Period: to
US from 1800-1850
Census of 1800
There were 5.3 million people in America at the time of 1800 -
Thomas Jefferson inaugurated
When Jefferson was made president. Third president and term ended 1809 -
Statehood of Ohio
What congress ended
Thomas Jefferson ends translantic slave trade. This act called "The Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807" -
James Madison Inaugurated
James Madison becomes president. Forth president and term ended 1807 -
What compromise occurred
The Missourri compromise was signed by James Monroe. -
Census for 1810
7.2 million people live in America at the time this census was taken -
Statehood of Arizona
Statehood of Louisana
Statehood of Indiana
James Monroe
James Monrose becomes president. Fith president, term ended 1825 -
Construction that changed trade and travel
Statehood of Mississippi
Statehood of Illinois
What territory we gained by treaty
We gained Florida from Spain by treaty in 1819 -
Statehood of Alabama
Statehood of Maine
Census for 1820
9.6 million people lived in America at the time this census was taken -
Statehood of Missouri
Foreign policy was created
James Monroe declared the "Monroe Doctrine" that European attempts to recolonize the Americas would be considered a hostile act towards the United States -
John Quincy Adams Inaugurated
John Quincy Adams becomes president. Sixth president, term ended 1829 -
Passed taffif
The Tarrif of 1828 was made to protect industries in the United States. -
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson becomes president. Seventh president, term ended 1873 -
Significant boll that changed settlement patterns
Indian Removal Act passed by Andrew Jackson -
Census for 1830
12.8 million people lived in America when this census was taken -
Rebellion Occurred
Nat Turner Rebellion was a slave rebellion that occurred in 1831. -
Charter was renewed
The Bank of the US was renewed. -
Revolution Began
The Texas Revolution began, it was between Mexico and Texas citizens. -
Famous Siege and Texas
Mexico fought for the Alamo in San Antonio and Texans captured Santa Anna and killed 650 Mexican Soldiers. -
Statehood of Arkansas
Martin Van Buren
Martin Van Buren becomes president. Eighth president, term ended 1841 -
statehood of Michigan
Famous Trail
The Trail of Tears is the famous trail that is known for removing Cherokee Indians from the U.S. -
Census for 1840
17 million people lived in America at the time this census was taken -
William Henry Harrison
William Harrison becomes president. Ninth president, term ended 1841 -
John Tyler
John Tyler becomes president. Tenth president, term ended 1845 -
James K. Polk
James K. Polk becomes president. Elenventh president, term ended 1849 -
Statehood of Florida
Statehood of Texas
Statehood of Iowa
Who we went to war with
America went to war with Mexico. This was called the Battle of Buena Vista. -
Statehood of Wisconsin
Zachary Taylor
Zachary Taylor becomes president. Tweleth president, term ended 1850 -
Census for 1850
23.1 million people lived in America when this census was taken -
Statehood of California