Review Timeline

By kchao
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    plants, animals, diseases, technology through human interaction ex. wild horses obx
  • Jamestown

    First permanent English settlement
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    1st representative assembly
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth, established that government power comes from the consent of the governed and not god.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    Puritans escaping religious persecution
  • Halfway Covenant

    Halfway Covenant
    Decline in religious fervor
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War
    Native Americans defeated and lost ability to resist colonial expansion in New England
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Former indentured servants revolted because they weren’t being protected from Native American attacks. As a result, rich planters looked for less problematic sources of labor (slaves from Africa).
  • Start of 1st Great Awakening

    Start of 1st Great Awakening
    Prompted by a decline in religious fervor and the Enlightenment, spread the idea of regaining your faith.
  • Period: to

    Seven Year's/French and Indian War

    Most Native Americans sided with French, but some sided with the British. Result: England controlled Canada & almost everything east of the Mississippi Valley, 1st real sense colonial unity, huge debts (King George III felt colonists should help pay bc they benefited from outcome & amount they had to pay was less than taxpayers in England but colonists felt they weren’t being properly recognized for their contributions in fighting during war)
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    An effort to unite colonies that ultimately failed because colonists didn’t want to relinquish their ability to control state tax, and the British were relieved because they didn't want the colonists to form alliances.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Pontiac's Rebellion
    A loose confederation of Native Americans attacked British soldiers and settlers. As a result, the British felt it would give them less trouble if they restricted colonial expansion.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    AFTER PONTIAC Forbid settlement west of Appalachians, colonists upset because of British interference---end of salutary neglect
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Tax on imported sugar, 1st direct tax levied on colonists by crown, more strictly enforced than previous acts, if caught would be tried in admiralty courts (took away right to fair trial)
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    Required colonists to provide living quarters for British soldiers. Colonists were upset because British soldiers were stealing their jobs and they were suspicious of the presence of British troops despite the fact that there was no longer a common enemy (because they had already defeated the French).
  • Daughters of Liberty

    Daughters of Liberty
    formed to protest stamp act; homespun clothes so that didn't have to buy from British
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Tax on all paper products (so affected a lot of people), start of phrase “taxation without representation” (eventually repealed)
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    parliament had no right to tax, 1st unified meeting to respond to British taxation
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    Indirect taxes on items including tea, money used to pay colonial governors (colonists couldn’t withhold it as leverage anymore)
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    British East India
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    In response to Boston Tea Party to punish colonists: Closed Boston Harbor until all tea paid back, stricter Quartering Act (in homes), Quebec Act (unintentional) extended Quebec border
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    in response to Intolerable Acts, agreed to boycott British goods
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    Start of conflict between British and colonists. British on their way to seize colonial gunpowder & smugglers, attacked by colonial minutemen/militia
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    Last ditch attempt by colonists to avoid escalation of conflict with the British. King George III rejected, considered the colonists traitors
  • Common Sense by Thomas Paine

    Common Sense by Thomas Paine
    Pamphlet that urged colonies to declare independence and establish republican gov; Americans are special destined people, republican gov is proper form of gov & US can set up entire country based on principle of republican gov, shouldn’t be ruled by tiny island super far away
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Expressed grievances toward the Crown, principle of individual liberty and the fundamental responsibility to serve the interests of the people
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    Turning point in war, boosted colonial morale, French agreed to form formal alliance with colonists
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Land Ordinance of 1785
    Land of Old Northwest should be sold from the gov and the proceeds used to pay off national debt
  • Shays' Rebellion

    Shays' Rebellion
    poor backcountry farmers (mostly Revolutionary War veterans who weren’t being paid) rebelled because upset that the banks were repossessing farms and foreclosing homes; highlighted resentment between backcountry farmers and coastal elite, fears about the power of mobocracy (federal gov unable to stop them): conservatives wanted stronger central government, debtors were afraid of it
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Bicameral legislature: house of representatives (determined by population), Senate (equal representation---2 senators each); Constitution which established checks and balances and ⅗ Compromise
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    Once a territory and a population of 60,000 it could apply to be admitted by Congress as a state, forbade slavery in Old Northwest
  • Constitution ratified

    Constitution ratified
    ratified after disagreements between Federalists and Anti-Federalists, Federalists agreed to add Bill of Rights
  • Hamilton’s financial plan

    Hamilton’s financial plan
    federal gov should assume states’ debts and repay the debt, aimed to shape policies to favor the wealthy & northern banks, largely opposed by Southerners because Northern states had more debt)--as a result: emergence of 2 party system & Whiskey Rebellion
  • 1790s Republican Motherhood

    1790s Republican Motherhood
    Women were recognized for their role as mothers and homemakers who nurtured republican ideas/values in their children, woman play special moral role in societies, mothers should raise childrens who posses civic virtue
  • Constitution ratified

    Constitution ratified
    ratified after disagreements between Federalists and Anti-Federalists, Federalists agreed to add Bill of Rights
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    farmers resisted excise tax on whiskey (part of Hamilton’s plan to repay debt)--class tensions, Washington stopped rebellion with militia to display power of federal gov
  • 1791/1792 Emergence of 2 party system

    1791/1792 Emergence of 2 party system
    Federalist party: favored strong federal gov, loose interpretation of Constitution, lead by Alexander Hamilton//Democratic-Republican party: favored states’ rights, strict interpretation of Constitution, lead by Thomas Jefferson
  • Neutrality Proclamation of 1793

    Neutrality Proclamation of 1793
    in response to conflict between Britain and France, declared US neutrality and warned citizens to be impartial toward both camps; Democratic Republicans furious bc Washington announced it without consulting Congress & felt like they owed France
  • Invention of Cotton Gin

