US History

  • 1581

    Pennsylvania by Quakers

    William Penn received charter for Quarker safety.
  • Jamestown, VA

    1st English colony
  • John Smith Controls Jamestown

    builds fort and relationships with Powhatan
  • Dutch found New Netherland

    would ultimately turn into New York after English conquered them
  • Rolfe Marries Pocahontas

    keeps peace with Powhatan tribe
  • Dutch bring African slaves to Jamestown

  • Pilgrims sign Mayflower Compact

    one of the first attempts at self-government, ,laws to protect general good of people
  • Great Migration

    English move to English colonies in New England, Puritans left England for Mass. by John Winthrop
  • Maryland created

    as refuge for English Catholics
  • Anne Hutchinson's Radical Religion

    forced out ofBoston due to beliefs that people didn't need guidance from ministers to have a relationship with god
  • Toleration Act of 1649

    created to ease tensions between English Catholics and Protestants
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    colonists upset with taxes and trade with Natives burn Jamestown in uprising
  • English Bill of Rights in Colonies

    colonists wanted more rights tot elect representatives and formed new assemblies
  • Salem witch trials

  • Massachusetts Bay Expands to Plymouth

  • Carolinas Created

    farmers from VA in N and Europeans settled S, thousands of slaves brought in
  • Jonathan Edwards helps lead Great Awakening

    Massachusetts leader sermoned and told people to seek forgiveness for sins or rot in hell
  • Sam Adams coins "No Taxation without Representation"

    and founds Committee of Correspondence to help colonies stay in touch and share information about British laws and challenging them
  • Taxes Lead to War

  • Washington Chosen to lead Continental Army

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Patriots surprised British forces
  • Battle of Saratoga Turning Point of War

    Patriots blocked NE from other colonies
  • D.O.I. signed

  • Hessian mercenaries hired by NJ

  • Patriots defeat Hessians at Battle of Trenton

  • Marquis de Lafayette Allies with Patriots

  • Winter at Valley Forge, north of Philly

  • Baron Friedrich von Steuben

    Prussian leader trains American troops
  • Ben Franklin Convince France to Help

    After Battle of Saratoga win, France agrees Pats can win the war
  • Bernard de Galvez joins Spain to the war

    enemy to Britain
  • Horatio Gates loses SC

  • Francis Marion organizes Brigade guerilla soldiers

  • Battle of Yorktown ends Revolution

    Treaty of Paris signed
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    set up system for surveying and dividing western lands
  • Shay's Rebellion in Mass.

    urpsigin of farmers to protest high taxes and heavy debt
  • NW Ordinance

    established NW Territories: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, and Wisconsin
  • Judiciary Act

    set ups federal courts
  • Bank of United States

    1st national bank created
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    farmers rebelled against tax on whiskey
  • Washington says Farewell

    warns the American people of:
    - political parties
    - foreign ties that could bring U.S. into war
  • XYZ Affari

    French demanded bribe of $250000 for a treaty signing
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    keep people from speaking negatively of the federal government
  • Marbury v. Madison

    established Supreme Court judiciary review as final word on Constitution
  • Lewis and Clark explore Louisiana Purchase land

  • James Madison and Congress Declare War

    War of 1812 on Britain
  • Treaty of Ghent

    signed in Belgium and ended War of 1812
  • Battle of New Orleans Illusion

    made Andrew Jackson a hero and last major conflict of the war
  • Era of Good Feelings

    peace, pride, progress in U.S.
  • Erie Canal Built

    ran from Albany to Buffalo
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    party members choose party candidates and nomination conventions
  • Democratic Party formed to support Jackson

  • Whig Party favored weak president and strong Congress

  • Mexican War

    U.S. won New Mexico and California in the Treaty of Guadalupe (Rio Grande River Mexican-U.S. border)
  • American Federation of Labor created

  • Manhattan Project

    secret research and development program to build atomic weapon during WWII
  • Tet Offensive

    100 South Vietnamese cities attacked simultaneously and people watched it on tv- lost govt credibility that Vietnam War was almost over