Period: to
History between 1919 and 1941
Creation of German Workers' Party
The Party was originally formed by Anton Drexler. Hitler was one of the first to join, and quickly transformed the party into a great political movement. Hitler later took complete control in 1921 and renamed it the National Socialist (Nazi) Party. Citation: Benson, Neal. "the Rise of te Third Reich".CTRA, East Hartford. January 9, 2014. -
Italy Faces Revolution
In WWI, Italy fought with the Tripal Alliance before backing out. The country turned to the Allies, which promised land in return for help during the War. However, the Allies failed to follow through on their promise, leaving Italy to stuggle with the cost of the war alone. This led to trading issues and inflation,. By 1920, the conditions had gotten to the point where Italy was faced with a Revolution.
Citation: Benson, Neal. "The Rise of the Third Reich". CTRA, East Hartford. January 9, 2014. -
Fascism in Italy
Fascists, led by Mussolini, start to force their way into the Italian Parliament. Mussolini, using fear tactics, quickly became the Prime Minister of the country; it is only a year later that, like in Germany a few years later, Parliament votes itself out of exixtance. Citation: Benson, Neal. "The Rise of the Third Reich". CTRA, East Hartford. January 12, 2014. -
Beer Hall Putsch
The Nazi party tries to overthrow the government of Bavaria and fails. Thae Nazi Party was baadly damaged by the faliure, and Hitler, now the party's head, is put on trial and convicted of treason. He is sentenced to at least 5 years in prison, but only serves 9 months until he is let out. It is at that point that Hilter begins to reassemble the Nazi Party. Citation: Benson, Neal. "The Riae of the Third Reich". CTRA, East Hartford. January 9, 2014. -
The Great Depression
On October 24, 1929, The United States Stock Market crashed. While it had a direct effect on the US, economies across the world suffered. Te Hawley-Smoot Tariff rose prcies of forign goods in the US to the point where they were unaffordable. Europe reacted by putting tariffs on US goods. This shut down International trade which effected the whole world. Citation: Benson, Neal. "Cause of the Great Deprassion". CTRA, East Hartford.
"The Great Depression", History.com, Internet, January 10, 2014. -
Hitler takes Control
Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany after the elections and assumes complete contol almost overnight. He gets the Parliament to vote itself out of existance; all Democratic Freedom dissapears and everything in Germany is being controled by the Nazis. Citation: Benson, Neal. "The Rise of the Third Reich". CTRA East Hartford. January 9, 2014. -
The Nazi Party Grows
n the three years after the start of the Great Depression, German uneployment increased staggeringly, from 1.6 million in 1929 to 6 million by 1932. Not coincidentally, the Nazi Party grew as employment fell, reaching a peak of 230 seats in Parliament. It had become the largest single Party in Germany. Citation: Benson, Neal. "The Rise if the Third Reich". CTRA East Hartford. January 12, 2014. -
FDR's Election
Franklin D. Roosevelt Was US President from 1932 through 1945. He helped America recover from the Depression, vreating the New Deal Program and Social Security. Though he was the last ppresident to be elected three times--1932, 1936, and 1940--he was able to see America through what might be the two roughest times in US history: the Great Depression and WWII. Citation: "Franklin D. Roosevelt", www.whitehouse.gov. Internet. January 12, 2014. -
Japanese Expansion
Japan expands its territory by first invading Manchuria in 1931, and then moving into China in 1937. The Chinese surrender when the Japanese invade the city of Nanking; the invasion,and events that transpired over the next six weeks would later be known as the Rape of Nanking. Citation: Benson, Neal. "Rise of Japan". CTRA, East Hartford. Jan 9, 2014. -
The Rape of Nanking
Japanese soldiers invade the Chinese capital of Nanking. They took the 90,000 surrendered Chinese soldiers and killed them in ways that can only be discribed as barbaric. Chinese men were used as live dummies for bayonet practice and decapitated. The Japanese then turned their attention to the civilians; women and children were abused and raped (the number would reach 20,000). Citation: Genocide in the 20th Century: The Rape of Nanking. Historyplace.com, Internet. January 10, 2014. -
Nazi/ Soviet Non-Agression Pact
Germany and Russia sign a non-agression pact in August of 1939. As far as the public knew, the pact stated that the two countries would be peaceful toward eachother for ten years. In reality, it divided Eastern Europe between Germany and Russia, and allowed Hitler the ability to invade Poland without Soviet interference. Citation: Benson, Neal. "The Rise of the Third Reih". CTRA, East Hartford. January 12, 2014.
"German-Soviet Nonagression Pact". History.com. Internet. January 12, 2014. -
Invasion of Indo-China (Vietnam)
Japan invaaded Indo-China with set goals in mind. They wanted to blockade goods going into China, only adding to the the problems there after The Rape. They also desired access to natural resouces, namely oil, which was essential for Japan's industrialization. Mostly, however, the Japanese wanted control of vital trade routes. This included the Philipines, which was controled by the US at the time. This specifically led to conflict between the two countries, eventually leading up to Pearl Harbor