G.I. Bill
Signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. G.I. Bill refers to veterans in any department in the military to Department of Veterans Affairs education benefit. The benefit is designed to hep service-members and eligible veterans cover the coast associated with getting an education or training.Not only does it cover education but also unemployment insurance and housing. Was first enacted to help the nation reabsorb millions of veterans returning from overseas who has been fighting in World War II. -
Period: to
The United States was the world’s strongest military power. The economy was booming, and so was it's prosperity–new cars, suburban houses and other consumer goods–were available to more people than ever before. However, the 1950s was also an era of great conflict. Such as the civil rights movement and the crusade against communism at home and abroad exposed the underlying divisions in American society. -
Iron Curtain
Winston Churchill, a prime minister used "Iron Curtain", as a metaphor to describe closure to Western ideas by erecting a physical barrier across Eastern Europe. Soviet Union erects barricades of concrete and barbed wire to seal off East from the West. -
Truman Doctrine
Truman Doctrine is the principle that the United States should support countries or people that were threatened by communism or Soviet forces. Expressed in 1947 by US President Truman in a speech seeking for financial aid to support Greece and Turkey's economy and military. The doctrine, was seen by communist as a declaration of the Cold War. This document became the base of American foreign policy, which led to the foundation of NATO, a military alliance that's still in effect today. -
Period: to
Cold War
During WWII, the US and USSR were allies to fight against Axis powers,even though they had a tense relationship.USSR resented US for many reasons.Americans tried to fight communism.After the war there was a sense of mutual distrust & enmity.Soviets expansion to East Europe feared the US, that Russians would try to control the world. USSR disliked American officials, arms buildup & the approach of international relations.No single party was to blame for the CW,historians feel it was inevitable. -
2nd Red Scare
The 2nd Red Scare refers to fear of communism that permeated American politics, culture, and society. This episode of political repression lasted longer and was more pervasive than the Red Scare that followed WWII. “McCarthyism” is term named after Senator Joseph McCarthy,he claimed that large numbers of Communists had infiltrated the US State Department. “McCarthyism” became the label for the tactic to sabotage political opponents by making dubious attacks on their loyalty to the United States. -
Marshall Plan
George Marshall- Army General, offers loans to rebuild Europe. Which restores Western Europe's faith in capitalism, but Stalin refuses Eastern Europe's participation. This spreads American labor, farming and manufacturing practices to Western Europe. -
Fair Deal
President Harry Truman's Fair Deal announced for domestic policy reforms that recommended that all Americans have health insurance, that minimum wage be increased and that by law all Americans be guaranteed equal rights. As well as federal aid to education and to farmers, also for an extension to Social Security. Truman managed to convince Congress to pass several of his liberal reforms, that include the Housing Act. Added to the "New Deal". Also focused on electricity & telephone access. -
Television: Shows
Entertainment of 1950s came from television, that consisted of shows that mainly portrayed ideals of the this decade and that gave an example of "the perfect family". These television shows, exhibited hard work and created "terms of disobedience" and enforced roles of a traditional family. "Father Knows Best","The Danny Thomas Show", "I Love Lucy", and Leave It to Beaver", are some of the most popular shows in this time, most of them mainly highlighted traditional family values. -
Korean War (The Forgotten War)
Officially conflict.Korea (Japanese Colony) was divided between the US and USSR. Which was split at the 38th parallel.USSR appointed Kin II-Sung, as leader of the northern communist.US creates capitalist government in the South.Kim II-Sung gets support from Stalin to invade South, and surprise attack.Stalin wants to divest US resources from Europe.Truman wants to unite Koreas into capitalist state to fight communism and secure peace at the 38th parallel. MacAurther wanted atomic weapons used. -
Bill and The Comets
Bill Haley and The Comets song "Rock around the Clock Tonight", was what made Rock 'n' Roll popular; their group didn't spread as wide as Elvis Presley's phenomenon of unique music. B.H.T.C was formed in 1952 but mainly gained popularity in 1954-1956. Bill Haley was the most known out of the group. Ripped off songs of African American artist and took credit for them. Whites made Rock 'n' Roll popular, most songs came from blacks. -
