
United States First Amendment

  • Cox v. Louisiana

    Cox v. Louisiana
    This was where 2,000 Negros had done a protest about segregation. They were asked to get off of the property and they did not. The court charged them with peace disturbance and obstructing public passages) Link text
  • Bethel School District v. Fraiser

    Bethel School District v. Fraiser
    This case was about how a student said a speech at an assembly an got in trouble it had an "explicit sexual metaphor". Other students had started yelling during the assembly. This got the student saying the speech in trouble and got suspended. They then sued the school for freedom of speech.
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  • Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District

    Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District
    John Tinker and Christopher Eckhardt students had worn arm bands to school to protest Vietnam war them off they had refused and were suspended. They sewed for the rights of the first amendment. Link text
  • Miller v. California

    Miller v. California
    Miller was advertising for selling adult material. He was told he was violating the California statute. So he took them to court for going against the first amendment freedom of speech. Link text
  • Board of Education, Island Trees Union Free School District v. Pico

    Board of Education, Island Trees Union Free School District v. Pico
    The Board of Education had ordered that all books dealing with anti-religion must be removed. People argued this went against the first amendment of freedom of religion. They said they wanted to take it out of schools and Junior library's. Link text
  • Hazlewood School District v. Kuhlmeier

    Hazlewood School District v. Kuhlmeier
    At a public school a principal had taken 2 articles off the paper because he thought they were inappropriate. One of them were about Teen Pregnancy, the other was about divorce. Cathy Kuhlmeier and 2 more student sued the school for 1st amendment rights. Link text
  • Texas V. Johnson

    Texas V. Johnson
    A guy name Gregory Lee Johnson burned the American Flag against Reagan Administration. He went to jail with a $2,000. He believed it went against the 1st Amendment. Link text
  • United States v. Eichman

    United States v. Eichman
    This was about how Eichman had burned several flags and he wanted to charge him with Flag going against Protection Act of 1989. They ended up dismissing his charge because it went against the first amendment. Link text
  • R.A.V v. City of St. Paul

    R.A.V v. City of St. Paul
    Three teens went across a family of blacks yard. The police had taken one of the teens to jail because they had said, " arouses anger, alarm or resentment in others on the basis of race, color, creed, religion or gender." The teens said this went against the 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech. Link text
  • Case v. Unified School District

    Case v. Unified School District
    This case dealt with trying to take the book "Annie out of my Mind" out of a school. The board said it was not good for teenagers, because it was about lesbian. However, this went against the right to read on the 1st Amendment. Link text
  • Virginia V. Black

    Virginia V. Black
    Barry Black, Richard Elliott, and Jonathan O'Mara were on trial for violating the Virginia Statue. They were convicted of burning the cross. They didn't believe it was right because it went against the 1st Amendment protection of speech. Link text
  • Morse v. Fredrick

    Morse v. Fredrick
    There was an event for drug use at a school. It was around the time of the Winter Olympics. There was a run that went by the school that teachers and students had attenden. Joseph Fredrick had held a banner that said "BONG HITS 4 JESUS". The principal Deborah Morse took the banner down and suspended Fredrick. He then sued for his rights. Link text