    Invention of Cotton Gin
    Invented by Eli Whitney; South able to produce a lot more cotton, needed to satisfy growing market for cotton--> needed more reliable source of labor (slavery)
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay's Treaty
    to avoid joining war; British-leave US outposts & pay for impressment damages--didn’t promise anything about future impressment/supplying arms to Indians; Americans- repay pre-Rev debts & restrictive trade policies toward France
    Dem-Repub angry bc like surrendering to Britain, betrayal to southern planters who would have to pay a major share of pre-Revolutionary debts while rich Federalist shippers could collect payment for recent damages (British seizures); French mad too
  • Pinckney’s Treaty

    Pinckney’s Treaty
    Spain was worried about a potential British-American alliance and wanted to strike a deal with America---granted America free navigation of Mississippi and warehouse rights in New Orleans and territory of western Florida
  • Washington’s Farewell Address

    Washington’s Farewell Address
    warned against political parties & entangling alliances
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    French furious about Jay’s Treaty, viewed it as the first step toward an alliance with Britain and a violation of their treaty of 1778; French warships began to seize American merchant vessels (almost 300 by 1797), refused to receive America’s newly appointed diplomat to France
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    Aimed at pro-Democratic Republican “aliens” mostly poor European immigrants (looked down upon by aristocratic Federalists)---raised residence requirements for immigrants who wanted to become citizens, gave president power to deport foreigners in times of peace and to deport/imprison in times of conflict; enacted by Federalist Congress to discourage Jeffersonian opposition---anyone convicted of defaming government officials/interfering with gov policies could be imprisoned and fined heavily
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
    secretly drafted by Jefferson and Madison argued that states should have the power to decide whether the federal government had overstepped its boundaries of the authority it was granted and states should have the right to nullify national legislation if they feel like it’s unconstitutional
  • “Revolution of 1800”

    “Revolution of 1800”
    Thomas Jefferson elected, Peaceful transfer of power from the federalist party to the democratic republicans
  • 1800s 2nd Great Awakening

    1800s 2nd Great Awakening
    Reaffirmed religion’s role in society; reformer movements- temperance, ppl have ability to better themselves to overcome sin so can do the same for society
  • Marbury v Madison

    Marbury v Madison
    Chief Justice John Marshall ruled against William Marbury (one of Adams’ midnight appointments), established judicial review (gave Supreme Court ability to declare the constitutionality of acts)
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Doubled the size of US, was kind of contradictory because Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, which doesn’t explicitly state that he can purchase new territory--kicked off Lewis and Clark expedition
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    Embargo Act of 1807
    In response to harassment of US ships by the British & French, shut down US imports and exports which caused New England’s economy to collapse
  • End of int'l slave trade

    End of int'l slave trade
  • Non Intercourse Act of 1809

    Non Intercourse Act of 1809
    Reopened trade with most countries except Britain & France
  • Macon’s Bill No. 2

    Macon’s Bill No. 2
    (passed during Madison’s presidency) reopened traded with Britain & France but if either country stopped interfering with US trade then the US would stop all trade with the other country, France agreed but continued to attack US ships
  • Lowell System

    Lowell System
    (textile industry in New England) Guaranteed employees housing in nice boarding houses, cash wages, cultural/social events to entice women from nearby farms to work in textile mills; War of 1812 cut US off from English textiles
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    British impressment, arming some Natives on frontier; Warhawks victory at the Battle of New Orleans after Treaty of Ghent was signed boosted US nationalism; US manufacturing improved out of necessity
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    Hartford Convention Federalists who opposed the war because it disrupted trade met to discuss possible secession---after US victory at New Orleans the Federalists were deemed traitors which lead to the demise of the Federalist party
  • Period: to

    Era of Good Feelings

    only 1 political party, lots of nationalism
  • McCulloch v Maryland

    McCulloch v Maryland
    John Marshall ruled that states couldn’t tax National Bank (national law over state law)
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    financial scare: mortgage foreclosures, business failures
  • Adam-Onis Treaty

    Adam-Onis Treaty
    US gained Florida from the Spanish
  • 1820s Emergence of Cult of Domesticity

    1820s Emergence of Cult of Domesticity
    Related to rise of market economy/industrialization, work sphere and home sphere, married women in charge of home sphere, responsible for being the moral figures in society (eventually lead to female involvement in reform movements as an acceptable role outside the household)
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Admitted Missouri as a slave state, carved Maine out of Massachusetts (to keep the balance), prohibited slavery north of Missouri’s southern border (besides Missouri)
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    Monroe Doctrine policy of noninterference---Europe should stay out of the Americans and the US would stay out of European affairs (even though the US didn’t have the military might to back it up)
  • Henry Clay’s American System

    Henry Clay’s American System
    Rechartered National Bank (1816), stronger protective tariff, federal subsidies for internal improvements
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    most states allowed voters to directly choose electors, none of the 4 candidates won majority, Clay (speaker of House) supported John Quincy Adams (corrupt bargain--after Adams became pres Clay became secretary of state (Andrew Jackson’s supporters were furious)
  • Hudson River School

    Hudson River School
    Era of Good Feelings, painters wanted to capture America's beauty, American identity
  • Election of 1828 (male suffrage w/out land)

    Election of 1828 (male suffrage w/out land)
    Adams (Republican) and Jackson (Democratic Republican--states rights) “mudslinging”, “Old Hickory” Jackson viewed as a war hero and frontiersman, the bulk of his support in West/South--showed gradual westward shift of power
    Jacksonian Democracy spoils system & voting rights granted to all white men (even if they didn’t own property)
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    (passed during Adams administration) strongly opposed by Southerners- argued it hurt southern farmers who didn’t enjoy protection of tariffs AND forced to pay higher prices for manufacturing
  • Indian Removal Acr

