
US Escalation in Vietnam

  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    Two US Destroyers were stationed in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin, in a neutral zone when attacked. North Vietnamese forces fired upon the Maddox and the Turner Joy. This was seen as an unprovoked aggression by Washington.
  • Operation Pierce Arrow

    Operation Pierce Arrow
    Operation Pierce Arrow was launched by the US. 64 bombing runs were against North Vietnamese oil storage facilities and patrol boat bases.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed
    The Gulf of Tonkin was passed almost unanimously. This authorized military action against North Vietnam, but was not a declaration of war. Gave the President to use "all necessary measures" against the North Vietnamese.
  • Operation Starlight

    Operation Starlight
    One of the first large American offensive operations in the war. Changed US involvement from defensive fighting to offensive fighting. It resulted in heavy casualties to the North Vietnamese. Lasted from August 17th- 24th.
  • Viet Cong Bomb

    Viet Cong Bomb
    A Viet Cong bomb kills 23 American servicemen in Qui Nhon, central Vietnam. In retaliation, America responds with a wave of airstrikes.
  • Operation Flaming Dart

    Operation Flaming Dart
    In retaliation against Nort Vietnam's bombing, America launched Operation Flaming Dart. This was a series of bombings that ran against North Vietnamese bases.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Operation Rolling Thunder Starts. This is a campaign of US bombing that runs over North Vietnam and is used to kill the VC. Operation Rolling Thunder would continue until late in 1968.
  • Blank Cheque

    Blank Cheque
    US General Harold Johnson has a blank cheque, to defeat the Vietnamese communists. This is a result of the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
  • China Beach

    China Beach
    American combat troops arrive in China Beach, near Da Nang, and more continue to come over the next 48 hours. This brings the total number of US Marines in Vietnam up to 5,000. This is because we needed more people in Vietnam to fight.
  • Peace deal

    Peace deal
    Johnson delivered a public speech, promising $1 Billion in economic aid if North Vietnam agreed to a negotiated peace deal. Nanoi rejects this offer later.
  • Ground Offensive

    Ground Offensive
    North of Sagion, US troops launch their first major ground offensive against the Viet Cong. If the Americans hadn't done this, the VC would have attacked a US airbase.
  • Operation Cedar Falls

    Operation Cedar Falls
    In a successful attempt to destroy a Viet Cong airbase, Operation Cedar Falls was launched. The US used the "hammer and anvil" maneuver to shut down Viet Cong activities.