Oklahoma City Bombing
Oklahoma bombing brutally kills 168 and wounds 800. The explosion took place at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. All the victims of this event were innocent citizens targeted by hate and terrorism act.This made the United Stateds goverment get more prepared for horrible drastic events like this. -
First Successful Clone
Dolly the Sheep was the first mammal to be succesfully cloned from an adult cell. This was considered one of the most significant scientific breakthroughs ever, Dolly the Sheep's birth and survival proved that adult cells can reprogram themselves into a new being. This opened many doors for expiermental scientist to study moecular heredity, science of biotechnology, and the human gentic code. -
Impeachment of Bill Clinton
The house of representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton. He was charged with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing the justice. This affected the Goverment of the United States and the future voters because now they have a deep distrust in who to chose for the next Presidency. -
NATO Launches Bomb
NATO launches a bombing campaign against Yugoslavia. The NATO bombardment ended when Serbia agreed to a peace agreement calling for the withdrawal of Serb forces from Kosovo and their replacement by NATO peacekeeping troops. -
Terrorists attacks and kills 1000s of civillians and destroys the World Trade Center in New York City, and also part of the Pentigion in Washington, D.C. This started the hunt for the number one terrorist of the county, Osama Bin Laden and the widespread of fear and mistrust of Muslims and Islam. The religon of Christaitny rose also. -
Virginia Tech Shooting
A male student kills two in Virginia Tech dorm then two hours later, he kills 30 more students in classrooms before commiting sucide. This tradgety inforced gun control in a few states and colleges started doing statistics in threat-assessment findings to prevent this from ever occuring again. -
High Oil Prices
Oil prices hit a hight record of $147 per barrell over a recent Iranian missle test. This effected the economy very badly, it was rough from low income families and people to afford high gas prices. Many people began to ride bikes, take the city bus or use the smart rechargable cars. -
First Back President
Barack Obama is elected and announced the 44th President of the United States. He is the frist African-American President in Us history, By him being elected it cleary shows racial discrimination is not a rough as it was in the past. -
Capture of Us #1 Terrosit
The US has killed and captured Osama Bin Laden, leader of Al Qaeda. This was a very happy day for Americans and took a big stress off their shoulders because the number one US terrorist was finally captured. (Also helped grieving families from the 9/11 tragedy). -
Nuclear Bomb Threat Towards USA
North Korea leader, Kim Jong-un threatens a nuclear missel attack towards the United States. This frightened many Americans about death being able to hit at anytime and made people scared. The US acted immediatly and wanted to bomb North Korea first although it hasn't happened.