    Indian Removal Acr
    Cherokee had declared themselves a sovereign nation (within Georgia), gold discovered there so act passed to relocate them to Oklahoma territory--> Trail of Tears
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    Slave rebellion in Virginia; result: Southern states passed slave codes that prohibited blacks from congregating & learning to read
  • McCormick Reaper

    McCormick Reaper
    revolutionized farming, more efficient
  • Nullification Crisis & Force Bill

    Nullification Crisis & Force Bill
    John C Calhoun (VP) secretly argued that if state felt fed law unconstitutional could nullify, SC threatened to secede; Jackson's Force Bill authorized to send federal troops
  • 1833 Compromise Tariff

    1833 Compromise Tariff
    Stated that tariff would be lowered over a period of 10 years; In response to the Nullification Crisis between Andrew Jackson and South Carolina's legislature (SC nullified 1832 tariff and threatened to secede)
  • Pet Banks & Specie Circular

    Pet Banks & Specie Circular
    Jackson removed funds from central bank and put it into pet banks; required all public lands to be purchased w hard/metallic currency (caused money shortage)
  • Emergence of Whig Party

    Emergence of Whig Party
    disliked Democrat Jackson (called him “King Andrew I”), included: supporters of Clay’s American System, southern states who disliked Jackson’s stance on nullification, larger northern industrialists/merchants, Anti-Masonic Party
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    During Martin Van Buren's presidency, Response: Van Buren proposed Divorce Bill to pull treasury funds out of pet banks so it would be stored away from inflation
  • Election of 1840

    Election of 1840
    William Henry Harrison (Whig) vs Martin Van Buren (Democrat); Whigs embraced log cabin/hard cider; highlighted appeals to the “common man”
  • Commonwealth v. Hunt

    Commonwealth v. Hunt
    legalized unions and strikes
  • Texas admitted to Union

    Texas admitted to Union
  • Oregon Treaty

    Oregon Treaty
    Got Oregon Territory from Britain
  • Beginning of Mexican American War

    Beginning of Mexican American War
    during Polk’s (D)) presidency---Manifest Destiny associated w/ him, claimed Mexico fired first, Northerners were worried new slaves would tip balance; ended in Mexican Cession of Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Utah
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    Wilmot Proviso proposed bill to prohibit extension slavery into territory gained from Mexico---vote split along sectional lines
  • "54 40 or Fight""

    "54 40 or Fight""
    Oregon boundary dispute over where border between Canada and Oregon should be; Democrats wanted 54 40 but expansionist Polk (D) settled for 49 (annexation of Texas too around this time)
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    First women's rights convention, discussed women's suffrage
  • Emergence of Free Soil Party

    Emergence of Free Soil Party
    regional party--opposed to expansion of slavery (not bc abolitionist) bc didn’t want to compete with slave labor in new territories
  • Interchangeable parts & beg mass production

    Interchangeable parts & beg mass production
    Beginning of mass production, assembly lines, boosted Northern manufacturing
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    California admitted as a free state, abolished slave trade in DC (not slavery), Stronger fugitive slave law, remainder land from Mexico used to form New Mexico and Utah territories---popular sovereignty
  • Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

     Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
    described horrors of slavery that public wasn't aware of--growing antislavery sentiments, even reached Europe (prevented them from entering war on behalf of South once focus on the war shifted to slavery bc they didn't want to upset their citizens that had read it)
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Split Nebraska territory into 2, popular sovereignty but assumed Kansas (west of slave Missouri) probably slave and Nebraska (west of free Iowa) free---contradicted Missouri Compromise 1820 (slavery forbidden in Nebraska Territory north of 36º 30’ line); Bleeding Kansas
  • Bessemer Process

    Bessemer Process
    Cheaper way to make steel, steel used for buildings, railroads etc.
  • Emergence of Know-Nothing Party (3rd party)

    Emergence of Know-Nothing Party (3rd party)
    response to increase of immigrants & popularity of Catholicism, wanted stricter immigration/naturalization laws and wanted to authorize deportation of poor immigrants
  • Dred Scott v Sandford

    Dred Scott v Sandford
    Dred Scott former slave, brought to territories where slavery illegal so declared himself free & sued for freedom; decision: slaves are propety not citizens so couldn’t sue in fed courts & Congress coulnd’t regulate slavery in territories (further nullified Missouri Compromise & killed hopes of Wilmot Proviso)
  • Lincoln Elected President

    Lincoln Elected President
    After Lincoln elected pres (without a single electoral vote from South); deep South seceded; 1861 attacked Fort Sumter
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    both sides declared martial law, suspended habeas corpus; Northern economy: demand for uniforms, weapons (invention of uniform sizes); Sherman’s total war destroyed Southern infrastructure
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    allowed settlers to gain up to 160 acres of land by living on it for 5 years, improving it, paying nominal fee of $30ish---climate not great @ Great Plains---drought, many forced to give up---big corporations often took advantage of this to get the best land w natural resources
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    ended in Confederate retreat, so claimed as Union victory; allowed Lincoln to announce Emancipation Proclamation
  • Pacific Railroad Acts

    Pacific Railroad Acts
    promoted construction of transcontinental railroad, gov would give land grants to railroad companies, can take their pick of land and sell the rest--boomtowns; time zones
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    didn’t physically free any slaves but shifted focus of war to slavery (instead of keeping union together/states’ rights); declared all slaves in rebellious states were free
  • Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan

    Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan
    more lenient, required 10% voters voted in 1860 election swear allegiance to Union, accept 13th Amendment; Radical Republicans argued Reconstruction should be lead by Congress not President
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    After Union victory--from then on South was on the defensive, stated that war was to uphold values of liberty
  • Freedman's Bureau

    Freedman's Bureau
    Freedman’s Bureau helped free blacks with food/housing/schools---1st social welfare program
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Prohibited slavery
  • Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan

    Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan
    (became president after Lincoln’s assassination) creation military gov to run states until readmitted to Union, required all Southern citizens to swear to loyalty oath, prevented former Southern elite from taking vow (to prohibit involvement in new gov); Johnson ended up pardoning Southern elites & most Southern states passed black codes
  • Period: to


    Reconstruction: how to readmit Southern states, status of blacks; failures: black codes, share-cropping, KKK
  • National Labor Union

    National Labor Union
    fought for 8 hr work day; more agreeable motives, excluded Chinese and didn’t really make an effort to include women and black workers
  • Military Reconstruction Act of 1867

    Military Reconstruction Act of 1867
    Led by Congress, martial law in South, required states to ratify 14th Amendment (people born in US are US citizens & equal protection) & send new constitutions to be approved
  • National Grange (eventually Populists)

    National Grange (eventually Populists)
    cause: low prices, railroads charged high rates---goal to improve lives of isolated farmers through social/educational/fraternal activities; eventually shifted goals to escape trusts and cooperatively owned stores for consumers, grain elevators, warehouses
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    15th Amendment required states to allow black men to vote
  • Completion of Transcontinental Railroad

    Completion of Transcontinental Railroad
    Union Pacific and Central Pacific rails met (both got loans from gov and land grants); engineering accomplishment...joined West Coast with Union, allowed for trade with Asia, boosted economic growth, creation of time zones,"boom towns"
  • Knights of Labor

    Knights of Labor
    organized all workers regardless of skill/gender/race; more radical; eventually associated w too much violence and also skilled workers had more leverage and eventually ditched them
  • Standard Oil Company

    Standard Oil Company
    Rockefeller’s company, symbolized trusts and monopolies Gilded Age...1877 controlled 95% oil refineries: horizontal integration
  • 1870s Social Darwinism

    1870s Social Darwinism
    idea that people gained wealth through survival of fittest...wealth were naturally more capable than poor...they owe poor nothing...people naturally possess traits that allow them to get ahead and be more superior...justification for US imperialism (ex. Spanish-American War)
  • 1870s 2nd Industrial Revolution

    1870s 2nd Industrial Revolution
    More people depending on wages, relationships with bosses became more impersonal, work schedules; yellow dog contract & blacklists used to discourage unions
  • 1870s The Social Gospel

    1870s The Social Gospel
    Belief that God and Christ taught you to be kind to your neighbor and help those that are less fortunate to you--pushed especially by middle class women, leads to many reform movements---but teaching what they think an American should be so culturally biased (WASP)
  • 1870s Robber Barons & Laissez Faire

    1870s Robber Barons & Laissez Faire
    Big company corruption & unethical practices; trusts- Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company eliminated competition by controlling smaller companies (horizontal), Carnegie's steel (vertical integration);
  • Yellowstone (1st National Park)

    Yellowstone (1st National Park)
    realized that they had pretty much reached the end, that the land wasn’t limitless so needed to preserve
  • Credit Mobilier Scandal

    Credit Mobilier Scandal
    insiders gave stock to members of Congress to avoid investigation into huge profits they made from gov subsidies building transcontinental railroad
  • Woman’s Christian Temperance Union

    Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
    wanted to ban sale of alcohol→ make world more “homelike”; Frances E. Willard (founder)--reform mentality encouraged women to fight for more radical change (ex. woman suffrage); drinking alcohol affects economic/stability of family’s well being---within female sphere
  • Liberal Protestants

    Liberal Protestants
    encouraged followers to use Bible as moral compass instead of believe it represented scientific/historical truth (focus on ethical teachings)---many became active in “social gospels” & other reform movements
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    killed Reconstruction: if Rutherford B. Hayes (R) won presidency, he would end military reconstruction (pull out troops)
  • Greenback Labor Party

    Greenback Labor Party
    advocated for inflation (earlier Greenbackers) & program for improving labor---joined by farmers
  • "Deflation Dooms the Debtor" 1870s/1880s

    "Deflation Dooms the Debtor" 1870s/1880s
    Most farmers tied to a single crop if prices stayed high they did well but grain farmers no longer in charge of themselves...affected by world market/world output (if wheat production in other countries did better then bad for American farmers; if there was deflation (price of wheat fell to half original) they would have to pay back price of double the amount of crops for the original amount they borrowed plus interest
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Prohibited immigration of Chinese laborers; around this time lots of immigration from Southern & Eastern Europe & China
  • Pendleton Act of 1883

    Pendleton Act of 1883
    granted federal government jobs based on examinations not political patronage; made required campaign contributions from fed employees illegal
  • Haymarket Square riot

    Haymarket Square riot
    Chicago May Day rally that became violent, someone threw a bomb, labor union blamed
  • Wabash case

    Wabash case
    Supreme Court reinforced that states can’t regulate interstate commerce (so Grange laws that tried to regulate rates were invalid)
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    required railroads to publish rates; didn’t allow discrimination against shippers and charging more for short trip than long one on the same line; 1st attempt to regulate businesses
  • Dawes Severalty Act

    Dawes Severalty Act
    forcibly changed Native American way of life---civilization; forced assimilation, broke up Native reservations to distribute land to households; leftover land sold to fund gov efforts to ‘civilize’ native americans; got rid of tribal ownership of land and gave Indian family heads 160 free acres---if they behaved themselves they would eventually get full title to land and citizenship
  • Gospel of Wealth

    Gospel of Wealth
    from book published by Andrew Carnegie, with the wealth comes responsibility, had to prove themselves morally responsible
  • Hull House

    Hull House
    founded by Jane Addams to help immigrants assimilate through education/counseling/municipal reform, promoted pacifism (criticized bc kinda pushed assimilation in a certain way)
  • Sherman Antitrust Act 1890

    Sherman Antitrust Act 1890
    to regulate monopolies, law that didn’t let trusts in of 1st congressional attempts to regulate big business for public good--rarely enforced & used against labor unions
  • 1890s Yellow journalism

