US military involvement in South Vietnam

  • Golf of Tonkin Incident

    Golf of Tonkin Incident
    This was the first attack on Americans sent from Vietnam. The United States of America said the attack was unprovoked. There were no U.S. casualties.
  • Johnson writes to Congress(yes the same day of the bombing)

    Johnson writes to Congress(yes the same day of the bombing)
    Johnson wrote to Congress trying to get them to back him. He wanted military intervention in Vietnam to protect the US interests and allies
  • Operation Pierce Arrow

    Operation Pierce Arrow
    This was an attack carried out by the USA targeting Vietnam. The USA had 64 bombings carried out against North Vietnamese patrol boat bases and oil storage facilities.
  • Golf of Tonkin Resolution

    Golf of Tonkin Resolution
    Congress almost unanimously passes the bill. It authorized military action in Indochina but wasn't a declaration of war.
  • Viet Cong launch month long attack

    Viet Cong launch month long attack
    The Viet Cong went on a month-long attack on South Vietnam, This attack had many casualties in Binh Gia a town outside of Saigon.
  • South Korea sends troops

    South Korea sends troops
    North Korea sends 2,000 military advisors to Vietnam. They did this to support the American training program.
  • The USA air force

    The USA air force
    The US Air Force announced two of its jets had been shot down over Laos by communist insurgents.
  • Viet Cong Bomb

    Viet Cong Bomb
    The Viet Cong bombed the Americans in Vietnam. The bombing killed 23 Americans in Qhi Nhon central Vietnam. America responded with a wave of airstrikes.
  • Operation Flaming Dart

    Operation Flaming Dart
    This was a series of attacks carried out by the Americans on North Vietnam bases. The reason for the attack was in retaliation for the Viet Cong attacks.
  • Possible peace deal

    Possible peace deal
    North Vietnam would only negotiate peace if the US withdrew from South Vietnam. Saigon refuses to negotiate with Hanoi until it has ceased supplying the Viet Cong in South Vietnam.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    US bombers bombed North veitnam.This contiuned untill late 1968
  • First American combat troops

    First American combat troops
    Two battalions of Marines arrived in Vietnam at China Beach near Da Nang. Over the next 48 hours, more troops arrived causing the number to climb to 5,000 further involving the Americans