Polio Vaccine
Polio was an infection disease caused by a virus that lives in the throat and was debilitating thousands of American children every year.After the disease ran its course many people left paralyzed for the rest pf their lives. Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine to combat disease, he announced on a national radio zone that he successfully tested a vaccine against poliomyelitis-the virus, President FDR was one of the victims of polio and was left partially paralyzed. -
Birmingham Bombing
A bomb hurled inside the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham two week after Martin Luther King's march. 4 girls were killed. KKK was behind the bombing because they were upset about MLK's march. Men responsible were never put on trail for the actual bombing until after A.D. 2000. Some still in jail today, others died in jail. -
Period: to
Civil Rights
Rights that protect individuals freedom from infringement by governments,social organizations and private individuals, to life life in society and states without discrimination or repression. During this decade and a half many minorities did nonviolent protest also civil disobedience to call for a change. Such as peaceful protests like sit-ins. Many leaders of the African American community lead these protests,the media helped the country to sympathized with the Civil Rights across the country. -
Rock 'n' Roll
African-American rhythm and blues. Rock 'n' Roll referred to a slang for sexual intercourse. Teenagers allowed it to grow and culturally rebelled against their parents. Lost of leisure time and money from after-school jobs. Bill Haley and the Comets "Rock around the Clock Tonight"debuted on 5/20 was first song to make Rock and Roll popular.Ike Turner made the first Rock & Roll song “Rocket 88”.White artists rip Rock & Roll songs from black artists like L. Richard, P. Boone, B. Haley. -
Freedom Summer
Mississippi was new target of desegregation,became the turning point of the movement in South.Forces the Government to intervene.Whites go to Mississippi to get rural blacks to register to vote.1st day of F.S.-3 Civil Rights workers went missing(2 white,1 black).Investigated Klan burning of church, pulled over by local sheriff,arrested for "speeding"let go,sheriff called Klan buddies to ambush them.All 3 disappeared,found shot in the head in a dam.Murderers didn't serve more than 10 yrs in jail. -
Beat Generation
Known as "Beats" or "Beatniks".Were artists, novelists, and poets. Rejected American materialism and culture.San Francisco Renaissance era of Beat Generation begins. Rejected home ownership,careers, marriage (Individual freedom and pleasure like drug and sex. "Proto-Hippies". Inspired and lays down foundation of war protest in the latter 1960s. Beats borrow slang from black communities. Jack Pollock & Mark Rothko influenced-traditional to expression. -
Television: Masses & News
The introduction of TV after World War II introduced the consumer market. After the war, television was a way to spread masses of America.Billy Graham's Protestant church services were on TV.By,1955,75% of American had had a TV,& these were now the way people were entertained and received their news.Media played a huge roll in the Civil Rights Movement,bad image portrayed in the South of brutal beatings of blacks, and also showed us issues of the world, conflicts as well as elections. -
Emmett Till Tragedy
Emmett traveled to Money,MS.Accepted a challenge to ask a white girl out,Carolyn Bryant;supposedly used vulgar language(lied) 4 days later Bryant's husband & his cousin abducted him w a gun.They beat him,took him to a near by river and forced him to strip,shot him in the head,tied him to a cotton gin w barbed wire.Body was unrecognizable,ring on finger was only way they could identify him.Mother held a open casket funeral because she wanted world to see what South had done. Death transformed CRM -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks boards the the back of the bus, white man comes up & demands her seat; she refuses and gets arrested. Jo Ann Robinson heard of the arrest & made 35k flyers and told them to boycott the bus system in Montgomery. Boycott lasted a year. It was successful, bus company needed black riders to stay in business. Martin Luther King Jr. came to prominence in light of boycott. After a year, SCOTUS ruled segregated buses unconstitutional.Dec. 1955 black riders could sit anywhere they wanted. -
Elvis Presley
"King of Rock and Roll. Develops is sound in Memphis, adopts rhythm & blues from African Americans,melds it with gospel and country;sang,played piano and guitar. Created his own sexually suggestive dance style "Elvis the Pelvis".One of the most influential musicians in the 20th century. Commercially successful in many genres. Was drafted to the army in 1958, stationed in Fort Hood,TX. Several years of prescription drug abuse severely damaged his health, and he died in 1977 at the age of 42. -