    1890s Yellow journalism
    Sensationalized news to increase readership
  • Populists/People's Party 1890s

    Populists/People's Party 1890s
    (from Farmers’ Alliance) represented Westerners/Southerners who felt that US economic policy favored Eastern businessmen instead of farmers: wanted nationalization of railroads graduate income tax, unlimited coinage of silver; Won electoral votes in 1892 pres election; collapsed 1896
  • 1890s-1920s Muckrakers

    1890s-1920s Muckrakers
    exposed widespread corruption (business manipulation of gov/child labor/illegal behavior of trusts)
  • 1890s Booker T Washington vs WEB Du Bois

    1890s Booker T Washington vs WEB Du Bois
    Washington felt that shouldn't challenge social order too much; WEB Du Bois wanted immediate equality
  • Forest Reserve Act

    Forest Reserve Act
    allowed president to claim public forests as national parks/reserves
  • Secret Ballot

    Secret Ballot
    progressive victory, reduced power of party machines
  • Homestead Strike (steel)

    Homestead Strike (steel)
    strike at steel plant in PA bc of pay cuts...resulted in armed battle between strikers, Pinkerton detectives (hired by Carnegie), federal troops, lockout
  • Panic of 1893

    Panic of 1893
    depression strengthened Populists’ argument that farmers and laborers were victimized by economic/political system
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    strike by railroad workers upset by wage cuts, led by socialist Eugene Debs; federal troops sent to end strike bc disrupting mail---divisions between labor and gov willingness to use armed force to combat work stoppages---1st time legal weapon used as ordered by fed gov to stop a strike, rebellious workers could be imprisoned w/out trial by jury
  • Period: to

    Progressive Era

  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
  • "Remember the Maine!”

    "Remember the Maine!”
    Was sent to protect Americans in Cuba if something dangerous were to happen, mysteriously blew up & killed 260 sailor; yellow journalism fanned the flames--> Spanish War
  • Teller Amendment

    Teller Amendment
    Part of president McKinley's initial war plans: when US overthrew Spain they would allow Cuba its freedom
  • Period: to

    Spanish American War

    Showed that US was a world power, start of imperialism, renewed patriotism
  • Philippine Insurrection

    Philippine Insurrection
    thought they would be granted independence like Cuba, US sent troops (ironic bc fighting people who were asking for independence); “benevolent assimilation” US spent millions improving roads, sanitation, public health, school system, Filipinos hated forced Americanization, wanted liberty
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    gave US access to Chinese market even though didn’t have formal influence in china
  • Foraker Act (Puerto Rico)

    Foraker Act (Puerto Rico)
    gave them limited degree of popular government, granted US citizenship but no full self rule----US helped improve education/sanitation/transportation but people wanted independence
  • Progressive Era Women's Reform

    Progressive Era Women's Reform
    Extension of role at home, focused on child labor, tuberculosis, safe food products, factory reform, temperance
  • Insular Cases

    Insular Cases
    Constitution didn’t follow flag (Puerto Ricans/Filipinos not necessarily have all American rights)
  • Platt Amendment (Cuba)

    Platt Amendment (Cuba)
    (honored Teller Amendment, withdrew from Cuba): pressured Cuban gov to add amendment to their constitution, limited Cuba’s treaty making abilities, controlled debt, US could intervene militarily to restore order ---- American control of Cuba
  • Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal (3 C's)

    Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal (3 C's)
    Three C's: control of corporations, consumer protection, conservation of natural resources (multiple resource management)
  • Anthracite coal mine strike

    Anthracite coal mine strike
    Most workers immigrants felt like were being exploited, wanted 20% increase pay and 9 hr day; TR's "Big Stick" threatened to seize mines and operate w/ federal troops; owners finally compromised w/ workers--> finally gov starting to stand up against big business
  • Department of Commerce and Labor

    Department of Commerce and Labor
    in response to rising conflicts between capital and labor
  • Elkins Act strengthened Interstate Commerce Commission

    Elkins Act strengthened Interstate Commerce Commission
    ICC (1887) regulated transportation of goods between states; Elkins Act: passed by Congress to impose penalties on railroads that gave/shippers who accepted rebates (deduction/discount)
  • TR's Trustbusting

    TR's Trustbusting
    Broke up Northern Securities Company (monopoly of Northwest monopolies); Believed in good trusts and bad trusts
  • Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

    Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
    US has responsibility to preserve order in Western Hemisphere, has ability to intervene in domestic affairs of Latin American countries if necessary.
  • Industrial Workers of the World

    Industrial Workers of the World
    radical anti-war, wanted 1 big union, appealed to migrant workers in bad working conditions, inflation greater bc of war
  • The Jungle & Meat Inspection Act

    The Jungle & Meat Inspection Act
    The Jungle muckraked unsanitary food production-> Meat Inspection Act: meat shipped over state lines had to undergo federal inspection; Pure Food and Drug Act: Regulated labeling of food/pharmaceuticals (medicine)
  • Great White Fleet

    Great White Fleet
    Roosevelt wanted to impress Japan, sent battleship fleet on voyage around the world
  • Root-Takahira agreement

    Root-Takahira agreement
    Agreement between US and Japan to respect each other’s territorial possessions in Pacific, uphold Open Door (in China)---eased tensions between 2
  • Muller v. Oregon

    Muller v. Oregon
    Supreme Court agreed to limit hours for women factory workers bc harmful effects would take a bigger toll on weaker female bodies
  • Taft's "Dollar Diplomacy"

    Taft's "Dollar Diplomacy"
    policy of supporting US investments/political interest abroad; encouraged investors to invest abroad in areas that were of political interest--strengthen US defense/foreign policies; wanted US investors to invest in Honduras/Haiti to keep out foreign funds---Monroe Doctrine broke more trusts than Roosevelt
  • Payne-Aldrich Bill

