well as the police. The Stonewall Rebellion is one of the first and most well-known demonstrations of advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights, and is relevant to Unit 6 because it's likely that the Lavender Scare contributed to this event.
  • ERA vs. Phyllis Schlafly

    ERA vs. Phyllis Schlafly
    The Equal Rights Amendment (founded by Alice Paul in Seneca Falls) strived for women to be seen as equal to men in the eyes of the law. While it had many supporters, lawyer Phyllis Schlafly was outspoken in her opposition of the ERA, namely its promise to allow women to join the Armed Forces. This conflict is relevant to Unit 8 because it highlights the extent of the consequences of the conservative party's resurgence.
  • Never Trump / Dump Trump

    Never Trump / Dump Trump
    The Never Trump movement was founded by Republicans Erick Wrickson, Bill Wichterman, and Bob Fischer in Washington with the goal of preventing Donald Trump from receiving a presidential nomination. Upon Trump's nomination, the group's focus shifted to preventing his election. This is relevant to Unit 8 because it touches on how shrouded in controversy the 2016 election was, as well as Trump's dividing of his own party due to his unorthodox political approaches.
  • Feminist Anti-War Resistance

    Feminist Anti-War Resistance
    Feminist Anti-War Resistance is an anti-war movement founded by a group of Russian feminists in light of the war between Russia and Ukraine. They are notable for their quickly-garnered following and support on social media. This movement is relevant to Unit 8 because it provides an additional perspective on this ongoing crisis.