Little Richard
African American musician,singer,and songwriter.Influential figure in popular music and culture for more than six decades.Little Richard's most celebrated work is from the 1950s, as his dynamic music and charisma laid the foundation for Rock 'n' Roll. Played a key roll in formation of other popular music, including soul and funk.In 1955."Tutti Frutti" became an instant hit, No. 2 on billboard.His music helped shape rhythm and blues for generations to come. Inducted in R'n'R Hall of Fame in 1986. -
Space Race
1957-1975. After World War II a new conflict began. Known as the Cold War, this battle pitted the world’s two great powers–the democratic, capitalist United States and the communist Soviet Union–against each other. Beginning in the late 1950s, space would become another dramatic arena for this competition, as each side sought to prove the superiority of its technology, its military firepower and–by extension–its political-economic system. -
Period: to
Many believed that they were at the dawn of a golden age. 1960s was characterized by large optimism in middle-class society, predominately white. On Jan 20, 1961 John F. Kennedy became president of the United States, "the government possessed big answers to big problems", seemed to set the tone for this decade. Country never materialized, buy the end of 1960s the country seemed to be falling apart.Black power became the new focus of C.R.M. Lots of protest for being impatient w reforms. -
The New Frontier
Young, President John F. Kennedy's program for a change to issue a challenge to the American people telling them to make sacrifices to achieve their potential greatness.Wanted to raise minimum wage, relieve overcrowded schools, believed in cutting taxes for business from 90%. Also wanted to increase spending to alleviate a downturn. Kennedy challenged the U.S. to land a man on the moon, even though Soviet's were still ahead in space technology. -
Freedom Rides
Whites & blacks travel on interstate buses together into Deep South.Challenges Southern resistance to SCOTUS cases, wanted Southerners to violently clash with them-forces government to do something.Violence in Alabama;freedom riders forced to flee when a bus was pelted & the tired slashed.Riders were beaten and bus firebombed.Mississippi & Alabama intimidated riders.Police looked the other way when riders were beaten up. MS, arrested activist coming off the bus, took them to jail. -
Peace Corps
On September 22, 1961, President Kennedy signed a congressional legislation creating a permanent Peace Corps that would "promote world peace and friendships". An "army" of idealistic and youthful (college graduates) volunteers who brought American skills and culture to underdeveloped countries. Work is generally related to social and economic development. Spread good ideas on capitalism. -
Vietnam War
Conflict of N. Vietnam and its southern allies, known as the Viet Cong, against S. Vietnam and its ally, the US. More than 3 million people were killed & half were Vietnamese civilians.Over 500,000 US military personnel were involved in the Vietnam conflict. Opposition of war led a divide in America. R. Nixon ordered the withdrawal of forces in 1973.In 1975,communist forces gained control of Saigon,ending the Vietnam War. Domino Theory-one country falls, others follow. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Leaders of the US & USSR engaged in a political & military standoff over nuclear-armed Soviet missiles on Cuba.President Kennedy enacted a naval blockade around Cuba and said the US was prepared to use military force to neutralize this threat to national security.People feared the world was on the brink of nuclear war,disaster was avoided when the US agreed to Khrushchev’s offer to remove the Cuban missiles in exchange for the US promising not to invade Cuba & also removed missiles from Turkey. -
March on Washington
Kennedy proposed a Civil Rights bill on TV-violence across South. Congressmen threatening to filibuster bill. M.L.K takes Civil Rights to Washington D.C. to battle Southern Bloc. 500k people descend on Washington to walk to the Lincoln Monument. 100th anniversary of Emancipation Proclamation. MLK gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. Watched live around the world.Most Americans agreed impossible to win Cold War having 2nd class citizens. -
Ascendancy of Lyndon Johnson
Lyndon B. Johnson pushed legislation through in his presidency more than any other president, except for Franklin D. Roosevelt.He was known as one of the greatest legislators of the 20th century. Lyndon continued on to try and push JFK's agenda, eventually got it passed. Ran against Barry Goldwater who wanted to get rid of the New Deal and the Great Society (Social Security,Civil Rights). New Deal extended from Fair Deal. Johnson got Civil Rights Act of 1964. -
J.F.K. Assassination
