US History 5th Hour Timeline Unit 14

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Henry Clay organized the event This took place because Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as free, slavery was to be excluded from the Louisiana Purchase lands north. This Happened all over the US This took place to stop the arguments between the north and the south. This impacted history because it was a starting cause of the civil war. The cause of this was because the north and the south were arguing about slavery and the effect this issue was a starting cause for war.
  • Period: to

    Causes Of The Civil War

  • Wilmot Provioso

    Wilmot Provioso
    David Wilmot proposed a ban on slavery in the north. the event took place mainly within Congress. the event took place because slavery was a split topic between the states It didn't do much to impact history because it was unsuccessful. The cause of this event was slavery was a split topic between the states there was no effect
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    Senator Calhoun proposed as a part of the Compromise of 1850, all people were required to help return all runaway slaves. People all over the United States had to participate no matter what. This law made slavery even more unpopular in the North. the cause was that many Slaves were escaping from their owners and it made Northerners hate slavery even more and gave them no rights against it
  • Compromise Of 1850

    Compromise Of 1850
    Henry Clay created a series of laws that was an attempt to solve the controversy over slavery. Congress would admit California as a free state and the territories of New Mexico and Utah would decide the slavery question by vote. The slave TRADE would end in DC and Congress would pass a strict new fugitive slave law. Texas would give up its claims to New Mexico in return for $10 million. It did help ignite the flame of the civil war.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    A woman named Harriet Beecher Stowe published a book called Uncle Tom’s Cabin in which described how cruel slavery was. All of the places that purchased the book were affected. She wrote the book to bring awareness to the cruelties of slavery. The book made the south extremely upset and the north more educated on horrible slavery was.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas

    Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas
    Stephen Douglas created a law that made it so the people would vote for the new state to be free or be a slave state. The whole thing happened in the Kansas and Nebraska territory. Stephen Douglas thought he could help decide free and slave states with this law. This made many people go to Kansas to vote on the fate over the state
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    A slave named Dred Scott sued for his freedom because he lived in a free state but was denied by Roger B Taney it because he was property. The event took place in Congress. It made Northerners fear that slavery would spread to the west. The case created the ruling that Congress had no power to prohibit slavery in any territory
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate

    Lincoln Douglas Debate
    Lincoln and Douglas participated in many debates throughout Illinois because Lincoln and Douglas were running against each other for the Senate. It was one of the first big steps to ending slavery. Many people went to watch the debates and Abraham Lincoln won
  • John Brown’s Raid

    John Brown’s Raid
    John Brown tried to end slavery himself by overthrowing the Southern government. He led a slave revolt and stole weapons from a federal arsenal. The killing took place in Virginia. Brown claimed he was motivated by religion/Bible. He said that his beliefs led him to oppose slavery. And due to that belief, he killed a major slave supporter. It drove the north and the south into talks of breaking up the United States. The Northerners saw him as a great leader and the Southerners saw him as satan.
  • Lincoln’s Election of 1860

    Lincoln’s Election of 1860
    Abraham Lincoln, John Bell, John Breckinridge, and Stephen Douglas were running for president when Lincoln won the election with a 59% Electoral vote and a 39.8% from popular vote all from the northern territories. Lincoln winning the election led the south to seceded out of fear
  • Southern Secession

    Southern Secession
    The states South Carolina, Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia seceded from the U.S. out of fear of losing their lifestyle with slaves because Lincoln was elected president. After the south seceded they raided Fort Sumter starting the Civil war.