George Perkins
George Perkins is an American naturalist, organizer, and lawyer. He was the one who brought up the impact that humans are having on the environment. -
Henry David Thoreau
John Muir
Theodore Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt was the president on the United States and one of the things he did was put the Civilian Conservation Corps in Corps (CCC) in place. This was the start of a large plan to restore the economy but was also known for the impact that it had on the environment. The CCC made many jobs for people, the workers of the CCC were paid to would do things like plant trees, protect forest from wildfires, make summer camps, improve national state parks, and battling soil erosion. -
Gilford Pinchot
Alice Hamilton
Yellowstone National Park Established
Old Faithful and others geysers are located here, they are the main reason the park was created. “A mountain wilderness, home to grizzly bears, wolves, and herds of bison and elk, the park is the core of one of the last, nearly intact ecosystems in the Earth’s temperate zo -
Franklin Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt was the president on the United States and one of the things he did was put the Civilian Conservation Corps in Corps (CCC) in place. This was the start of a large plan to restore the economy but was also known for the impact that it had on the environment. The CCC made many jobs for people, the workers of the CCC were paid to would do things like plant trees, protect forest from wildfires, make summer camps, improve national state parks, and battling soil erosion. -
Aldo Leopold
Lacey Act
bans trafficking in illegal wildlife, fish, plants, and plant products such as timber and paper. This was also the world's first ban on trade in illegally sourced wood products. The government can penalize anyone found doing any of this. It makes businesses and companies think twice before doing anything illegal with wildlife in fear of having to pay a huge penalty. -
First National Wildlife Refuge Established (Pelican Island)
US Forest Service Founded
antiquities act
Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson is mainly known for her book “Silent Spring” her book points out things about DDT. At the time it was known for killing insects. This was a good thing because growth of crops went out and bugs like mosquitos and this made malaria rate go down. But she did research and found of that DDT was affecting the calcium in the birds so when they would lay an egg it would be thin and would break right away so the bird population went down. If they keep on using DDT the eventually the birds w -
US National Park Service Founded
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter was working on preserving the wilderness, wildlife, and natural historical resources -
Edward Abbey
Dust Bow
known as the Dirty Thirties, was a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the US and Canadian prairies. It was caused by severe drought and a failure to apply “dryland farming methods” to prevent wind erosion -
Civilian Conservation Corps
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
pittman robertson wildlife reforestation act
Before the act, many species of wildlife were driven to or near extinction by commercial/market hunting and/or “habitat degradation” by humans. The act created a tax that provides funds to each state to manage such animals and their habitats. Some species that have come back from the brink of extinction since the start of the act includes white-tailed deer, wild turkey, and wood ducks. They put a tax on guns and archery weapons and laws dealing with hunting and what you can hunt which helped sa -
federal food, drug, and cosmetic act
Period: to
the love canal incident
Al Gore
Al Gore started the Climate Reality Project. This is a non profit organization that is devoted to solving the climate crisis. They do things like protecting the future and makeing renewable energy. -
Wilderness Act
It protects almost 110 million acres of wilderness areas along the US. It is one of America’s greatest “conservation achievements.” The act created our National Wilderness Preservation System and provided the means for Americans to “induct unspoiled areas into the system.” It has protected federal land and wilderness in the US for years and years now. -
cuyahoga river burning
The idea for a national day to focus on the environment came to Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Around 20 million people nationwide attended festivities that day. It eventually lead to national legislation such as the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. "The First Earth Day." The First Earth Day. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. <http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/modern -
the national environmental policy act
the national environmental policy act: January 1, 1970
the first earth day
The Clean Water Act
Established the basic structure for regulating “pollutants” going into the waters and the quality standards for surface waters. Under the act, EPA implemented pollution control programs like making wastewater standards and standards for all contaminants in surface waters. It has kept the waters a little more cleaner over the years with the rules it created. -
OPEC oil embargo
The Endangered Species Act
Convention on International Trade In Endangered Species (Cites)
The Clean Air Act
TMI nuclear accident
was made to clean up sites “contaminated with hazardous substances and pollutants.” They identify parties responsible for releasing these hazardous substances into the environment and either make them clean up the mess or it may clean itself using the Superfund and making them pay by referring to the U.S. Department of Justice. It keeps the earth a little cleaner because there is a possible “price” to pay. -
Period: to
union carbide plant explosion in Bhopal India : December 2-3,
The Emergency Planning And Community Right To Know Act
chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion
The Chernobyl accident was the result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with “inadequately trained personnel.” The resulting steam explosion and fires released at least 5% of the radioactive reactor core into the atmosphere and downwind. People died within a few weeks as a result of acute radiation poisoning. -
the montreal protocol
the oil pollution act
the kyoto protocol
BP Gulf Coast Oil Spill
Gas was released into the Deepwater Horizon oil rig on the Macondo exploration well for BP in the Gulf of Mexico which caused a big explosion. This harmed animals like birds, dolphins, fish, plankton, etc. which possibly had strong effects on the ecosystem there. 11 people died and many others were injured during this.