US History 1800-1876

By Liz_Chu
  • Library of Congress Founded

  • DC become the US capitol

  • First Congressional meeting in DC

  • Judiciary Act

  • John Marshall appointed as Chief Justice for the US Supreme Court

  • Thomas Jefferson Inaugurated

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Ohio added to the US

  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

  • Thomas Jefferson Inaugurated

  • Michigan added to the US

  • Act Banning the importation of Slaves

  • James Madison Inaugurated

  • War of 1812

  • James Madison Inaugurated

  • Treaty of Ghent

  • National Anthem Written

  • Indiana Added to the US

  • Mississippi Added to the US

  • James Monroe Inaugurated

  • US Flag Created

  • Adams-Onis Treaty

  • Panic of 1819

  • Missouri Comromise

  • James Monroe Inaugurated

  • Monroe Doctrine

  • John Quincy Adams Inaugurated

  • Treaty of Limits

  • Andrew Jackson Inaugurated

  • Mormon Church Founded

  • Indian Removal Act

  • Nat Turner Revolt

  • Texas Declares Independence from Mexico

  • Martin VanBuren Inaugurated

  • Women allowed to own Property

  • John Taylor Inaugurated

  • William Harrison Inaugurated

  • Treaty of Wanghia

  • Annexation of Texas

  • James Polk Inaugurated

  • Mexican War

  • Treaty of Guadalupe

  • Zachary Taylor Inaugurated

  • Millard Fillmore Inaugurated

  • Franklin Pierce Inaugurated

  • Bleeding Kansas

  • James Buchannan Inaugurated

  • Oregon Added to the Union

  • South Carolina Succeeds from the Union

  • Civil War

  • Abraham Lincoln Inaugurated

  • Homestead Act

  • The Gettysburg Address

  • Battle of Gettysburg

  • The 13th Amendment

  • End of the Civil War

  • Women's Sufferage

  • 15th Amendment

  • Great Fire of Chicago

  • First National Park Established

  • The Great Depression

  • The US Greenback Party

  • The Civil Rights Act