JFK was campaigning for re-election bid in Texas for fundraisers. Kennedy wanted maximum exposure to crowds to generate excitement.Route was publicized for several days ahead of schedule,turns on Elm Street.Oswald waited on 6th floor of book depository.5 shots made,2 shots struck JFK (head & neck).Was alongside First Lady,didn't get shot.Rushed to hospital, pronounced dead in hour. Lee Harvey Oswald;ex-marine w communist sympathies, defected to USSR,supposedly the only shooter in assassination. -
Jack Ruby
Jack Ruby emerged from crowd and fatally shot Lee Harvey Oswald with a concealed .38 revolver, while he was in the police in custody after he was charged with assassinating U.S. President JFK on November 22. Ruby owned nightclubs and stripped joints in Dallas. He claimed that Kennedy's murder was the motive for his actions. -
Warren Commission
(Supreme Court Justice).Set up by President Johnson to investigate the assassination, Kennedy's enemies were on the commission. Came to the conclusion that Oswald acted alone with no one else.Many disbelieved the findings of the commission. Kennedy's final blow looked as if it came from the side and not from behind. People believed it to be a conspiracy from the finding. Sealed files on the assassination (top secret). Warren Commission and HSCA both determined as correct. -
Daisy Girl Ad
Plays to fear of Cold War mentality. Response to Goldwater's NATO comments: thought that commander should drop bombs on their own and not wait for president to agree- commanders should have authority to the use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam.Goldwater also thought that social security should be voluntary. Ad overall helped LBJ's campaign in order for him to win election of 1964. -
Great Society
Made by Lyndon B.Johnson, promised education, good standard of living and beautification, went much further than New Deal. LBJ's main goal was to eliminate poverty and racial injustice. Gets passes the Civil Rights Act of 1964, declares war on poverty- made programs to fight it. Increased healthcare to elderly, public housing and beautification of highways. Liberal legislation through Congress: unleaded gasoline, food labels, PBS. -
Selma March
Selma,Alabama. Known as Bloody Sunday. 600 marchers set out walking 50 miles to Montgomery for the right to vote, MLK too! Country police waited at the end of Edmond Pettus Bridge in Selma for them with clubs and gas. Ordered to go back, protesters kneeled and prayed. White spectators cheered as blacks were beaten. TV cameras were there to see the violence. -
Watts Riot
L.A.Cali.Ghetto area w high unemployment,poor schools, drug use.Black man arrested for drunk driving, residents rioted bc it was all too routine on a daily basis.Area burned for 6 days,National Guard called to stop violence. Whites started changing their views on Civil Rights;saw militant black protester, supported suppression of protesters. MLK travels to Watt to convince protesters to use nonviolence,learns the extant of black poverty,supports end to economic inequality in black neighborhoods. -
Many women split from Civil Rights. Helen Gurley "Sex and the Single Girl"- empowerment & encouraged people to explore their sexuality, wait till marriage when looks go away. Betty Friedman's book "The Feminine Mystique" believed women could do everything men could. Women movement focused on equal treatment, opportunity and pay. Movement tried changing the mentality instead of legislating female equality. Introduce a new formal title: "Ms." instead of Mrs. or Miss indicating marital status. -
Cesar Chavez
"Si Se Puede" (Yes, we can). Civil Rights activist. Cesar Chavez uses strikes and marches for better working and living conditions for Mexican workers in California. Headed the United Farm Workers Union (UFW). Co-Founded with Dolores Huerta. Convinces 17 million Americans not buy non-union picked grapes to help workers. Boycott workers and workers conditions and wages increased. Major historical icon for Latino community. -
Black Panther Party
Para military organization, dressed in black commando attire. Originally founded in Oakland, California (near San Francisco). Armed in self-defense of black people. Stokes racial pride and inner city renewal:appealed to many young African Americans in inner cities. Many whites feared black panthers because of their militant style. Huey Newton-leader of Black Panther was jailed for manslaughter killing a cop.BP destroyed itself when he got out. -
Race to Space/Moon
NASA becomes a reality.Two superpowers were in a battle that ended on the Moon in 1969.JFK set astronauts on the Moon & returning them safely within a decade.USSR had many failed attempts with their "Luna 1,2,and 3". Both contenders racked up a series of important space firsts. Neil A. Armstrong bounced out of the Apollo 11 lunar lander on July 20, 1969, and, with the whole world watching made his now famous statement: "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." -
