
Uprisings in Europe

  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
    This oil painting depicts William III landing on the shores of England to claim the throne from James II. The people of England did not agree with James II catholic policies, and with fear of another catholic heir to the throne, protestant William III was invited to take the throne. This image is highly significant because it shows the overly large fleet William brought with him for what was a bloodless revolution, and therefore demonstrates the powerful image he was trying to portay.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    This source is a speech from Maximillian Robespierre (1758-1794), a member of the Committee of Public Safety in 1794 on his justification for the "Reign of Terror". He is rallying the people behind his efforts for the revolution. This source is significant for the French Revolution because it shows the tactics the leaders used to gather the crowds towards their objective and the clever political justifications for the bloody parts of the revolution.
  • Haitian slave revolt

    Haitian slave revolt
    This event was one of the largest slave uprisings in history and led to Haiti gaining independence from French opression. The source comes from Toussaint L'Ouverture, the leader of the slave revolt. He is writing a letter whilst inprisoned in France 1803 asking for mercy from Napoleon because of the sacrifices he made for his country.
  • Irish Uprising

    Irish Uprising
    This event led by the United Irishmen demanded government reform and an end to British control. The 13th source from these archives gives a statement about the atrocities the rebels committed with mass killings near Wexford after their defeat, and is significant because it shows in great detail the brutalities of this rebellion from a victims perspective.
  • The Springtime of the Peoples

    The Springtime of the Peoples
    The Springtime of the Peoples were a set of revolutions that took place during 1848, sparked by the proclamation of a French Republic. The source from a german revolutionary depcits the general excitment felt all over Europe as teh news spread and so did the revolutionary ideas.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    This event was the result of terrible working conditions and a futile war the Japanese and led to Tsar Nicholas II's downfall. The source stems from Nicholas's diary from the day of the uprising as he describes the event as "painful and sad". The cossacks opened fire on a peaceful protest and this source proves just how indifferent he was towards his people and why he lost their support in the end.