United States Immigration

  • Plymouth Rock

    William Bradford and the Mayflower Pilgrims establish Plymouth Colony
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    Puritan Immigration

    Large-scale migration of Puritans to New England to escape religious persecution in England.
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    Asian Immigration

    The first huge wave of Asian immigrants migrate to Hawaii and Angel Island off the coast of San Francisco. Opium Wars, economic decline in Asia, the gold rush, and demand for labor in California cause wave of Asian immigrants.
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    European Immigration

    Crop failure, land and job shortages, famine, and rising taxes cause an influx of European immigrants to seek economic opportunities in the United States. European immigrants arrived through Ellis Island in New York City.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Stopped virtually any Chinese immigrant from entering the United States.
  • Immigration Act of 1917

    All potential immigrants must pass a literacy test and pay a head tax.
  • National Origins Act

    An immigration policy passed by Congress to slow the large amounts of immigrants coming to the United States.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act

    Abolished the immigrant quota system based on national origins.
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    Mexican Immigration

    An influx of Mexicans immigrate to the U.S. after the passing of Immigration and Nationality Act.
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    Middle-Eastern Immigration

    Influx of mostly Middle-Eastern refugees escaping war-torn countries.
  • Travel Ban

    President Trump bars refugees and citizens of seven mostly Muslim Middle-Eastern countries.