Secede the Beat Generation.Hippies reject the middle class values,renounced material possession & used drugs(LSD +Heroin) explored their inner selves. Made heroin and LSD popular.Some lived in separate communities:rejected cars, suburban homes & average jobs their parents had.Stricked drug laws passed.Hippies were about peace and living in the moment without inhibition,others thought they were out-of-touch,culture became commercialized.Rock music was a catalyst in spreading the counterculture. -
Period: to
1970s was a hectic time in history,historians say it was like an extension of the 1960s. African Americans, Native Americans, Women, gay and lesbians,continued to fight for their rights. Many Americans joined protest of environment protection & anti-war movement. "A New Right".President Richard Nixon undermined people's faith in the good intentions of the federal government, at the end of the decade disappointments set the tone for public life that many believe is still w us today. -
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Administrative agency created by Congress in 1970 to coordinate the implementation and enforcement of the federal environment protection laws as well as protecting human health. President Nixon proposed the establishment of EPA and began to operate it on 12/02/1970 as an executive order. Headquarters in Washington D.C. Agency conducts environmental assessment, research, and education. -
Equal Right Amendment (FRA)
Congress passed in 1972, goes to states for ratification; fails in 3 states. Phyllis Schlafly, instrumental in defending the amendment, organized movement of conservative women. Conservative Illinois lawyer received support from conservatives across the country. Feared it would reduce the rights of wives and harm family life, unisex restrooms, women would gave to serve in combat. Guarantee equal rights for all citizen regardless of gender, seeks to end distinction between male and female. -
Nixon's Presidency: Watergate
Watergate Hotel, headquarters of democratic party.5 of Nixon's "plumbers" stole campaign info.Caught by a security guard,arrested. Nixon distanced himself from Watergate in election of 1972. Launched investigations into Nixon, demanded be turn over tapes, R.N. refuses "executive privilege".Nixon gives edited version of tapes over to Senate,"Tricky Dick". SCOTUS rules Nixon couldn't w.hold info of his own wrongdoing. People wanted him impeached, instead he was 1st president tor resign. -
Roe v. Wade
Abortion. Women protesting for legalized abortion for years. Most states totally outlawed it,sometimes allowed only for the life of the mother, other extreme reasons. Norma McCorvey sued Texas for her right to privacy: sued under the name Jane Row, had baby before SCOTUS case, gave it up for adoption. SCOTUS rules outlawing abortion is unconstitutional. -
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Counties)
Permanent intergovernmental organization, created at the Baghdad Conference on September 10-14, 1960.Controls much of the world's oil, major influence on global oil prices. Places an oil embargo on U.S. for supporting Israel. Mission is "to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its member countries and ensure stabilization of oil markets, to seduce efficient, economic & regular supply of petroleum. Nixon convinces Israelis to give up some of their territory, embargo ends. -
Endangered Species Act
Conservation of spices that are endangered or threatened. Requires fish and wildlife service to list species of plants and animal that are threatened with extinction, conservation of their ecosystems on which they depend on. Further steps to protect after identification. Wildlife was being killed off by industrialization and poison in the environment. -
Gerald Ford Presidency
Modest person, "I'm Ford, not a Lincoln", distance himself from elite. On Warren Commission. Pardons Nixon from all crimes, adds to distrust people's had/have for Washington D.C., thought this would help get rid of Watergate Scandal. Foreign Policy, forbids government employees plotting to assassinate foreign leaders.Helsinki Accords,US & USSR agreed to keep balance of capitalist and communist countries. receives heavy criticism. Missiles, Despite SALT 1, USSR makes longer range missiles than US -
Panama Canal
U.S. still controlled Panama Canal. Biggest ships and subs couldn't fit in Canal. President Carter signed treaty to give Canal to Commander of Panama Nation Guard Commander General Omar Torrijos. Handover complete in 2000, ending control of canal that US exercised. Neutrality component of the treat gave U.S. permanent authority to defend the canal if it were placed under threat as a neutral water passage. -
Moral Majority
"Lost out morality". Prominent American political organization associated with the Christian right and Republican Party. Founded by Jerry Falwell (an evangelical preacher)- pro-life, pro-family, pro-American and pro-morality. Falwell and other evangelicals (Pat Robertson, Oral Roverts) preached this new movement. Political bloc in late 70s and early 80s. -
