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United states involvement in Vietnam

By evynn
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Truman said the policy for the US to help any country threatened by communism. This was addressed to congress.
  • The US finds communist threat

    The US finds communist threat
    The US identify the Viet Minh as a communist threat.Our military will help France with their plans against the Viet Minh.
  • President Eisenhower speech

    President Eisenhower speech
    This was the day that he explained the domino theory to the public. He explained how indochina was falling to communism and if someone doesn't stop it, it will keep spreading.
  • First US soldiers are killed

    First US soldiers are killed
    This was the first time american soldiers were killed in Vietnam. The guerrilla soldiers came into their living corders.
  • President Kennedy sends 400 green berets to Vietnam

    President Kennedy sends 400 green berets to Vietnam
    The United States sent Military advisers into south vietnam to train the south vietnamese soldiers. This trained them how to fight against the Vietcong guerilla soldiers.
  • First Gulf of Tonkin incident

    First Gulf of Tonkin incident
    The USS Maddox was off the coast of Vietnam. They were no longer in international seas. The North Vietnam sent three torpedo boats and they started to fire on the USS Maddox. So we fired back sinking one and damaging the other two.
  • Second Gulf of Tonkin incident

    Second Gulf of Tonkin incident
    After the first incident the USS Maddox was out on the water again. The general calls in saying they are under "attack". The US thinks this is a act of war.
  • Gulf of Tonkin resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin resolution
    The Gulf of Tonkin resolution gave permission to president Johnson to make any necessary decisions. They gave him this power so that he can keep peace is southeast asia.
  • US bombing

    US bombing
    This was the United States first time to bomb Vietnam. The Vietnam attacked our air base at Pleiku. This triggered the US reaction to bomb them.
  • Rolling Thunder

    Rolling Thunder
    Rolling Thunder was a bombing campaign. The US military attacked targets with their aircrafts.