United States History I, Technology Project #3, 1600-1700

By EricaMO
  • The Spark of the Southern Slavery

    The first African slaves to arrive at Jamestown were brought by the Dutch in the year of 1619 in a ship that carried 20 slaves.
  • House of Burgesses is Built

    House of Burgesses is Built
    The House of Burgesses was first established at Jamestown in the year of 1619. This house was were the representatives could meet.
  • Connecticut

    Connecticut was founded by Thomas Hooker in the year of 1636. This state became one of the early 13 colonies.
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    Pequot War

    The Pequot War was a war between the Pequot Indians and the English settlers. In this violent war, the Pequot Indian Tribe perished.
  • Act of Religious Toleration

    The Act of Religious toleration was passed by one of the early 13 colonies, Maryland, in 1649. This act gave the opportunity for the Christians in this Catholic colony to have religious freedom.
  • Navigation Acts

    The Navigation Acts enforced strict or no import or export from foreign trade of different countries. The reason why these Navigation Acts were proposed was due to the reason in which more products which came from the United States would be bought locally rather than from other countries. However, these Acts were hard to ensure because of all of the smuggling that other people would do into the country.
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    King Philip's War

    King Philip's War happened after the Pequot War throughout the years of 1675 and 1678. This war was between an Indian Tribe called the Wampanoag and the English troops. The King Philip's War started when the English colonists killed three of this tribe's men, causing the Wampanoag tribe to strike back.
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    The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution took place when King James II, who belonged to the Catholic church in England, was overthrown peacefully due to the marriage of his daughter who belonged to the Protestant church and a Dutch Prince of Orange, William III.
  • Paper Money

    Paper Money
    The first colony that used paper money in the early country of the United States was Massachusetts in the year of 1690.
  • Salem Witchcraft Trials

    The Salem Witchcraft Trials took place in Massachusetts were many people were accused on being bewitched or practicing wizardry. Some of these people were sentenced to death by hanging or by being executed.