Iran Hostage Crisis
U.S. supported Shah of Iran, major oil supplier. Brutal dictator and anti-communist (became unpopular). Ayatollah Khomeini leads Islamic revolution, mistrusted the U.S, U.S. gave amnesty to the Shah. 52 Americans taken hostage from American embassy in Tehran. Special forces team was went to rescue, helicopters crashed in Iranian desert (April, 1980). Iraq (Saddam) invades Iran, Khomeini negotiates an end to it. Released 444 days later, on Jan 20, 1981. -
Sam Walton’s Just-in-Time Inventory
Sam Walton (Wal Mart) created a chain of stores offering large variety of products at low prices. Just in time inventory: to increase efficiency and decrease wast in goods. Products arrive at the precise time if they are needed, computers track inventory, no need for large in house stock. -
Period: to
A big change from the troublesome 70s, sue to advancement in technology. Many Americans embraced a new conservatism in social, economic, and political life during the 1980s, characterized by Ronald Reagan. "Reaganomics" This era was often memorized for its materialism and consumerism, saw ride "yippe", explosion in blockbuster movies and the emerge of cable networks like MTV., that introduced music videos and launched iconic artist careers. -
Election of 1980
Ronald Reagan (Republican) :former governor of California, former actor in 40s & 50s, testified before HUAC about communism, unites Conservative Coalition behind him vs. Jimmy Carter (Democrat): Incumbent, haunted by bad economy, hostage crisis in Iran brought down his popularity, special forces mishap in the desert seals his defeat. Reagan defeats Cater, Ayatollah Khomeini, spites Carter and released American hostages after Reagan was sworn in. -
Robert Johnson
Born April 8, 1946. American businessman, 1st black billionaire, founded BET (Black Entertainment Television); first cable television network aimed at African Americans. At first only aired two hours on Friday night, BET turned profile in 85, became the first black controlled company listed in New York Exchange. Also first majority owner of major professional sports team in the US. -
Reaganomics meant to cut income and corporate taxes to spur economy and create better jobs.Supply, side economics. Reduce welfare spending, massively increased defense spending,to fight USSR during Cold War, situation was getting warmer.Sought to remedy the high inflation and regressions of 70s. Supposedly offset by new taxes from a booming economy, Democrats critical of his ideas and tickle-down economy. -
The Internet
Internet started on military bases in the 60s to exchange data. 80s supercomputers allow communication on college campuses. In tens of millions of homes by the late 1990s: American Online (AOL). 1994:6 Million Users, 2001:130 Million. Changed lifestyle and business, people no longer needed to travel long distances for meetings. Emails took the place of a traditional letter, paper files become digital, people shopped for things online (Amazon). Online games became big. BITNET introduced in 1981. -
Space Shuttle Program
S.T.S was the United States government manned launched vehicle program from the 1980s, administered by NASA. 1st space shuttle (Columbia) launched April 1981, Sally Ride-First women in space. Satellites become important for communication. 1986 Challenger explosion,Space Shutter Challenger broke apart within 73 seconds into its flight, led to killing of all seven crew members, which consisted of five NASA astronauts and two payload specialists. Spacecraft disintegrated into Atlantic Ocean. -
Channel originally aired music videos as guided by television personalities known as "video jockeys", provided free by record companies. Early years main target demographic young adults. Now mainly teenagers, high school and college students. Very influential in entertainment and pop culture not only in US but other parts of the world. Initially gave many artists their fame like Madonna and Micheal Jackson. Now mainly focused on reality shows. -
Sandra Day O'Connor
First female Supreme Court Justice. Reagan nominates her, a moderate who sided with the conservatives of the court, she sides with liberalism members later on. Retried in 2006 due to her husband's declining health (Alzheimer's) . -
Strategic Defense Initiative
Better known as "Star Wars". Missile shield defense against Soviet incoming missiles. Satellites with lasers shoot down incoming missiles/ Intended to give Soviets the same technology- hoped they would go bankrupted in doing yo. SDI was a failure for the U.S. Soviets took challenge and spend more resourced than the U.S. developing it. Soviets start resenting communism, didn't have enough food. 1991 Cold War ends. -
Reagan Doctrine