    Payne-Aldrich Bill
    goal to lower tariff but unsuccessful, Taft claimed it was the best bill Repub ever passed; angered Progressive Republicans
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    146 immigrant women died, result: stricter laws to regulate hours/conditions
  • Progressive "Bull Moose" 3rd Party

    Progressive "Bull Moose" 3rd Party
    Roosevelt ran as 3rd party Progressive Republican--convention: symbolized increasing political status women, support for social justice
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    direct election of US senators
  • Wilson's "Triple Wall of Priviledge"

    Wilson's "Triple Wall of Priviledge"
    Wilson wanted to tackle: Tariff, banks, trusts
  • Underwood Tariff (income tax)

    Underwood Tariff (income tax)
    1ST FED INCOME TAX (didn’t send message to Capital to be read aloud by clerk (custom), made personal appearance to appeal to Congress); reduced (import) rates
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    reform banking system---established 12 regional Fed Reserve Banks & Fed Reserve Board (appointed by president) to regulate banking/stability
  • 16th Amendment (income tax)

    16th Amendment (income tax)
    Congress can levy income tax
  • Federal Trade Commission

    Federal Trade Commission
    president appointed commission to keep an eye out for & stop illegal business practices within interstate commerce to tackle monopolies---false advertising, bribery, unfair competition, etc.
  • Clayton Anti-Trust Act

    Clayton Anti-Trust Act
    extension of Sherman Anti-Trust Act; LEGALIZED STRIKES
  • Wilson's Neutrality Proclamation

    Wilson's Neutrality Proclamation
    WW1; diff reactions--some immigrated recently
  • “Lusitania”

    British passenger ship sank by Germany; there were Americans on board---brought them closer to joining war
  • Adamson Act (8hr)

    Adamson Act (8hr)
    established 8 hour work day for employees on trains for interstate commerce, extra pay for overtime----1st federal law to regulate hours for workers in private companies
  • Sussex Pledge

    Sussex Pledge
    ultimatum given by Wilson (temp diplomatic victory): if Germany continued to sink merchant ships without warning he would break diplomatic relations
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    6 million African Americans from rural South moved to cities in North (2nd wave 1940-1970) in search of jobs
  • 10hr workday for factory workers

    10hr workday for factory workers
  • Zimmermann Note

    Zimmermann Note
    German foreign secretary secretary secretly proposed Germany-Mexican alliance; not intercepted & published--> Americans furious
  • Espionage Act

    Espionage Act
    Restriction on civil liberties; prohibited interference w/ draft & other disloyal acts
  • US Mobilization for WW1

    US Mobilization for WW1
    more voluntary: wheat-less Wednesdays, meatless Tuesdays, victory gardens, restricted resources to make alcohol; gov took control of railroads & daylight savings to extend workday
  • War Industries Board

    War Industries Board
    INCR FED POWER coordinated industrial production: set production quotas, allocated raw materials, encouraged companies increase efficiency
  • American Expeditionary Forces

    American Expeditionary Forces
    US passed draft bill, women admitted to navy & marines for 1st time; African Americans served in segregated units & mostly unloaded ships/construction
  • Wilson's Fourteen Points

    Wilson's Fourteen Points
    "Making the world safe for democracy"!!! proposal to have peace after WWI: end to secret treaties, freedom of seas, aRms reduction, national self-determination, adjustment of colonial claims (anti-imperialist), League of Nations
  • War Department's "work or fight"

    War Department's "work or fight"
    any unemployed male would be immediately drafted-- discouraged strikes; 1919 steel industry strike: employers refused to comply w/ strikers & hired African Americans to keep factories open
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    Banned alcohol
  • Schenck v United States

    Schenck v United States
    confirmed legality of Espionage Act-- freedom of speech can be restricted if poses a threat to nation
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    proposed by Wilson; world organization of gov..US never joined
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    peace but unfavorable terms for Germany; isolationists in US opposed League & treaty (never ratified); Germans felt betrayed
  • Irreconcilables vs Reservationists

    Irreconcilables vs Reservationists
    Irreconcilables: isolationists opposed int'l cooperation (League) --no entangling alliances
    Reservationists: wanted to make it more favorable to Americans; didn't want League to be involved in our hemisphere or to be forced into any wars
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    Palmer Raids deported ppl suspected of communist activities; Bolshevik Rev; targeted labor unions (IWW)
  • 19th Amendment (women's suffrage)

    19th Amendment (women's suffrage)
    women filled jobs bc men off to war, Wilson supported female suffrage as necessary war measure
  • American Plan (no unions)

    American Plan (no unions)
    employers used term to describe policy of not wanting to negotiate w/ unions
  • Automobiles

    Assembly line/mass production no longer just a luxury, necessary for transportation, greater independence for women, more things to do in free time, emergence of suburbs
  • Flapper

    women's clothes that were less conservative, embraced sexuality
  • Jazz

    African American influence, traditionalists claimed too dangerous, too liberating; new racial pride--> Harlem NYC
  • 1920s Radio

    1920s Radio
  • Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act

    Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act
    EXPANDED ROLE GOV appealed to female voters: federally funded maternal/infant health care instruction; family welfare--showed Congress's support for traditional role as mothers (after war most women gave up war jobs)
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    set quotas for immigration, limited souther/eastern Europeans, prevented Asians
  • Scopes Monkey Trial

    Scopes Monkey Trial
    Teacher prosecuted for teaching theory of evolution in Tennessee, victory for fundamentalists (literal reading of Bible)
  • Kellog-Briand Pact (outlaw war)

    Kellog-Briand Pact (outlaw war)
    Agreement between 62 countries to "outlaw" war, provided false sense of security; idealistic--burying head in sand
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    Causes: post WW1, isolationism so enacted tariffs (other countries did too in response) & collapse of stock market (buying on margin) & banks
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff

