US Civil Rights: African Americans

  • Emancipation Proclamation

    aka the 13th amendment.
    - all slaves were formally freed and were no longer property
    - African Americans could legally marry, own property, and travel
  • KKK formation

    ↑ civil rights, ↑ KKK membership and activity.
    ↓ civil rights, ↓ KKK membership and activity.
  • Period: to


    aimed to bring the Southern states into the Union.
  • Civil Rights Act

    all Americans (apart from Natives) had their civil rights protected by the government.
  • Military Reconstruction Act

    Southern rebel states were to be divided into five military districts.
    - required to create a new state constitution that included equal rights for black Americans
  • 14th amendment passed

    citizenship was granted to all born in the US and had equal protection under the law.
  • 15th amendment passed

    voting rights of black men were to be protected.
  • Slaughterhouse Cases

    14th amendment protected federal citizenship and did not extend to civil rights granted by states.
    - stripped back what it protected to basic things that were likely already going to be protected by states anyways
    - states could impose discriminatory laws without violating the constitution
    - made the 14th amendment almost redundant
  • US vs Cruikshank

    the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government didn't have the constitutional power to prosecute individuals who attempted to impair the civil rights of other citizens.
    - began after a riot in which 70 African Americans were murdered by white Democrats who some were criminally charged.
  • Compromise of 1877

    resolved the presidential debate between Hayes (R) and Tilden (D)
    - Hayes could become president if he agreed to remove federal troops from the South and give Southerners home rule (more independence) ended the reconstruction era
    - signified the end of the Republicans' federal support for African American civil rights as they were no longer enforcing racial equality, letting Southern states rapidly disadvantage them.