U.S Economy Changes

  • Ben Franklin invented Bifocals

    Ben Franklin invented Bifocals
    The invention of the bifocals improved peoples health and created jobs for salesmen. Stores opened to sell glasses and also created jobs to produce the glasses. This occured in the Production of Service period.
  • Jethro Tull invents the seed drill.

    Jethro Tull invents the seed drill.
    By inventing the seed drill, we made farming more efficient and easier to do. Increase of sales will go up for planting tools. Being more efficient will lower costs on produce. This occured in the Agriculture period of our economy.
  • Ben Franklin discovered electricity

    Ben Franklin discovered electricity
    The invention of electricity has many possitive and negative effects. The discovery lead to more efficient business and ways to do daily tasks such as cooking and lighting your home. It also had a downside by needing to find a way to route and direct the power to homes and in a safe way. This occured in the Industrial period of our economy.
  • John Watt invents the steam engine

    John Watt invents the steam engine
    The steam engine was a big economical improvement by allowing goods to be transported faster and in an efficient way. The steam engines were used for transportation along railways from city to city. The negative effect, as the steam boat, the coal that is burned starts contraversey over health. If it broke down, there would be a delay in delivery for businesses shipping products. This occured in the Industrial period.
  • Henery Bell invented the steamboat

    Henery Bell invented the steamboat
    The steamboat created jobs, in the assembly and the crew to run the ship. It also provided transportation for over seas trading. The negative side to these ships is that it was polution to the enviroment. The ships are powered by coal which gives off steam into the air that can put harmful toxins into the air. This took place in the Industrial period of our economy.
  • Sewing Machine was invented

    Sewing Machine was invented
    People worked sewing clothes and other garnments by hand with needle and thread. When the sewing machine was invented it put people to work in a more efficient way. Although it helped get work done faster. They were also a hazzard for the employees. Being mostly women, there have been reports of hair being ripped through the machines and occasionaly a physical accident which would put the business short on employees which slowed production. This occured in the industry period.
  • Humphry Davy invented the lightbulb

    Humphry Davy invented the lightbulb
    Lightbulbs were invented shortly after electricity was discovered. lightbulbs brought safe ways to light homes and buildings without a fire hazzard. They increased economic sales by bringing in a new product that everyone began to add into their homes. this occured in the Industrial period.
  • Alexander Graham Bell Invented the Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell Invented the Telephone
    By using the telephone it made business and communication easier. Messages could be sent and recieved faster to avoid mistakes. This also created jobs for people to transfer calls from the opperator. The down side is there would be phone bills and some complications with using the old switch boards. This occured in the Production of Service period.
  • Ransom Eli Olds created the assembly line

    Ransom Eli Olds  created the assembly line
    The assembly line was a big improvement for anything becoming popular in the U.S. Soon as vehicles, machines, and other inventions started becoming popular, the assembly line is the only way to produce enough product to meet the demand. Today it is one of the number one things keeping our economy up. It provides jobs and products being produced for sales. This occured in the Industrial and Production of Service periods.
  • Willis Carrier invents the air conditioner.

    Willis Carrier invents the air conditioner.
    The air conditioner helped keep people living in good living conditions. It also helped create jobs for people who had to work in assembly to make the machines and instal them in peoples homes. This occured in the Production of Service period.
  • Wright Brothers successfuly fly the first plane.

    Wright Brothers successfuly fly the first plane.
    Finaly getting the first flight to be a success, created more oppertunities for the brothers to invent further and improve their design. Soon the business would be big and creating jobs for people working on the planes, in airports and for people working in trade. It is also a big thing for millitary helping with missions and counter attacks. This occured mostly in the Industrial period.
  • Leo Baekeland invented plastic

    Leo Baekeland invented plastic
    Plastic was the first synthetic material. Companies used plastic for many products. Without it the assembly and sales could not be compleete. Even though it is widly used and is very helpful to us, there is a contraversie about enviroment. Businesses sometimes are frowned upon because of their products and how they can polute the earth. This happened in the Production of services period.
  • Invention of the Digital Satelite Radio

    Invention of the Digital Satelite Radio
    The satelite radio is important to economics. The radio is the number one source along side Television for advertising. Businesses can put out advertisements to the listners to get them to come to their event or sale. The radio can have downsides. They use short and entreging ways to get the listener by any means to come to their event/business. This may not include all information for their sales/services. There is always the fine print. This occured in the Information Technology period.
  • The wireless headset was invented

    The wireless headset was invented
    The wireless headset gave business people more efficient ways to communicate with others. The headset gives people the chance to talk and be more productive without having to hold onto a phone or sit at a desk to talk. Headsets have also put a negative effect on the society because they can cause miscommunications regaurding business and/or orders. This occured in the Information Technology period.
  • Youtube was born

    Youtube was born
    Youtube.com is a popular website for anyone to listen to music, post videos and other media to. Since Youtube was released, people have had many oppertunities to become "stars" wheather it's for singing, dancing, preforming or whatever else. It is a way for anyone to be discovered. It can improve ratings for companies by advertising and possibly finiding people for their business.(media arts). This occured in the Information Technology period
  • I-Phone was released

    I-Phone was released
    The I-Phone was a big hit when released, It contained many apps and other programs that made work alot easier. you could now do things from your phone that you couldnt do before. Businesses rely alot on smart phones. The only problem is, is that with technology comes crashes. If a business relys too much on their smart phones, a possible crash could leave them in trouble with lost data and information. This occured in the Information Technology period.