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US History 1 review

  • 1175

    American Revolutionary War

    American Revolutionary War
    13 of Great Britain's North American colonies won political independence and formed the United States.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    An Italian explorer sailing for Spain who believed that Asia (India) could be reached by sailing west from Europe. His first voyage was in 1492, wherein he discovered North America (Caribbean islands) and named it the West Indies. He will make four voyages to the new world without fully realizing what he had discovered.
  • Period: 1492 to

    US History 1 Review

  • 1518

    Middle Passage

    Middle Passage
    Forced voyage of enslaved African across the Ocean. Good triangle trade route for tools
  • Southern Colonies

    Southern Colonies
    They were the backbone of the Southern economy. Settlers in the Southern colonies came to America to seek economic prosperity they could not find in Old England
  • Jamestown

    The colony was a private venture. First permanent English settlement in North America in 1607
  • Plymouth

    A group of 100 people which we now refer to as the pilgrims set sail to the New World. It was the first permanent settlement of Europeans.
  • New England Colonies

    New England Colonies
    The first English emigrants to what would become the New England colonies were a small group of Puritan separatists, later called the Pilgrims.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    The Puritans who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony intended to set up a society that would accord with what they believed to be God's wishes. It was the most successful and profitable colony in New England
  • Middle Colonies

    Middle Colonies
    The territory between New England and Virginia, much of which was already occupied by Dutch traders and landowners called patroons
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    Religious revival in the British American colonies. Part of religious ferment that swept Western Europe
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    France has expanded into the Ohio river, which brought conflict. A series of battles led to the official British Declaration.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    First British Parliamentary attempt to raise revenue sp they made a tax for legal paperwork and bunches of other paper.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Attempt to recoup the considerable treasure. Helped spark the colonist desire for American independence.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    342 cases of tea owned by East India Company were thrown in to the water.
  • Battles of Lexington/Concord

    Battles of Lexington/Concord
    Politically disastrous for the British, to persuade Americans to take up arms.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Most important document in the history of the Unites States. Announced the separation of the 13 British Colonies
  • Valley forge

    Valley forge
    Known as the birth place of the American Army. Washington led 11,000 regulars to take up winter in Valley forge
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Virginia marked the conclusion of the last major battle of the American Revolution.
  • Article of confederation

    Article of confederation
    served as a bridge between the initial government. the drafters of the articles deliberately established a confederation.
  • Constitutional Convection

    Constitutional Convection
    A convection that drew up the Constitution of the United States. Stimulated by severe economic troubles
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The industrial revolution took place between 1790's and 1830's. Manufactured goods, moved from small shops to large factories for more products.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The amendments guarantee essential rights and civil liberties
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Land deal between U.S. and France in 1803 which was Western half of the Mississippi River. The U.S. bought (2,144,520 square km)
  • Lewis and Clark expedition

    Lewis and Clark expedition
    Lewis and Clark were sent to the Louisiana Purchase and the Pacific Coast in 1804-1806 to find new discoveries
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    Fight between the United States and Great Britain over U.S. maritime rights.
  • Missouri Comprise

    Missouri Comprise
    The Missouri comprise was an agreement between the South and the North to see which states would allow slavery
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    John Quincy Adams was elected president after Andrew Jackson in 1824. Andrew had the most electoral popular votes but didn't receive majority
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The president gave land to American Indians so they can leave their current location and move and settle somewhere else.
  • Abolitionist

    Historic movement to end slavery. Before abolitionist succeed it failed many times, but the movement awakened many people of the horror of slave trad
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    The battle of the Alamo lasted 13 days taking place in San Antonia, Texas. The fight by a fort called the Alamo. In this war America gained the Southwestern part of the U.S.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    People truly believed that their expansion west to new land was gods destiny during 1845 many people moved and settled west
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    Mexican-American war was fought between 1846-1848. Americans were full filling their "manifest Destiny" and wanted to expand territory
  • California Goldrush

    California Goldrush
    People wanted to get rich swarming California for fortune of gold. Starting in 1848 300,000 people came in and out of California
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    An enslaved person, depicted as saintly and dignified
  • Underground Rail Road/ Harriet Tubman

    Underground  Rail Road/ Harriet Tubman
    Harriet Tubman was a former slave. She escaped and helped other slaves as well: they were known as the free black community.