us history

By dwow
  • Jun 15, 1215

    magna carta

    magna carta
    gave rights to nobalest and freeme
  • Roanoke island

    Roanoke island was founded by settlers in 1500s and when more settlers went there was no one there.
  • Jamestown

    John Smith founded it. It was the first engish settelment.
  • house of burgusses

    It was the first rep assembly in the new world.
  • The mayflower compact

    it was the first doc that set self government .
  • roger williams

    founded providance RI
  • Navigation act

    brtish parlament passed the first navigation act doc.
  • william penn

    the founder of pennsylvania
  • witchcraft

    excluted witches by special court
  • Great Awakening

    religious revival began
  • benjaman franklen

    published the frist poor richard almanake
  • John peater zener

    zenger trial
  • French and indian war

    french had indian land
  • sugar act

    the british started puting taxes on sugaer
  • stamp act

    the british satrted putting tax on paper so when you payed the tax on the paper tghey will put a stamp on it.

    the act where people had to house british solders.
  • townshed act

    tax on paper and tea
  • Boston massacre

    british solders shot at unaremed people and killed 5 people.
  • boston tea party

    people dressed up as indians and went on a british ship and dumped 14 cartens of tea
  • Intoerable Acts

    It was puneshment for the people in Boston after the Boston tea pary.
  • First Continental congress.

    Held in philadelphia called for civil disobedience agents the Britlsh.
  • Patrick Henry

    Address in the virginia convention and said give me liberty of give me death.
  • Lexington and Concord

    The first battel of the revolutionary war.
  • Common Sense

    Auther thomas Paine worte it during the war and sold over 10,000 copys.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The document that gave us independence form Graet Britin
  • Articals of confederation

    adopted by the continetal congress.
  • Jhon Paul Jones

    On the bonhomme Richard defeated serapis in the north british sea waters.
  • Yorktown

    was the last battel of the revalutionary war
  • the treaty of paris.

    was the treaty that ended the war
  • The nortwest ordinance

    opend up part the the northwest.
  • consitutinal convntion

    The first convention to set up a consituion
  • Geroge Washington

    Was the first pres of the United States.With vice pres Jhon Adams.
  • Bill of rights

    submitted to states in sept 25,1791,and went into effect in on dec 15.
  • Washington Inaugurated.

    he was inaugurated for his second term in office.
  • Washington farewell address

    he warned the contry about permament alliances with foreign powers.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the U.S. and was purchase for 3,750.00$
  • Lewis and Clark

    pres thomas jefferson sent the two explorers to go and see the purchse in 1804
  • War of 1812

    It had three main causes the british had scized one of the american ships that was trading with the french.
  • The star spangel banner

    the star spangel banner was writin by Feances scott key buring the war of 1812
  • The missoury Comp

    passed by congress to allow slavry in missoury but admited as a free state
  • Trail of tears

    The trale where the cherokke had to walk in frim Georga all the way to oklahoma
  • the telagraph

    the first message was sent of the telegrapf line by samuel F.B morse
  • Compromise of 1850

    the comp of 1850 allowed california to be a admeted as a free state
  • Harriet Beecher Stow

    Auther of uncel toms caben
  • the dred sccot cace

    The court ruled that he could not sue because hw was not a U.S citizen
  • abraham lincoln elected pres

    lincoln was 16 pres ofthe U.S.
  • confedarate states of america

    the confedaret was formed by south carolina sessed
  • battel of anjtietam

    the boldest battels in the civel war
  • gettysburb address

    lincoln told the people that war is not the answaer
  • Roberrt e lee surenderd

    he surenderd to the uinion and the war ended
  • 14 amendment

    gave citizenship to all ntural born babys in the us
  • 15 amendment

    makeing no race no bar to voting right
  • red cross founded

    clara barton founded the red cross