United States History

  • Period: 1436 to May 20, 1506

    Christopher Columbus

    The man who people claimed that he discovered the Americas
    He complicated 4 voyages across the Atlantic Ocean
  • 1492

    First Americans to enter North America

    Before Europeans, the native american arrived in America
    it was a long time ago
  • Jun 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands in the Americas

    Christopher Columbus rides a ship called the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria

    He thinks that he was the first to ever land, when in reality he wasn't
  • Period: to


    A beneficial way to maximize trade and the acquisition of gold and silver in the 16th century and the 18th century
  • Jamestown

    Where the British empire began
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    After the 30 year war, the enlightenment was a movement that supported or dominated the ideas of Europe during the 18th century
  • Navigation acts of 1651

    Restricts colonial trade to England
    Goods were only to be shipped to England
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    Benjamin Franklin

    Ben Franklin was an American polymath and also was a founding father...
    He was not the president of the united states
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    George washington

    The first President of the United States, also the one with wooden teeth....
    He was a independent politician
    Presidency April 30, 1789- March 4 1797
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    Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was the third president , while he was also a founding father
    He was one of the authors of the declaration of independence
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    French and Indian war

    North American conflict with British and France
    Native Americans allied with them
  • Proclamation on 1763

    Great Britain's acquisition of French land
    Forbids settlement west of the line
  • Stamp Act

    First internal tax
    People disagreed with the act saying that it was unconstitutional
  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson was the 7th United States president
    He was president during the trail of tears and signed for the Indian Removal act in the 1800s
  • Boston Massacre

    A Big incident in which British soldiers killed 5 people
    Started by an argument between British private huge white and colonists
  • Boston tea Party

    An Event in which about 340 bags of tea were thrown from the ship into the ocean
    This action was preformed by American patriots
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The American Patriots in the 13 colonies won their independence from Great Britain in the American revolutionary war
    They won in alliance to with France other people
  • Declaration of independence

    The proposal to claim separation between great Britain.
    It was created in late June, early July of 1776, and it was ratified on July 4th 1776
  • United States Constitution signed

    It was written in the Philadelphia convention
    Convened from May to september
  • Period: to

    Dred Scott

    Dred Scott (whos real name was sam) sued his master's widow for his freedom while being enslaved. The case was widely known to be Dred Scott Decision
    However, he was unsuccessful in this case.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The acquisition of land purchased by the United States from France
    The United States ended up paying roughly 60 million Francs in order to get the land.
  • Period: to

    Westward Expansion

    To expand more in the west
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark expedition

    The first American expedition to cross the West
    Sacagawea was also apart of this act
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark

    Lewis was an american explorer along with his buddy Clark who explored the west. He was also a soldier, politician, and public administrator (he was only 35 when he died from gunshot wounds)
    Clark was an American explorer along with his exploring buddy Lewis who was also a solider, Indian agent and territorial governor
  • Period: to

    Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln was known to be the 16th president and he ran for senate against Stephen Douglas who ended up winning, however, Lincoln ran for president and won that election. He was the president during the civil war,
    He was assassinated by Wilkes Booth who thought that he could rise up the confederacy?
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    Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglas was a slave who was a social reformer.
    He was a best selling author and was a big part of the abolition.
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    Abolitionist Movement

    The movement to end suffering (Slavery)
    with great influences like Harriet Tubman, David Walker, Fredrick Douglas, etc
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    When Jackson was elected he brought a greater democracy giving every man, despite their finical abilities to vote?
  • Period: to

    Election of 1828

    Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams elected for thee chance of presidency
    While John Quincy Adams had the popular vote
    Andrew Jackson had the most electoral votes
  • Indian Removal act

    The act was singed by Andrew Jackson with the purpose of moving Native Americans west of the Mississippi River
    By doing this, Andrew Jackson saw himself as a care giver.
  • Manifest Destiny

    The belief that the expansion westward was justifiable
  • Period: to

    Mexican American War

    A conflict between United States of America and the United Mexican States
    James Polk was the president as this time
  • Compromise of 1850

    California entered as a free state
    Utah was home for territorial government
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott sued for his freedom, unsuccessfully
    he dies in September in 1858
    but wasn't buried until November of 1867
  • Election of 1860

    The election between Abraham Lincoln, John C. Breckenridge, John Bell, and Stephan A. Douglas
    Abraham Lincoln wins the election
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    Civil War

    The Civil war was the fight between the union and the confederacy
    The confederacy chose to be a whole other country from the union in order to keep their slaves
    Abraham Lincoln not only wanted to emancipate the slaves, he also wanted to reunite the Union and the Confederacy.
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    Era of Reform

    Social activism and political reform all across the united states for a long time