United States History Class Timeline 2015-16

  • The Boston Masscre

    The Boston Masscre
    The Boston Masscre was the colonist anger to the british soldiers and king. So 5 coloinist died, due to colonist throwing stuff at the british soldiers
  • Decleration of Idependence

    Decleration of Idependence
    It was written by Thomas Jefferson making the United States of America free from Great Britian
  • The Lewis and Clark Journey West

    The Lewis and Clark Journey West
    The Lousisana Purchase was when two explorers ( Lewis and Clark ) were hired by Thomas Jefferson, to explore the western part of modern day USA
  • Texas Revoloution

    Texas Revoloution
    In 1833 Texas wanted to fight for freedom. To be their own country. It caused a lot of people to die including Davy Crocket
  • The Californa gold Rush

    The Californa gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush was first discovered January 24 1848 founded by James W. Marshall. It lasted 3 years from 1848-1851. It brought many people from around the world to strike it rich, but the only people who got rich were the merchants who sold food and tools.
  • Brown Bord of Education

    Brown Bord of Education
    The case was about segeration in schools. So in the end segeration ended in schools
  • Satoru Iwata president of Nintendo

    Satoru Iwata president of Nintendo
    Born in December or the 6th of 1959. Became president of Nitendo some time from 1992 to 1999. Finally the terrible day was when he died July 11, 2015
  • Death of Elvis

    Death of Elvis
    He died August 16, 1977, taking a dump. And burried at Forest Hill Cemertary.
  • September 11, 2001

    September 11, 2001
    On 9-11-01 the twin towers fell, the attack was orderd by Osoma Bin Laden. For that it caused 2 wars
  • MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

    MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
    The best day of my parents life.
  • Nora a Best Friend

    Nora a Best Friend
    Nora is a girl born December 10, 2001. She is one of my best friends and she is now age 13