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United States

  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Treaty was signed in Paris by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. Under the terms of the treaty, Britain recognized the independent nation of the United States of America. The United States agreed pay all existing money owed to Great Britain. This ended the Revolutionar war. The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War too.
  • The Ratification of the Constitution

    The Ratification of the Constitution
    On September 17, 1787, a larger part of the agents to the Constitutional Convention approved the documents over which they had worked since May. After a goodbye dinner, designates quickly came back to their homes to compose help, most for yet some against the proposed charter. Before the Constitution could become the law of the land, it would have to withstand public scrutiny and debate.
  • Period: to

    American History

  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The First Congress of the United States therefore proposed to the state legislatures 12 minor changes to the Constitution that met arguments most frequently advanced against it.
  • U.S. Trade Union of shoemakers

     U.S. Trade Union of shoemakers
    In addition to being the protective American liberty, the city of Philadelphia also served as the gentle American labor activism. In 1786, Philadelphia printers staged America's first labor strike, successfully procuring a $6 per week minimum wage. In 1792, Philadelphia shoemakers formed America's first labor association, which lasted for one year before disbanding.
  • Congress Prohibits Importing of African Slaves

    Congress Prohibits Importing of African Slaves
    The U.S. Congress passed this piece of landmark legislation to end the profitable international slave trade, and President Thomas Jefferson promptly signed the act, making it law. The act went into effect on January 1, 1808, prohibiting from that time on the importation of African slaves to the United States.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Gold was discovered near Coloma, California, the spread all over the world. First, Americans from the East Coast poured into California. Then the Hawaiians arrived, followed by South Americans.
  • Republican Party Formed

    Republican Party Formed
    A crowd that numbered as high as 10,000, crowded into Jackson, Michigan in what has often been considered the founding of the Republican Party. Slavery is quite possibly the most influential issue underlying American politics from 1776 to 1865, and the single greatest issue in the formation of the Republican party.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Assassination

    Abraham Lincoln's Assassination
    On the evening of April 14, 1865, while attending a special performance, President Abraham Lincoln was shot. After the play was in progress, a figure with a drawn derringer pistol stepped into the presidential box, aimed, and fired. The assassin, John Wilkes Booth, dropped the pistol and waved a dagger. the Officer, Rathbone, lunged at him, and though slashed in the arm, forced the killer to the railing. Booth escaped even with the injury.
  • National League of Professional Baseball was Formed

    National League of Professional Baseball was Formed
    It started with 8 team; Boston Red Stockings, Chicago White Stockings, Cincinnati Red Legs, Hartford Dark Blues, Louisville Grays, Philadelphia Athletics, Brooklyn Mutuals and St. Louis Browns. There were 70 games for each team in between April 22,1876 - October 2, 1876.
  • Pendleton Civil Service Act

    Pendleton Civil Service Act
    Widespread public demand for civil service reform was stirred after the Civil War by mounting incompetence, graft, corruption, and theft in federal departments and agencies. Pendleton of Ohio, providing for the open selection of government employees to be administered by a Civil Service Commission and guaranteeing the right of citizens to compete for federal appointment without regard to politics, religion, race, or national origin.