
United States Imperialism

  • Period: to

    U.S. Imperialism as a whole.

    U.S. imperialism refers to the political, economic, and military influence America has exerted on other countries throughout history, often through force or coercion. They have used their power to dominate surrounding regions or countries for military intervention, economic exploitation, or cultural imperialism.
  • The U.S. Acquires Alaska

    The U.S. Acquires Alaska
    The U.S. purchased the Alaskan territory for 7.2 million dollars to expand trade on the Pacific Coast. The USSR had originally lost interest in the territory because of its involvement in the Crimean War. The purchase was not liked by the American people.
  • The Acquisition of Hawaii

    The Acquisition of Hawaii
    The U.S. annexed Hawaii, which had been an independent kingdom because of a treaty that was signed by President McKinley. The annexation was controversial and opposed by many Hawaiians, but it was supported by American business interests who saw the islands as a valuable economic and strategic asset
  • The Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War
    This conflict was fought primarily over the control of Cuba. The war was sparked by the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, which was blamed on Spain. The US won the war after a series of naval and land battles, and as a result, Spain lost its remaining colonies in the Americas, including Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philipines.