    Hawley-Smoot Tariff
    Highest protective tariff in peacetime history of US; Foreigners angry, made trade tough “economic warfare on outside world”; brought US and others deeper into depression; US economic isolationism--away from Dawes Plan for German reperations, US loaned money to Allies
  • Federal Emergency Relief Administration

    Federal Emergency Relief Administration
    gov money to bail out large businesses/banks; in line w/ Hoover's "rugged individualism"--ppl will get too reliant on gov handouts, didn't believe in direct aid
  • FDR's 1st New Deal

    FDR's 1st New Deal
    (1st Hundred Days--Emergency session Congress) RELIEF & RECOVERY: fireside chats, restored confidence in banks, gave jobs to ppl (Public Works Administration), Agricultural Adjustment Act, Tennessee Valley Authority (cheap elec,low cost housing, environmental improvements) Civilian Conservation Corps (jobs to plant trees, parks)
  • Glass-Steagal Act

    Glass-Steagal Act
    created Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, insured bank deposits...stopped unstable banking that lead to Great Depression
  • Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

    Indian Reorganization Act of 1934
    encouraged tribes to establish local self gov & preserve native crafts & traditions; stopped loss of Indian lands & revived interest in own identity & culture--some Natives felt that Americans did it just to make museum pieces out of them
  • Good Neighbor Policy

    Good Neighbor Policy
    FDR attempt to improve relations w/ Central & South America; cooperation & trade to maintain stability
  • 2nd New Deal

    2nd New Deal
    REFORM Works Progress Administration (paid ppl for art, buildings, roads); Social Security; Securities and Exchange Commission (protect public from fraud/deception in stock market)
  • Neutrality Acts

    Neutrality Acts
    1st Prohibited sale of arms to any countries in war; 2nd one banned loans too; 3rd "cash and carry" allowed arm sales--required allies to pay cash for weapons & pick up w own ships
  • FDR Court Packing

    FDR Court Packing
    after Supreme Court declared some of his agencies unconstitutional, wanted to nominate new justices for those over 70
  • Roosevelt Recession

    Roosevelt Recession
    response to criticism, tried to balance budget & limit spending
  • FDR's Quarantine Speech

    FDR's Quarantine Speech
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    set minimum wage & 40 hr workweek
  • 1st peacetime draft

    1st peacetime draft
    Selective Training and Service Act
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    Allowed US to lend weapons to England (no money to buy); sent US ships to war zone to protect shipments
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    US declared war on Japan, Germany declared war on US
  • Internment of Japanese Americans

    Internment of Japanese Americans
    encroachment on civil liberties; Korematsu v US some measures are necessary to protect the US
  • 1942-1964 Bracero program

    1942-1964 Bracero program
    1942-1964 Agreement between US and Mexico for migrant workers to come to US; organized labor frustrated
  • Zoot Suit Riots

    Zoot Suit Riots
    US servicemen in LA attacked Latino and Mexican residents; connect- Bracero program
  • GI Bill

    GI Bill
    (FDR) provided helped WWII soldiers reintegrate into civilian life: loans to buy homes/farms/small businesses, tuition for college & job training
  • Containment Doctrine

    Containment Doctrine
    Must curb Communist expansion
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    US aid for Greece & Turkey so that they don't turn to Communism
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Economic aid to Europe
  • Taft-Hartley Act

    Taft-Hartley Act
    Passed by Repub Congress (over Truman's veto), restricted right to strike and closed shops
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Committee on Civil Rights

    Committee on Civil Rights
    (Truman) Called end to segregation/poll taxes & around this time desegregated military ( upset Southern Dixiecrats)
  • NATO

    Military alliance/collective security, goes against Washington's farewell
  • 1950s McCarthyism

    1950s McCarthyism
    New red scare, Senator Joseph McCarthy accused lots of people, Hollywood blacklists, execution of Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, Army-McCarthy hearings
  • 1950s consumer culture

    1950s consumer culture
    Fast food, plastic credit card, Disney Land
  • 1950s Conformity vs counter culture

    1950s Conformity vs counter culture
    TV, suburbs, traditional roles; counterculture- youth, Vietnam War (didn't want to get drafted), drugs, gay rights, feminism, hippies
  • Operation Wetback

    Operation Wetback
    (Eisenhower) deported illegal Mexican migrant workers (connect to Bracero Program)
  • Massive Retaliation & Mutually Assured Destruction

    Massive Retaliation & Mutually Assured Destruction
    (Eisenhower) nuclear intimidation
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    overturned separate but equal (Plessy v Ferguson) for education
  • Domino theory & start of Vietnam War

    Domino theory & start of Vietnam War
    If Vietnam falls to Communism, all of Asia will
  • TV

    50% of households had TVs; shows promoted perfect nuclear family, traditional cult of domesticity
  • Little Rock

    Little Rock
    Eisenhower sent troops to escort students to school only to uphold court decision
  • New Frontier

    New Frontier
    (JFK) increased unemployment benefits, expanded Social Security, raised min wage
  • 1960s Black Power

    1960s Black Power
    Shift from pacifist, integrationist techniques to more violent & separatist forms of protest; LA looted & burned bc mad about police brutality
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    Bay of Pigs invasion
    CIA sent Cuban exiles, wanted to overthrow Castro (failed)
  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    (JFK) sent specialists/teachers to aid 3rd world countries
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    closest to nuclear confrontation, efforts of detente after
  • Equal Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act
    illegal to pay men & women diff salaries for same job (employers still found ways around it)
  • Gideon v Wainwright

    Gideon v Wainwright
    Criminal defendants allowed legal counsel even if too poor; this and Miranda warning (police must read rights to suspects)--conservatives felt coddling criminals
  • Township v Schempp

    Township v Schempp
    Public schools can't require prayer/bible reading
  • Great Society

