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US Ellis Island Immigrate- Gerald Fultz

  • Birth of Gerald Fultz

    Birth of Gerald Fultz
    The day Gerald Fultz was born.
  • Entry 1: Trachoma

    Entry 1: Trachoma
    On my 18th birthday my mom showed the family tickets to America. The trip took only took a few weeks. When we got here they checked us to see if we were healthly enough to enter America. One of these checkips was for trachoma. It was fast but painful and my whole family got through. I almost vimited when I found out the family behind us all had trachoma.
  • Entry 2: Triangle Waist Company Factory Fire

    Entry 2: Triangle Waist Company Factory Fire
    This is within the second month since my family and I have immigrated from Germany. I was out looking for a job and I hear word of a fire in Lower Manhattan. I heard there were many casualties, but some men and women escaped too. I wonder what started the fire.
  • Entry 3: Job

    Entry 3: Job
    It has taken a year to get a job that will be long lasting, my family was close to going back to Germany. I have been hired as a steel worker and I plan to make money for my family for a long time. It is time to make a life in America.
  • Entry 4: Stock Market Crash of 1929

    Entry 4: Stock Market Crash of 1929
    I guess it's a good that I was not affected by this stock crash. I hoard my money and don't invent in stock. I cannot say the same thing for my comrades who came in to work today sad and dreary. My boss said we are getting a pay cut.
  • Entry 5: Death by fall

    Entry 5: Death by fall
    Newspaper Mention: Man falls in steel factory
    Grave Scripture: Gerald Fultz, a hard working man who will be missed
    New York Times Headline: Factory shuts down due to unsafe conditions for workers Final Diary Entry: December 10, 1939
    Making a life in America has been hard but woth it. I have lived through many horrors and beauties. But being in the cave of hope and horror is worth every minute.