
United States in WW1

  • American troops

    American troops
    The first American Expeditionary Forces contingent landed in France. The war would soon enter its forth year with no end in sight.
  • Germany

    The united states severs diplomatic relations with Germany. Following with the sinking of an unarmed french boat.
  • Declared war

    Declared war
    The day United States declared war on Austria-Hungary. Germanys resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships. Was the motivation behind the decision to lead united states to war.
  • American Women

    American Women
    The first group of civilians women telephone operators to serve with the AEF in Paris. Over 200 female telephones.
  • Presidents peace

    Presidents peace
    President Woodrow Wilson presents to Congress his outline. The outline for the Fourteen points required for peace
  • Battle of Cantigny

    Battle of Cantigny
    United States forces are victorious in the Battle of Cantigny, the first independent American operation. First one under the French army.
  • American Force

    American Force
    American forces stop German attempt to cross the Marne River at Chateau-Thierry.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Allied and German representatives sign treaty of Versailles. The United States signs treaty of guaranty, pledging to defend France in case of an unprovoked attack by Germany.
  • US fails

    US fails
    In 1919 the Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles, which formally ended World War I, in part because President Woodrow Wilson had failed to take senators' objections to the agreement into consideration.
  • Takes Effect

    Takes Effect
    The Treaty of Versailles was the primary treaty produced by the Paris Peace Conference at the end of World War I. It was signed on June 28, 1919, by the Allied and associated powers and by Germany in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles
  • Senate Fails

    Senate Fails
    The United States Senate rejected for the second time the Treaty of Versailles, by a vote of 49-35, falling seven votes short of a two-thirds majority needed for approval.
  • Over

    The treaty restoring friendly relations was signed on behalf of the United States and Germany at Berlin on August 25, 1921 and took effect by the exchange of ratifications at Berlin on November 11, 1921
  • Bomb

    Lend lease begins Japanese planes bomb US Navel base. Happened at Pearl Harbor.
  • Employment

    US navy defeats japan at midway

    US drops atomic bombs on japan. WW1 END