United States Foreign Policy

By dlowe
  • Mckinley

    Mckinley justifies his reasons of why he wanted to intervene with Cuba. He is asking to declare war against Spain .
    Quote: ".. to put an end to the barbarities, blood dread, starvation, and horrible miseries now existing there…(" Source 2)
    Future 1 and 2: Future one spread democracy, trying to help Cuba because we are then protecting business (Future 2)
  • Period: to

    United States Foreign Policy

  • Teller

    America planned to help cuba and stabilize their country. After Cuba was stable, they were going to leave them to govern themselves.
    ¨ Exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction control… when that is accomplished, to leave the government and control of the island to itś people¨ ( Source 4)
    Future 1 because of spread of democracy
  • March of the Flags

    Beveridge gave a speech that America should not force democracy in cuba for the benefits that it provides (employment and better wages)
    “If England can govern foreign land so can America… Ah! As our commerce spreads, the flag of liberty will circle the globe” (Source 6)
    Future 2: Using Cuba for their resources
  • Great Britain Declares War on Germany

    Great Britain Declares War on Germany, as reported in the Daily Mirror
    U.S. Policy on Loans to the Belligerents (1914–1915)
  • Preparedness Campaign

    Wilson is prpearing himself for a conflict hoping urging that citizens be well trained and ultimately complete the goal of creating the best military in the world in preparation for the battles.
    ¨ Near the end of a nationwide speaking tour in February 1916, he not only called for creation of "the greatest navy in the world" but also urged widespread military training for civilians, lest some day the nation be faced with "putting raw levies of inexperienced men onto the modern field of battle.
  • Germany Resumes Unrestricted Warfare

    Germany opened up to unrestricted warfare in the sea. "The military situation as a whole permits us to accept all the consequences which unrestricted U-boat war may bring, and as this U-boat war is the means of injuring our enemies the most greviously, it must be begun¨
    This connects to future four because this a threat to the U.S homeland and encourages America to establish further protection with U.S merchant ships.
    —Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, January 31, 1917, New York Times
  • U.S Severs Ties With Germany

    THe U.S severed ties with Germany essentailly ruining any chances of alliances. This connects to future three because this was done due to Germany not sharing the same values as America.
  • Wilson´s Calling For National Defense

    Wilson decided that it was time to begin builidng a national defense specifically tailored to the future battles that they may have to be involved in. This connects to future four because the national army is being built to protect America and itś citizens.
  • President´s War Message to Congress

    This is President´s war message to congress regarding the eventual World War 1.
    ¨ The world must be made safe for democracy¨
    Future one justifies war spreading democracy
  • Wilson´s 14 Points

    Future 3 ¨Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind, but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view¨ Future 4 ¨ Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety¨
  • Potsdam Conference

    Great Britain, Soviet Union, U.S, France- talk about ending the war, conference is building the tension
  • Kennan Policy of Containment

    Attempt to contain spread of communism
  • Truman Doctrine

  • Rosenberg Exec.

    Spies accused of giving atomic bomb information to Soviet Union