Victory at El Alamein
British forces in North Africa turn the tides back against the Germans. This is the beginning of the end of Germany's war in Africa. -
Battle of the Coral Sea
American and Australian naval forces clash with Japan's Imperial Navy in the Pacific. A costly battle for both sides, but ultimately a victory for the Allies. This battle, along with the Battle of Midway, was one of the heavy blows that severely weakened Japan's war in the Pacific. -
The Battle of Midway
A major battle of the Pacific Theatre and a decisive win for the Allies. The destruction of Japanese ships and planes tipped the scales in the Allies favor for the remainder of the war. -
CORE Organized
CORE (Congress Of Racial Equality) is formed, an organization working to achieve nonviolent racial desegregation in the US. -
EO 9066
FDR signs Executive Order 9066, allowing for the forced relocation and imprisonment of Asian-Americans at the discretion of military officials in the mainland United States. -
Meeting in Tehran
"The Big Three" -- Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt -- meet in Tehran, Iran, to discuss wartime strategy. The Battle of Normandy is planned here. -
The Battle of Normandy
The largest amphibious assault in the history of the world takes place. American, English, and Canadian forces storm the French coastline and begin forcing back the German military. -
American Destruction of Japan
American forces relentlessly bomb Japanese civilian targets, burning down cities and homes all across the island. This culminated with the atomic attacks at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Conservatively, around 300,000 Japanese civilians are killed in 1945 by American bombings. -
American Military Integrated
American forces become fully racially integrated by order of the government. -
National Security Council memo 68 brings widespread fear of communism and the USSR. One of the defining moments of the Cold War, a conflict which would last for decades to come. -
McCarthy's List
Senator Joseph McCarthy claims to possess a list of American officials who are secretly communist spies. Later discredited, McCarthy still brought more fear of the USSR into American culture. -
Spies on Trial
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are tried for divulging nuclear secrets to Soviet Russia. They are found guilty, and sentenced to death. -
1952 Presidential Election
Dwight D. Eisenhower, a general during World War II, is elected President of the United States. -
Rosenberg Execution
The couple found guilty of revealing secrets to Soviet Russia is executed for their crimes against the United States.