Jackie Robinson
Was the first African American that played in MLS. He played for Brooklyn Dogers and he had his first apperance on April 15, 1947. He was wearing jersey number 42 and that became legendary number in baseball history. -
Love Canal
Love Canal is placed near Niagara water falls. It was normal canal until people start throwing chemical wastein it. It became a very dangerous place. Lots of people that lived next to the canal got very sick and thay had t move -
Dien Bien Phu
Was a town where the main fight between France and Vietnam took place in 1954. France lost, and that fight was very important for upcoming events and war between USA and Vietnam. -
Domino Theory
Eisenhower had a theory about communism in Vietnam just before the USA started war against Vietnam. He thought that the USA should attack Vietnam and destroy communism in that country, because if someone doesn't stop it, it would countinue to grow around the Vietnam and involve all small countries around Vietnam. -
Geneva accords
Took place in Geneva, Switzerland. The result of this accord was dividing Vietnam on North and South Bietnam. The Bord between these two was at 17th paralel. -
Montgomery bus boycott
After Rosa Parks had an accident in the bus and didn't want to get up from the bus seet, bus boycott started. Black people decided to walk and not pay for buses for a year. Bus companies needed black people in their buses because they were majority of people driving in buses. The biggest amount of money came to bus companies from African Americans, and they had to give them same rights as white people had. Non-violent protests worked. -
Orval Faubus
Was 36th Governor of Arkansas. He was famous of his standing in front of the Little Rock School Districtand not letting nine black kids to enter the school. -
SNCC stands for Studet Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, an anti-segregation gruop that was formed by students that first started doing Sit-Ins. It's formed to support a fight for black people's rights and it supported many other movements. -
Were movements agains segregation in public. Four students walked into Woolworth's store in Greensboro, North Carolina and asked for coffee and the waiter refused to serve them. They stayed there until they didn't get what they wanted, but they got non-violent revolution. -
Stands for Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. It was establishment in September 1960 in Baghdad Iraq and today it has 12 members. In October 1973 it put oil embargo to the USA and price of oil jumped from $3 to $12 per barrel. -
Was North Vietnam’s political organization and army in South Vietnam that fought Americans and South Vietnamese. Their best known action was Tet-Offensive where they killed 10600 South Vietnamese and Americans. On the other side 40000 communists were killed. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Was taken by CIA. Cia's group called Brigada attacked Cuban leader Fidel Castro. But Castro was smarter and had better army and he defeted Brigada that didn't get all air help that they were supposed to get. -
Twenty-fourth Amendment
Was passed in August 1962 and it banned poll taxes. Blacks didn’t have to pay to vote anymore. It had big influence in American history and today America has black president. -
Betty Friedan
Was a woman that found a group called Feminine Mystique. This group was fighting for women’s right. They thought that women should consider alternatives to marriage, childbearing and homemaking. This led to lots of accomplishments in the nearer future -
Eugene Bull Connor
Was a sheriff from Birmingham that stopped the Birmingham march with water cannons and big amount of policemen. He arrested 900 kids between 6 and 18 years old. After these conflicts Martin Luther King stayed in prison where he wrote “Letter from Birmingham Jail” -
Medger Evers
was the leader of NAACP in Mississippi. He fought for the black people’s rights until the member of Ku Klux Klan, Byron De La Beckwith killed him in Evers’s yard. It left consequences on other black people and whole movement because Medger was one of the biggest fighters for black’s rights. -
March on Washington
Was the biggest march against segregation with 250,000 protestants. This march is also famous of Martin Luther King's speech "I have a dream". -
Ngo Dinh Diem
Was a leader of South Vietnam elected by USA's government. He was USA's biggest contributor, but on the end Anericans killed him because he betrayed them. -
Malcom X
Was a African American muslim that led Anti-segregation group called Nation of Islam. He was fighting for black rights and he had to stay in prison for a few years because of that. -
Operation Rolling Thunder
