United States Imperialism Timeline

  • Purchase of Alaska

    In 1867, the US gained the territory of Alaska from Russia through the diplomacy of William H. Seward. It was seen as a useless trade because Alaska seemed to be a frozen wasteland. Pg. 410
  • Spread of International Darwinism

    International Darwinism, along with Social Darwinism spread the ideas that some races and countries were fitter than others to be in charge. This created an extension of Manifest Destiny that spread overseas. Pg 410
  • Expansion into Cuba from the Spanish-American War

    Once the US had adequate motives for starting a war with Spain, they set their eyes on Cuba, the crown jewel of the Caribbean due to its lush sugar fields and other sources of raw materials. The Spanish American War also resulted in the gain of several islands including Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. Pg 412
  • Fighting and Expansion into the Philippines

    The Spanish-American War spread to other parts all around the world where spain still had land holdings. This prompted Theodore Roosevelt to command a naval attack on the islands to try to win the land. US troops captured the city of Manila after the relatively weak Spanish Navy fell to the far more advanced US navy. Pg 414
  • Hawaii Becomes a US Territory

    In July of 1898, Hawaii became an official annexation of the United States and a full-fledged territory in 1900. President Cleveland was initially opposed to this annexation but war in the Philippines prompted him to go through with the annexation. Pg 414
  • Cuba Becomes a US Protectorate Under the Platt Amendment

    Under the Platt Amendment, Cuba was forced to reluctantly give up much of its military and civil freedom to the US military and government. It overrode the deal made from the Teller Amendment and cheated Cubans out of receiving full freedom and were instead stuck as being essentially a US satellite state. Pg 416
  • The Completion fo the Panama Canal

    After the US spread its lands to the Caribbean in the Atlantic to the Philippines far off in the Pacific, they needed a way to connect both sides of the empire.There was much bitter resentment from South American countries over the US influence in Panama but nevertheless, the US prevailed and completed the construction in 1914 after using unfair tactics to secure the land surrounding the canal. Pg 418