First permanent English Settlement in the New World -
Founding of Massachusetts
Pilgrims settled in Plymouth. William Bradford and John Winthrop -
Navigation Act of 1651
All goods have to be transported on English Ships -
Salem Witch Trials
Period: to
Seven Years War
French and Indian War -
Stamp Act
Tax on paper goods like wills, dices, playing cards, newspapers
First direct on the colonists -
Boston Massacre
More about propaganda because only 5 Americans died. John Adams defended the British Soldiers. -
Boston Tea Party
Tossed overboard chests of tea to protest the Tea Act -
Lexington and Concord
Shot Heard Around the World beginning the American War of Independence -
Common Sense
Author: Thomas Paine
Calling for the colonists to use their common sense and declare independence -
Declaration of Independence
Battle of Saratoga
Turning point of the American Revolution Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne - surrendered at Saratoga -
Period: to
Valley Forge
George Washington and his troops camped here for the winter. Baron von Steuben trained the soldiers -
Battle of Cowpens
Cornwallis fought the Americans in cow fields and decided to give up and go back north -
Battle of Yorktown
The British surrendered to the colonists ending the war -
Treaty of Paris
Ended the War of Independence -
Shay Rebellion
People in Western Mass upset about taxes. This was under the Articles of Confederation -
Constitutional Convention
Purpose: Fix the issues of the Articles of Confederation -
Period: to
Ratification of the Constitution
Delaware was the first state to ratify while Rhode Island was the last -
Period: to
George Washington Presidency
Period: to
French Revolution
Americans supported the ideas of the French Revolution until the Reign of Terror -
Whiskey Rebellion
Tax over grain. It was under the Constitution -
Cotton Gin
Inventor: Eli Whitney -
Period: to
John Adams
President and Vice-President: different parties -
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Authors: Jefferson and Madison. If a state does not like a lay, then they can declare it unconstitutional and not enforce it. -
Sedition Act and Alien Act
Aimed at Jefferson and his supporters. Punished those that talked bad against the President. -
George Washington's death
the death of the first president -
Period: to
Thomas Jefferson Presidency
Election of 1800: Decided what to do when there was a tie. First peaceful transfer of power between political parties -
Marbury v Madison
established judicial review (Supreme Court can declare a law unconstitutional) -
Louisiana Purchase
Paid 15 million to France for 15 states -
Period: to
Lewis and Clark/ Corps of Discovery
Explored the Louisiana Purchase -
Period: to
James Madison's Presidency
Period: to
War of 1812
Treaty of Ghent
Ended the War of 1812
Began American nationalism -
Star Spangled Banner
Author : Francis Scott Key -
Period: to
James Monroe
Panic of 1819
First Major Depression as a result of horrible banking practices. -
Missouri Compromise
Missouri entered as a slave state, and Maine came in as free state.
Separated the North and South into Free and Slave states. -
Monroe Doctrine
Did not allow Europeans to colonize in the Western Hemisphere. -
Period: to
John Q Adams
Period: to
Andrew Jackson
Grass Fight
Took place during the Texas Revolution - thought that the Mexican forces were taking supplies to San Antonio but it was actually HAY -
Period: to
Texas Revolution
Texas fought Mexico for their Independence -
Period: to
Martin Van Buren
Period: to
Oregon Trail
Hundreds of Americans moved to Oregon -
Texas Declaration of Independence
Battle of the Alamo
Trail of Tears
the forced movement of the Cherokee from Georgia from to Oklahoma -
Period: to
William Henry Harrison
President only for a month before he died. -
Period: to
John Tyler
The Accidental President