Roosevelt world constable judge jan141905 locdb 975w

US Foreign Policy

  • Big Stick Diplomacy

    Big Stick Diplomacy
    This set the precedent that the United States should be prepared for any conflict that arises. Showed that the United States was prepared to fight for claims
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    Stated that was willing to enter conflict if a US territory was attacked or seized by a European country.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    Set the precedent that the US was going to bargain with its wallet instead of brute force.
  • Moral Diplomacy

    Moral Diplomacy
    This changed the way that the US entered foreign affairs. It created a moral obligation that stated that the US was trying to preserve democracy. By stating this they could enter any conflict where democracy was threatened.
  • Repeal of the Panama Canal Tolls Act

    Repeal of the Panama Canal Tolls Act
    This showed that the US was not going to get special privileges in the international world.
  • The Sign in of the Jones Act

    The Sign in of the Jones Act
    Supported the idea of Moral Diplomacy. For example, it stated the the Philippines could be territorial status AFTER it set up a stable government. The US was not willing to let them do that before they set up a democratic government.
  • The 14 Point Address

    The 14 Point Address
    Further supported Moral Diplomacy because it stated the WWI was fought for moral reasons.
  • Paris Conference

    Paris Conference
    After the end of WWI, the US was given the role of global leader. However, it did not accept the role of global leader.
  • Criminal Syndicalism Laws

    Criminal Syndicalism Laws
    As the US entered the foreign ring it quickly retreated into isolationism. These laws were the first signs of it as they consisted of strong antiforeignism and antiredism policies.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    This was Wilson's idea of how to prevent future wars and his way of getting more involved in foreign intervention.
  • Period: to

    Emergency Quota Act and Immigration Act

    Further showed the US retreating to isolationism as it began limiting the number of immigrants that could come in a year and outright banning some groups of immigrants from entering the country.
  • Five Power Naval Treaty

    Five Power Naval Treaty
    Showed that the US, although in isolationist mode, was still actively participating in foreign affairs to help prevent future war.
  • Election of Herbert Hoover

    Election of Herbert Hoover
    He was an isolationist and lengthened the time that the US would remain isolationists.
  • Stimson Doctrine

    Stimson Doctrine
    Stated that the US would not recognize any of the territory Japan acquired by force. Showed that the US was moving back towards playing global leader.
  • Good Neighbor Policy

    Good Neighbor Policy
    Stated that the US would be a "Good Neighbor" to foreign. This improved relations with Latin America.