US Gov't Timeline

By osvcerv
  • Federalist

    those people who support the ratification of the constitution in 1787-1788
  • Anti-Federalist

    Those people who oppose the ratification of the constitution in 1787-1788
  • Democrat-Republic

    The Democratic-Republic ,now known as the Republican party, is an American political party formed to oppose the Federalist Party
  • Modern Democrats

    seceded from the Democratic Republicans, under Andrew Jackson... stood for the common citizen
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    Movement for more democracy in American government in 1830.
  • Modern Republicans

    Made up of Whigs, former Free Soil Party members, and ex-Democrats. fought slavery in the US
  • The party of Lincoln

    Temporary name for the Republican party during the civil war
  • Roosevelt Democrats

    "New Deal coalition" was the alignment of interest groups and voting blocs in the United states that support the New Deal voted for Democratic presidential candidates from 1932 until the 1960's