Served as the foundation for the Reagan administration's support of "freedom fighters". U.S. supports guerrilla groups fighting Communists .No longer contain, but get rid of communism. Thought "America's mission was to nourish and defend freedom and democracy". Declared to stand by our democratic allies. "Support for freedom fighter is self defense". -
Iran Contra
Aug 20 1985-Mar 4, 1987. Sandistas (pro-communist) overthrow pro-American dictator in Nicaragua in (1979). Reagan secretly arms Contras, congress finds out. People in Reagan administration continued to illegally support the Contras, Administration got money by selling weapons to Iran fighting Iraq. Exchanged for release of American hostages in Lebanon.. Colonel Oliver North was key in covering up their actions., plane crashes revealing weapons (1986) -
Communism collapses in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
The Wall had come to represent the division of Europe, its fall came to represent the end of the CW.In 1987 Reagan gave speech calling on USSR General Gorbachev to “tear down this wall”,two years later the communist regimes of Eastern Europe would collapse like dominoes.The communist gov allowed free association,assembly & ordered the country’s border to open West. Economy collapse in East Germany, thousands migrated West.Riots & protests happened against the gov., non-communist gov took over. -
Oprah Winfrey
Creates well-known talk show "The Oprah Winfrey Show" about issues and trends of the day, highest-rated television program of its kind in history. 1984-2011. Very popular in 90s. Named "Queen of all Media". One of the richest women in the world. Supports Obama in 2008, awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Honorary doctorate degrees from Duke and Harvard. -
Period: to
90s gave everyone a sense of happiness that was long overdue. It possessed a productive economy and a powerful military. US economy grew rapidly due to sharp fall of interest rates, price of oil, new computers and technology, globalization, entertainment and an expansion to international trade. Post Cold War when it ended in 1991. Unleashed violent ethic, religious and national conflicts. -
Rodney King Incident
March 1991. Rodney King (African-American) chased 78 miles in his car by L.A. police. Chase ends with him being beaten
caught on tape, video got to the media. Riots take place for 4 days. Asian shops looted by black & Latino residents,angry for Asians not hiring people of color. Should be part of Civil Rights Movement. History repeating itself? -
Health Care Reform
Clinton wants longtime liberal goal of nationalized healthcare, almost 100 year goal. Gives task to his wife; Hillary Rodham Clinton. Republicans put out media blitz, called it socializes medicine.thought president led the country into a blind alley w his grandiose reform plan. Health care is expensive fails until 2009. Reform made Hilary popular. -
Election of 1992
Bill Clinton: (Democrat) Governor of Arkansas,charismatic and understanding.George H.W. Bush:(Republican) Incumbent, large deficits and down turning economy, popular for Persian Gulf. Ross Perot:(Independent) Successful businessman. Clinton wins 43% of vote, Perot took votes away from Bush. -
World Trade Center Attack
Terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, truck bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. Nitrate was intended to send to the North Tower, 1. Crashing into the South Tower, 2. Bringing both tower down and killing tens of thousands of people. It failed to do so but killed six people and injured over a thousand. Terrorist charges included conspiracy, explosive destruction of property, and interstate instate transportation of explosive. -
North American Free Trade Agreement
In 1994. Encompasses Mexico, U.S, and Canada. Knocks down trade barriers to exchange goods and serviced among the three countries. Rules put in place for several industries, like agriculture and technology. Americans lose many jobs from NAFTA. Stopped Mexican knock-off products. -
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Clinton's new policy of allowing gays, bisexual and lesbians in the military, old policy did not allow gays. Took effect lasting until September 20,2011. -
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
Federal law, that was first ruled unconstitutional, defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and allowed states to refuse to consider and recognize same-sex marriage from being "spouses", constrained benefits to receive by all legally married same-sex couples. Passed by the Senate and House in 1996. Justice department does not defend legal challenges to the law. -
The Lewinsky Affair
Clinton has affair with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. Special prosecutor (Kenneth Star) got hold of affair from a Linda Tripp. Media gets ahold of story, Clinton denies whole affair. Impeachment: House of Rep. Impeaches Clinton for lying under oath, obstruction of justice. Charges didn't get 2/3 vote required to remove Clinton. Many were tired of lies and scandals by then. -
