Period: to
Industrial Revoluton
New technological advancements and inventions were achieved during this period -
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George Washington
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Alexander Hamilton
Served as secretary of the treasury under George Washington -
Jay's Treaty
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John Adams Presidency
Only serving one term, as well as being one of the founding fathers. Also proposed the Alien and Sedition acts. -
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Thomas Jefferson
Louisiana Purchase
Marbury vs Madison court case
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James Madison
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War of 1812
Between United States and Great Britain -
Treaty of Ghent
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James Monroe
Monroe doctrine
Delivered by President James Monroe, warning Europe about colonization or puppet monarchs -
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Andrew Jackson
Nat Turner's rebellion
Indian Removal Act
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Martin Van Buren
Period: to
William Henry Harriosn
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John Tyler
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James K Polk
Mexican-American war
Gold rush
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Zachary Taylor
Compromise of 1850
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Millard Filmore
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Franklin Pierce
Dred Scott case
Period: to
James Buchanan
Period: to
Abraham Lincoln
Period: to
Civil War
The US Constitution
Ratified in 1991,