United States History Class Timeline 2015-16

  • Signing of the Declaration of Independance

    The Declaration of Independence was introduced on July 2nd 1776. Then on July 4th 1776 the congress approved but didn’t sign the Declaration of Independence. Then they finally decided to sign the Declaration of Independence.
  • The Adoption of the Articles of Confederation

    Patriot leaders, stinging from British oppression, were reluctant to establish any form of government that might infringe on the right of individual states to govern their own affairs. THe Articlws of Confederation provided loose federation to our U.S states.
  • The British Surrender at Yorktown

    General Charles Cornwallis surrendered himself and his troops to Yorktown, Virgina. Thre colonist were to stong for the empire so htey had to call troops from New York.
  • The Ratification of the Bill of Rights

    Only 3-10 of the admentments were ratified on december 15th 1781. The first 2 admentments were not ratified untill 200 years later. The bill of rights was aslo influenced under the Virginia’s Declaration of Rights, drafted by George Mason in 1776.
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    Shays Rebellion: Attack on the Springfield

    how this whole rebellion started was because they taxted wisky. In the state of Pennslyvannia the farmers made wisky from corn. Congress needed money so they decied to tax them. The farmers were not happy by then. So they all got together and rebelled against them.
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    Constitutional Convention

    This Constitutional Convention was important because this was when the making of the constatuition was being made right after about 10 years the Declaration of Independence.
  • Ratification of the United States Constatution

    On September 25th 1789 the first congress of the U.S created the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. The state of Rhode Island was the only state that had rejected the Constitution. The state of Pennsylvania was thawed by Delaware. Pennsylvania wanted to attempt to be the first state to ratify the Constitution, they wanted to hope that they were securing a seat for the National Government of Pennsylvania. Instead the state of Delaware took that seat and ratified the Constitution first.
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    The Battle of Fort Sumter

    The Battle of Fort Sumter was bombarded on April 12th 1861. Because of this they had to surrender Fort Sumter. But before they had to surrender Norman J. Hall, was very brave and went out in the open while they were still bombing to put back up the Stars and Stripes flag back up. The fort was relevantly close to Charleston, South Carolina. With this battle it started the American Civil War. This Civil war effected seven of the American States
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    The Battle of Gettysburg

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    The Battle of Little Bughorn

    The Battle of the Little Bighorn was the most was the most important action war of the Great Sioux war. The Lakota's which are the Little Bighorn's had an astonishing winning against the Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was an economic downfall. Many workers were laidoff during this time period. But, with the help of Franklin D. Rosavelt was presadent a turned america around. After we fought in World War 2, the economy went back up.
  • Apollo 11 Moon Landing

    Neil Armstorng and Buzz Alrdin were the first men to step foot on the moon. The Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that took the two men to the moon. On this mission they collected lunar materials to return to earth with. In the end they landed in the Pacific Ocean on July 24 1969.
  • Setember 11th Attacks

    9/11 The Twin towers were hit by the Islamic terrorist. Both towers were down within an hour. Then the terrorist sent another plane into the west side of the pentagon. When the forth plane came in to hit the other side of the pentagon it missed and ended up landing in Shanksville Pennsylvania.
  • My Birthday

    The day the earth got a present
  • The 1st inauguration of Barack Obama

    Barack Obama is tnow the 44th president of the United States. This event was very important to the world. Occuring to record this event was the most observed event ever by global audience, Obama took references from perveieous presadents. He felt like he need to share this and to change the challenges America has. To add a new sense of responsability to America.