Period: to
Our current times, can be characterized by many ongoing events, like protest against cops, racism, and war in the Middle East, along with other things. Our Modern times have made huge advancement in technology and medical healthcare and other fields. However, foreign and domestic policies were also made. Like Obamacare, same sex marriage and the PATRIOT ACT. Many believe history may be repeating itself but there are still many changes are to come, economically and politically. -
9/11 Attacks
19 al-Qaeda hijackers got on four planes.Planes turned course, 2 hit the World Trade Center buildings and the other hit the Pentagon (actually looking got the White House). The last plane learned of the attacks and subdued the terrorists, as they nosedived the plane. 2,973 will die in the attacks. President Bush (Baby Bush), demands Afghanistan to turn over the terrorist, but the Taliban refuse. Later in October Afghanistan is bombed, Bin Laden escaped. Some believe to be a conspiracy. -
Stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Proving Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. Security concerns lead to a new legislation. Law enforcement & intelligence agencies allowed to conduct wide-sweeping searches and surveillance, which detained immigrants and monitored bank accounts as well as wiretapped suspicious callers without warrant. Many opposed it because of executive overreach for power, threatened individual liberties and invaded personal privacy. -
No Child Left Behind Education Act
Government got many reports of declining schools across the country, President George Bush sends this bill to Congress. Revamps standards and linking federal funding to standardized test and student preforming. Reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary education act, also included Title I provision that applies to disadvantaged students. Signed into law in 2002. -
2nd Iraq War
Saddam used chemical weapons in the war with Iran
against Kurds too.Supposedly tries to get nuclear & biological weapons. Bush Doctrine:Authorized use of force against any nation that harbored terrorists.Bush claimed Saddam had links to terror ,Bombing campaign softened up the targets “Shock & Awe” (March 2003)Troops would be in Baghdad in 3 weeks. Iraq will fall soon after,Iraqi Army was told to stand down
Saddam captured by the end of the year,executed by Iraqis for war crimes. -
Patient Protection and Affordable Act
On August 29,2005. Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the Untied States. Was considered a category 3 hurricane, and sustained winds of 100-140 mph, it stretched about 400 across. It hit New Orleans the hardest, but also Mississippi and Alabama. The Levee system failed to hold the storm in the city about 80% flooded. Caused about $100 billion in damage, many blamed government because they failed to help.Many forced to moved out of homes.1,836 total in deaths. -
The Great Recession
Economy went to bust in the middle of the campaign (Fall 2008), Home prices fell, poor lending habits by banks, investment lead to massive foreclosure, government forced to bail out falling banks, brokerage houses and insurance companies. Was named worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. Bush helped bailed out financial institutions w federal money. Loans almost $1 trillion to private banks. Wanted to get credit rolling again -
Election of 2008
Barack Obama : (Democrat), First term senator from Illinois, against war in Iraq, beats out Hillary Clinton who had a nasty campaign. vs. John McCain: (Republican), Former Vietnam War prisoner of war, former Navy pilot, ran against G.W. Bush in 2000 and lost.Tries to get Hillary supporters by selecting Sarah Palin as a running mate.Obama campaigns on economic hope & change bc of the sudden downturn. Obama wins by 53% of vote, beats McCain in electoral college. First AA President in US History. -
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Also known as Recovery Act, was a stimulus package enacted by 11th U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in Feb, 2009.The $830 billion spending blowout was sold by the White House as a way to keep unemployment from rising above 8%. $700 billion in government spending, create new jobs, save existing, spur economic growth. -
Sonya Sotomayor
Obama nominates Sonia Sotomayor, became the first Hispanic Supreme Court of the United States; serving since August 2009. Is the third female justice, and the twelfth Roman Catholic justice. Preceded by David Souter. -
Affordable Care Act (ABA) "Obamacare"
Obama gets passed reforms for private health insurance
everyone required to have insurance or pay a fine. Many liberals upset it's not a single-payer system like Europe. Landmark health reform legislation passed by the 111th Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010.