Louisiana Purchase
The United States purchased over 800,000 miles of territory from France for 15 million dollars, and doubled its size as a result! -
America Expands West
Lewis and Clark led an expedition with the goal of exploring the newly acquired US territory, or 'The West'. -
War of 1812
The United States fought a war with Great Britain in retaliation for British interference with trade and expansion. Although it did not fix the issues that caused it, it established a sense of unity and patriotism among the American people. -
Monroe Doctrine
The United States established itself as a world power, when it warned Europe not to interfere in Western Hemisphere affairs. -
Trail of Tears
Cherokees were forcibly removed from their territories and relocated to what we know today as Oklahoma. -
Dred Scott Decision
Supreme court upholds that: They have no jurisdiction over slavery, African Americans are not citizens and slaves are not free because they have entered a freed territory. -
Period: to
Civil War
War between the Union (north) and the Confederate (south) states, resulting from rising tensions over slavery and state rights. -
13th Amendment
Banned slavery in the United States -
First Transcontinental Railroad
Union and Central Pacific Railroads come together in Utah. -
15th Amendment
Granted suffrage to African American men. -
Panic of 1893
The beginning of a 10 year economic depression, exceeding the unemployment rate of 10% multiple times and violent unrest throughout the years.