
US History

  • Period: to

    US History

  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    Created a system of dual representation. The House, which would have members based on population, and the Senate, with each having the same. This sets up our Legislative branch as we know it and forms how the people should be represented.
  • Constitution formally signed

    Constitution formally signed
    Set up provisions for government and the people. It was made by people for the people to ensure that the government would never get too powerful, but was still strong enough to run the nation. Established Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches’ rights.
  • Federalist Papers

    America’s first propaganda. Showing why we should support the new Constitution and the form of government controlled democracy. Pushed the American people to be okay with more government control than originally planned.
  • First Presidential Election

    First Presidential Election
    First time in world history that a leader was voted on by popular majority. First true democracy the world had ever seen. George Washington was elected.
  • The Louisianna Purchase

    The Louisianna Purchase
    The purchase of the Louisianna Territory by America from Napoleon. The new land more than doubled the US' size and caused the Western fever. The land was explored and charted by Lewis and Clark.
  • The Orders in Council

    A series of British decrees that were a form of economic warfare with the US. They stopped the US from trading with other nations besides Britain and encouraged British ships to attack US merchant ships. This also caused issues with other European powers who traded with the US.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    War of 1812 Begins
    The war was fought between England and America mainly over shipping rights. It was also another ploy by Britain to try recapture the US.The war was short but was the first time America actually proclaimed war.
  • Burning of Washington DC

    Burning of Washington DC
    A British response to them winning the Battle of Bladensburg. This was the first and only time a foreign leader has taken over the US Capital. They burned both the Capital and White House, and tried to show the British as rulers of the nation
  • The Grange Movement

    The Grange Movement
    Farmers wanted fair shipping prices and goods exchanges, since most rural towns were crossed by railroads that would upcharge for goods. This was America's attempt to increase small business against capitalistic monopolies.
  • Immigration Boom

    Immigration Boom
    Thanks to wars, famines, and unsteady rulers across the world, many people immigrated to America in the hopes for a better life. This helped populate the nation, increase urbanization, and America's stance as a global power.
  • Agriculture's Golden Age

    Beginning of America's "Golden Age of Agriculture". This was caused by a higher demand for products thanks to industrialization and heavy immigrant flow. This helped populate the Western states and move people out of the over-crowded East coast. This caused some Western territories to finally gain statehood.
  • Broken Democracy

    Broken Democracy
    During the Gilded Age many politicians were curropt, leaving many Americans to wonder if democracy could thrive. This would go on to enforce a more open government and more investigation into tax payer money.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    A worldwide stock market crash launches the whole world into a depression. America is hit the hardest and suddenly a rising, prosperous country is blown into shambles.
  • Banking Relief Act

    The Emergency Banking Relief Act shut down all banks for 4 days in order for enough money to be printed and adjusted to fix the Federal system. This helped lessen the collapse of the banks.
  • National Recovery Administration

    National Recovery Administration
    It was established by FDR in hopes of ending the Depression. The goal was to eliminate "cut-throat competition" by bringing industry, labor and government together to create codes of "fair practices" and set prices.
  • Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl was a series of severe droughts that swept throughout the west during the 30s. It helped worsen the Depression by putting many Western families out of work and little to no crops.