United States Timeline 1600-1876

By hsquinn
  • The Mayflower Compact

    The first government document for British colonials in America.
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    The Seven Years War

    This war was a war that was fought over land possession.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    This is the document that was signed to end the seven years war. This also helped to increase the power of Britain.
  • The Battles of Saratoga

    A series of battles where the Americans attacked and seized control of multiple British defensive positions.
  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord

    These were the first battles of the American Revolutionary war.
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    The Revolutionary War

    This is the war that was caused by the Americans becoming tired of the oppression and taxing of the British, and they began to revolt and gained their independence.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The document that established the functions of the national government in the United States.
  • The United States Constitution

    The basis of the United States national government and law, at that time and still today.
  • The Federalist Papers

    A series of essays about the ratification of the United States Constitution.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    This is where the United States paid fifteen million dollars to the french to purchase most of the mid western states. This nearly doubled the size of the United States.
  • Thomas Jefferson's Election

    Thomas Jefferson is elected as president
  • James Madison's Election

    James Madison is elected as president
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    The War of 1812

    This war began because of a conflict over United States expansion and trade restrictions.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The act that decided that the western territories were to be slave states.
  • The Annexation of Texas

    This made Texas a part of the United States, and started to Mexican American War.
  • Andrew Jackson's Election

    Andrew Jackson was elected as president of the United States.
  • The Nullification Crisis

    This is when South Carolina attempted to Nullify the tariff of 1828.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The compromise that led to the abolition of the slave trade in the United States
  • The Kansas Nebraska Act

    This was an act that separated states from non-slave states.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Election

    Lincoln is elected as president
  • Period: to

    The United States Civil War

    This war was fought over resources and land, but its main reason was the North and the Souths differing beliefs on the topic of slavery.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    This was a proclamation from Abraham Lincoln that stated that all slaves in Union states were to be set free in Union territory.
  • Andrew Johnson becomes president

    Andrew Johnson becomes the president of the United States
  • The Thirteenth Amendment

    The amendment to the United States Constitution that abolished slavery in America.