• brith and growth

    brith and growth
    the birth of the industrial lifestyle was that it had changed the way people did things no matter where you were the farm or the city it had all massively changed the way of life.
  • expansion

    now back before the factories opened up most of the work was done in your house and that is where you would make all of your money if you didn't work out on the farm or lived in the city. and the reason hey moved to bigger buildings they had to have power and they wold come out with a lot more product.
  • labor movement

    labor movement
    now moving into the later years of the revolution the factories they had started to not work properly and that was because they were doing a lot of things with it and those factories made a lot of jobs for people including children.
  • industrial lifestyle and the movements

    industrial lifestyle and  the movements
    now after 1850 mean were hardly bringing home more than 6 dollars a week and then the minimum wage was going down and a lot of people started to protest and the people had got them to raise the minimum wage and after that, they had raised it to 10.50 a week.
  • international realism

    international realism
    this happened almost right after the war and it had put a hold on the revolution and people were starting to go bankrupt and then the great depression hit us and most people lost their jobs and had no money.
  • causes of conflict

    causes of conflict
    "A prime factor in the growing friction between countries was nationalism, the loyalty, devotion, and subsequent unity of people to their country. Nationalism comes from sharing the same background, culture, language, and problems" and people thought that it would be a good idea to go nationlistic because we would grow better as a country.