german procolmation
when they declared war on purassia and capture it and move on to france and russia but the made a procolomation to give it back -
open door policy
made the equal tradeing withchina so other contents could trade with them -
fought against the u.s fo there indipendence and ended loseing -
roosevelt cerollary
was made by roosevelt to show other countries that they walk quietly and carry a big stick -
dollar diplomacy
it gave loans to other countries and wich then caused intrest and then they had influnce over them -
assasination of archduke franz ferdinand
the arch duke was assasinated by an assasin from siberia causeing an outbreak in war -
start of ww1
was started because of the assasination of the arch duke there fore they attacked siberia and then russia got involved and the the british did to causeing outbreak of war -
panama canal
was created to make transportation easyer a gift from panama it cost 400million to build it and 1000 lives also took 10 years to build -
end of wwi
world war 1 ended because of the treaty of versi that they singhned and also germany had to pay 300 billion in reperations and take the blame for the whole thing -
sinking of lusitina
german u boat sunk british passenger ship killing 120 americans therfore causeing the u.s to get mad and maybe declare war -
sussex pledge
was a pledge the germans made and promissed to stop sinking ships and but they still kept doing it afterwards -
zimmerman telegram
british intelegence interceppts telegram from germany to mexico witch says if mexico started a war that they would give them back there land -
u.s enters ww1
joins because of of the sinking of the lusitina and the telegram sent from germany to mexico -
selective service act
it was the draft used to get citizens in the army because we had a strong navy but not that much of an army -
wilsons 14 points
were rules made to keep countries at peace but the us did not join the leage of nations because they thounght we would have to go to war unneserly if on of the members went to war