Gov't Under Constitution Begins
George Washington is inaugurated. Washington states U.S. neutrality after the French Revolution begins in Paris. -
First Census
The United States population reaches 3.9 million. 760,000 of them being African American;of whom 700,000 are enslaved. -
Bill Of Rights Is Ratified
The Bill Of Rights is ratified and officially becomes part of the Constitution. Vermont is entered into the Union as the fourteenth state. -
Presidential Election
George Washington is re-elected president. Adams is re-elected as vice-president. -
Events of 1793
George Washington declares U.S. neutrality as war breaks out between France and Great Britain. Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin, cotton production soars -
Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion is when farmers in Western Pennsylvania protest the excise tax on whiskey. It was put down by by federal troops. -
Northwest Territory
Spain Allows the United States navigation rights on the Mississippi River. Northwest Territory is opened for settlement after Indian defeat at Fallen Timbers. -
Presidential Election
John Adams wins the presidential election. Thomas Jefferson becomes the vice-president. -
Event of 1797
John Adams is inaugurated as the second president of the United States. -
Quasi War
The Quasi War of 1798-1800 begins when France attempts to bribe the U.S commissioners in Paris. This sparked the building tension between the nations. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
Alien and sedition acts restrict political opposition and order deportation of "dangerous aliens." Jefferson and Madison publish resolutions in opposition. -
Deaths in Virginia
George Washington dies in Virginia at age 67. Patrick Henry dies in Virginia at age 63. -
Second Census
The U.S. population reaches a total of 5.3 million. One million of them were African Americans; 900,000 of those African Americans were enslaved. -
Presidential Election
Jefferson and Burr, Democratic-Republican, are tied for president. They both defeated Adams and Pinckney, federalist. -
Jefferson vs. Burr
The presidential tie forces the election into the House Of Representatives. Jefferson is elected as the third president of the U.S. -
Alien and Sedition Acts allowed to expire
The Alien and Sedition Acts are allowed to expire by Congress. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
The Lewis and Clark Expedition begins in St. Louis. Ohio enters the Union as the 17th state, granting universal manhood suffrage. -
Presidential Election
Thomas Jefferson is re-elected as president. George Clinton is elected as vice-president. -
Barbary War Ends
The Barbary War Ends after the U.S. troops capture Darna. Piracy by Barbary States continues until 1815. -
Lewis and Clark
The Lewis and Clark Expedition reached the Pacific Ocean in 1805. Ends with return to St. Louis. -
Ban On Slave Trade
Importation of slaves is passed by the Congress as required by the Constitution.The Embargo Act is passed by Congress. -
Presidential Election
James Madison is elected as president. George Clinton is re-elected as vice-president. -
Third Census
The United States population reaches 7.2 million. 1.4 of them being African Americans; 1.2 of those are enslaved. -
War of 1812
The War Of 1812 begins as U.S. declares war on Great Britain. Fighting over issues of borders, trade, freedom of the seas, and the rights of neutrals. -
End of Wars
The War Of 1812 ends with the signing f Treaty of Ghent. The Creek War ends with defeat by U.S troops in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. -
First Seminole War
The First Seminole War begins with attacks on settlers in Florida and Georgia. The New York stock exchange is established. -
Events of 1818
General Andrew Jackson leads troops into Florida to fight the Seminoles. Illinois enters the Union as the twenty-first state. -
Mcculloch vs. Maryland
The Supreme Court upholds right of federal government to charter a national bank. This led to the affirmation of its "implied powers" beyond those stated in the Constitution. -
Fourth Census
The United States population reaches 10 million. 1.7 being African Americans; of whom 1.5 million are enslaved. -
Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise is passed by Congress. This allows the admission of Missouri as a slave state. -
Presidential Eeection
James Monroe is re-elected president of the U.S. Tompkins is re-elected as vice-president. -
Presidential Election
James Monroe is elected president of the U.S. Daniel Tompkins is elected as vice-president. -
Events of 1821
Missouri enters the Union as 24th state under the Missouri Compromise. The First American Settlers arrive in Texas, led by Stephen Austin.