    Great Society
    education (Headstart), health (Medicare/Medicaid), immigration (Immigration & Nationality Act), race reform
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    (part of Great Society) banned racial discrimination in most private facilities
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    banned literacy tests & poll taxes used to prevent African Americans from voting
  • 1960s MLK Integrationist vs Malcolm X Seperatism

    1960s MLK Integrationist vs Malcolm X Seperatism
    MLK: pacifism, bus boycott, lunch counter sit in, legislative successes; Malcolm X black power- militancy & separatism
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    voter registration for black voters
  • Interstate Highway System

    Interstate Highway System
    (Eisenhower) suburbs (Levittowns), homogeneous culture
  • Voting Rights Act & Affirmative Action

    Voting Rights Act & Affirmative Action
    prohibited ballot denying tactics; in the same year--affirmative action: can't racially discriminate when hiring (protection), meaning changed in Philadelphia Plan
  • Griswold v Connecticut

    Griswold v Connecticut
    overruled state laws that banned contraceptives, right of privacy
  • Americanization of Vietnam War

    Americanization of Vietnam War
    Tet Offensive 1968 (N Vietnam); response: My Lai Massacre; Tonkin Gulf Resolution: gave pres blank check to spend on conflict
  • Vietnamization

    (Nixon) gradually withdrew US troops, but continued to supply money/weapons/advice
  • Philadelphia Plan

    Philadelphia Plan
    changed meaning of affirmative action, set quotas for hiring minorities--"reverse discrimination"
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
    1962 Silent Spring (called out pesticides), 1970 Environmental Protection Agency; Clean Air Act
  • 1970s Energy Crisis

    1970s Energy Crisis
    1973 OPEC embargo on oil shipments to US
    High oil prices & gas shortages---very reliant on gas/oil; US felt like not strong in the world, contributed to rise of conservatism
  • Watergate

    distrust in gov, lead to Nixon's resignation
  • Roe v Wade

    Roe v Wade
    (Warren's liberal court) Legalized abortion
  • Resistance to affirmative action

    Resistance to affirmative action
    1974: can't force students across school district lines--> white flight to suburbs; 1978: spots can't be reserved more minorities just bc of their race
  • Milliken v. Bradley

    Milliken v. Bradley
    school district lines can't be redrawn to fight discrimination
  • Carter's humanitarian diplomacy

    Carter's humanitarian diplomacy
    1978 Invited pres of Egypt and PM of Israel to conference & signed an accord for Israel to withdraw from territory conquered & Egypt to respect Israeli borders
    1979 resumed full diplomatic relations with China; pushed treaties to give Panama Canal to Panamanians (upset conservatives)
  • Rise in Cold War Tensions

    Rise in Cold War Tensions
    Soviets invaded Afghanistan; Iranian hostage crisis
  • Malaise speech

    Malaise speech
    Well intended but disastrous speech by Carter; scolded materialism (viewed as tone deaf bc some ppl struggling to put food on table) , encouraged communal spirit--wanted to boost morale
  • Moral Majority

    Moral Majority
    promoted traditional Christian values: opposition to feminism/abortion/gay rights; politically involved--used civil disobedience tactics
  • Reagan's New Right

    Reagan's New Right
    Causes: energy crisis, stagflation, Carter, sexuality, affirmative action; wanted small fed gov (power from ppl), deregulation, lower taxes, military spending; Reagan- "teflon" pres
  • "Yuppies"

    symbolized materialism & wealth; young urban professionals with fancy watches and cars
  • Reaganomics

    supply-side (trickle down); tax cuts (less money spent on welfare) & criticized bc wealthy didn't always invest their money
  • Reagan's New Federalism (to decr fed power)

    Reagan's New Federalism (to decr fed power)
    wanted to shift power more to states; Strategic Defense Initiative "Star Wars" (missile shield system); escalated arms race
  • Iran-Contra Scandal

    Iran-Contra Scandal
    1)US hostages by Muslim extremist groups so
    US diplomats secretly arranged arms sales to Iran (at war w/ Iraq) in return for release US hostage; at same time continued support Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein
    2) left-wing Sandinista gov in Nicaragua & wanted to help the contras resist so
    Money from weapon sales to Iran used to help contras in Nicaragua
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev
    last leader Soviet Union, wanted free speech, free market practices, more open to West-- pretty much end of Communist rule
  • Conservative courts (abortion, affirmative action)

    Conservative courts (abortion, affirmative action)
    1989 Ward’s Cove Packing v. Antonia & Martin v Wilks made harder to prove employers racially discriminated in hiring & easier white men say they’re victims reverse racism
    1989 Webster v. Reproductive Health Services allowed Missouri law to impose some restrictions on abortion
    1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey states can restrict access to abortion if they don’t place “undue burden” on women
  • Persian Gulf Crisis

    Persian Gulf Crisis
    1989 Bush sent troops to Panama capture dictator/drug lord Manuel Noriega
    1990 Iraq (lead by Saddam--who US had helped during Iraq-Iran war) invaded Kuwait; US condemned
    Operation Desert Storm US lead w/ Allies, drove Iraq out of Kuwait--reversed “Vietnam syndrome”
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    prohibited discrimination against mental/physical handicaps--equal protections to all, “kinder America”
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
    reduced trade barriers (tariffs & preferential treatment) between US/Mexico/Canada
  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

    "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
    Clinton, allowed gay/lesbian soldiers bc forbidden to ask about sexual orientation, could be discharged if publicly revealed homosexuality
  • 2000 Election

    2000 Election
    similar to 1824, election night major TV reporters said Al Gore defeated George W. Bush, Al Gore challenged but Supreme Court prevented formal recount of Florida votes
  • 9/11

    worst case domestic terrorism; hadn’t had foreign attack at home in 200 yrs→ security & society