The USA bombed Vietcong soldiers that tried to get into South Vietnam. Thay had a path that led from North Vietnam through Canbodia all the way down to the South Vietnam. The USA tried to bomb them with different types of bombs but it didn't work because Vietcong were hidden too good. -
Selma Merch
Was one of the most famous marches in history. It was supposed to be 54 miles long march from Selma to Montogomery, but protestants were stopped by police on the brifge in Selma. Police was brutal to African American protestants. -
Black Panthers Party
Was a violent group formed by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. They were against nonviolent protests because they thought that those didn’t have enough influence in the battle for rights. They lot of members very fast because that kind of protests were more familiar to people and they were used to that. -
Ho Chi Minh
Was a leader of North Vietnam and also a big Communist. He fought against Americans and South Vietnamese. He also led the VIet Minh organization. He died on September 2nd, 1969. -
The Silent Majority
President Nixon didn't want to stop the war against Vietnam because he thought that he had support by Silent Majority. He thought that there was lots of people who wanted Nixon to continue the war. -
Were places where hippies lived. Communes were in rural areas far away from cities and older people. Hippies grown their own food and drugs there. Communes usually had around 30 people. -
They were president's private group that was keeping Pentagon papers or watergate scandal out of media and other people, and they also did lots of other things for president -
Watergate scandal
Prident Nixon ordered break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. -
Woodward and Bernstein
Were Journalists who tried to cover Nixon's watergate scandal. -
Henry Kissinger
Was a National Security Advisor who won the Nobel Prize for his negotiations with Vietnam in 1973. He was in the office in Nixon's and Ford's presidency -
Camp David Accords
Carter helped in signing the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. Israel promised that they would move army from Egypt's land and Egypet promised that they would admit Israel as its own country. -
Three Mile Island
Was a island in Londonterry, PA where huge nuclear accidet took place. One chimney in nuclear factory started melting down and workers had a hard time fixing the problem, but in the end everything finished okay. -
Soviets invade Afganistan
The war that lasted for nine years. It was part of the Cold war The results were 1/5 milion civilians and millions of Afganistans moving to Pakistan and Iran. -
Olynpic boycott
USA boycott 1980 Olynpic Games in Moscow, Russia, because they didn't like the Soviets invasion of Afganistan. Americans thought that Soviets would care, but nothing really hapened -
Star Wars
Was a Reagan's idea about satelits that would destroy Soviets' nuclear missiles, from the space. His idea was good but unrealistic and he knew that but he realized that Soviet Union was afraid of that idea and after that he kept talking about Star Wars. -
Gkasnost was made by Soviet Union's leader Mikhail Gorbachev and it means publicity. It gave media much more freedom. It enabled people to say what they think and want. -
Challenger Explosion
NASA's Challenger broke and exploded 73 after it took of from the ground. Sever people died, 5 of them were NASA's people. -
The Berlin Wall
Berlin wall was built on August 13th 1961 and it represented board between Soviet Union and USA/France/England. It devided Berlin to East Berlin and West Berlin. Nobody could go from one side to another. Ronald Reagan told Gorbachev to tear the wall down, which happened few years after that. -
Manuel Noriega
Was a leader of Panama. The USA had an action to arrest him because he was a huge drug dealer. They arrested him on December 20, 1989. -
Nelson Mandela
Was a black guy who fought Apartheid. Apartheid was a segregation system in South Africa. He was also the first black president of South Africa from 1994 to 1995. -
Genocide in Bosnia
Serbians and Bosnians got in national conflict. Bosnian Serbs did a huge genocide in small town Srebrenica, where they killed more than 10000 Bosnian Muslims. Their leader was Ratko Mladic. -
Monica Lewinsky
Was a White House intern from 1995 to 1996. She had an inappropriate relationship with president Bill Clinton. At first noneof them wanted to admit that but court found tapes where Monica admited everything to her friend and that caused Clinton's impeachment. -
Bush v. Gore
Elections 2000 Bush ran against Al Gore. The Florida vores were count wrongly and they had to recount those. After recount Bush won by 1200 votes difference. He won 271 electoral vote, 5 more than Al Gore, but Al Gore had more public votes. The result was Bush's presidency. -
Patriot Act
Stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 and it was signed by George W. Bush.