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UPC-KY Coaltion Rule

  • British Explorer

    British Explorer
    John Speke, a British explorer, is the first European to visit Buganda.
  • Britain Controls Uganda

    Britain Controls Uganda
    Britian recognized the Kabaka, or Buganda tribal king, as the ruler the country but began to takes authority over the area and calls it Uganda.
  • First Election Held

    First Election Held
    Britain granted independence to Uganda and the first elections were held. Today elections are a vital part of Ugandan politics.
  • Period: to

    UPC-KY coalition rule

    Although, Uganda had gained independance there was a sudden division of power as different tribes and political leaders tried to gain power and order over the country.
  • The Appointed Day

    The Appointed Day
    The territories that were designated as kingdomes were formed under one name of Uganda.
  • Republic Constitution

    Republic Constitution
    A new constitution describing Uganda as a republic and abolished the tradtional kingdoms and gave the president more power.
  • Idi Amin overthrows Obote

    Idi Amin overthrows Obote
    The military leader Idi Amin overthrows Obote and starts a bloody eight-year rule that will end with the estimated death of 300,000 people.
  • Liberation War

    Liberation War
    The start of the Uganda-Tanzania war which is usually referred to as the Lieration War begins with troops ambushing Amin's presidential lodge in Kampala.
  • Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

    Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
    Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is voted in as the president of Uganda
  • Lord's Resistance Army/Lord's Resistance Movement

    Lord's Resistance Army/Lord's Resistance Movement
    The resistant army accused of widespread human rights violations that continues to operate in northern Uganda, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo began recruiting by Joseph Kony.
  • East Africa Community

    East Africa Community
    Uganda, TAnzania, and Kenya join together to form the East African Community pledging cooperation. This organization continues to strive for social justice.