US History

  • 900

    Gunpowder Invented

  • 1100

    Compass invented

  • 1440

    Printing Press invented

  • 1492

    1492 Spain discovers America

    Christopher Columbus discovers America
  • 1607 Jamestown

    People started colonizing Jamestown. First settlement from British in America.
  • 1608 Quebec founded

    Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec
  • Starving time

    winter begins with not much of a food supply. many deaths from natives and colonists.
  • Dutch colonize America

    Henry Hudson and the Dutch find America.
  • french ship wrecks

  • The great epidemic

    Great epidemic begins with European traders and fishermen. From Maine to Massachusetts.
  • Headright system

    This was to draw in more workers to work on the fast growing tobacco farms.
  • First African slaves

    As stated the tobacco field were growing fast and they needed workers for cheap so what better way to do it than slaves (that’s what they thought). The first set of slaves arrived from Africa.
  • pilgrims

    Pilgrims discover America in 1620. They land in Plymouth Massachusetts.
  • Mayflower Compact

  • maine settled

  • Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth

  • Chief Opechancanough leads rebellion against colonists

    The Chief led an attack on the British and killed 347 of the British in that colony.
  • Dutch traders buy manhattan

    Peter Minuit met with Lenape natives to buy manhattan from them.
  • Cambridge agreement

    This was a agreement between shareholders of Massachusetts bay. This took land for people in England who were planning on moving.
  • Maryland founded

    Maryland founded by George Calvert. This was a English man.
  • Freedom of worship

    Freedom of worship is the idea of being able to worship any god that you believe in. this doesn’t mean that you could only be catholic.
  • Period: to

    ct founded

  • Pequot War

    This was when Connecticut declared war on Pequot which was a native American tribe. This was the first war of native americans versus England.
  • delaware founded

  • First slaves in Plymouth

    This is when the first slaves came in from Africa and were brought by boat. This was for them to work on the tobacco field which was the biggest trade.
  • 1642 Mass. general court 3 years labor for anyone who lives with natives

    This meant that any colonist that lived or helped the natives would be sentenced to 3 years of labor. This was most likely in the tobacco fields.
  • Another failed rebellion

    This was the Claiborne and Ingles Rebellion or Plundering time. This was caused by a dispute between the british king and William Claiborne. This caused this rebellion but it failed.
  • north carolina founded

  • Yearning to Breathe Free/ immigration

  • New Jersey founded

  • 1663 Charles the 2nd gives 8 proprietors rights to a colony north of florida

    8 People are given land in Florida to live on and build a colony.
  • 1664 England takes Manhattan

    James Duke of York discovers and is the mayor of New York.
  • South Carolina founded

  • King Philips war

    This was a war between Native Americans and New Englanders. This lasted 3 years.
  • Pennsylvania

  • Quakers Abolition

    quakers want to abolish slavery
  • boston masacre

    after a protest protesters were shot
  • Georgia Founded

  • Freedom of the press

    This was allowing the public to write what they want without the government interfering.
  • Bering Strait

    Vitus Bering discover this strait
  • Franklin Discovers electricity

  • 1st Census

    counts how many people were in the U.S.
  • the Quartering act

    if no available camps British soldiers could stay in random peoples houses
  • stamp act

    The British made taxes on all printed products
  • Boston tea party

    This was a protest by the Sons of Liberty. they threw many pounds of tea into the ocean.
  • The shot heard around the world concord and lexington

  • Common Sense

  • Declaring independence

    This is when America decided to be their own country.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    This was a big turning point in the American Revolution. This was a huge morale boost for the colonists.
  • articles of confederation ratified

  • Treaty of Paris

  • Shays Rebellion

    This was a war about taxes. Taxes were too high.
  • Industrial Revolution

  • Bill of Rights

    This is when the Bill of Rights was passed.
  • 11th Amendment ratified

  • The election of 1800

  • peacful transfer

    first time there was a a peacful switch of presidents
  • Marbury vs Madison

  • Louisiana purchase

  • Lewis and Clark

    They travel west
  • transportation revolution

  • Expanding sufferage

  • Second great awakening

  • abolition

  • Communication revolution

  • Baseball

    This was when baseball was invented.
  • Mexican War

  • U.S. wins Mexican American war

  • Homestead act

  • Battle of Antietam

    This was the confederates invasion on Maryland. Although the Union did win.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

  • Gettysburg address

  • Civil Rights Bill passed

    all MEN no matter race or color are U.S. citizens
  • 14th Amendment

    This was allowing anyone born in the U.S. to be a citizen.
  • 15th Amendment ratified

    African Americans get the right to vote
  • National Parks

    First place to be named a national park was Yellowstone.
  • Ending Reconstruction

    The end of reconstrucion after Civil War.
  • Women's suffrage amendment proposed

  • Pless vs Fergusen

  • war with Spain

    Spanish VS. American war
  • Theodore Roosevelt elected

  • Vote for women

    this is when the 19th amendment passed allowing women to vote.
  • 19th Amendment

  • The new deal

  • WW2 ends

    Harry Truman announces japan surrendering
  • Berlin Airlift and Cold War

    U.S. broke through during Berlin Airlift
  • Birth Control

    Birth control released. Sold out in seconds and if you buy one now you get the 2nd free.
  • brown vs board of education

    this was when the supreme court decided segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.
  • Birmingham

    A big turning point in civil rights when the KKK bombed 4 young girls.
  • Civil rights act passes

    Lyndon Johnson pushed for the civil rights act
  • Bloody Sunday

    First march for Selma
  • Malcolm X killed

    Malcolm X asasinated
  • Jim crow law

    the Jim Crow law taken away. this was a law for segregation in the south.
  • MLK assasinated

    MLK assasinated by James Early Ray
  • Watergate

  • End of Cold War

  • 9/11

    9/11 big plane go boom and then again bad day