Civil war

United States Civil War timeline

By BDura9
  • Period: to

    United States Civil War Timeline

  • Henry reapeating rifle is made

    Henry reapeating rifle is made
    This allowed one man to act as a dozen men with muskets. The union used this gun in the war giving them a huge advantage.
  • Jefferson speaks out

    Jefferson speaks out
    Davis speaks out saying that the south should keep their economic ways and slavery should continue in the south.
  • Cooper Union Address

    Cooper Union Address
    Lincoln made this adress saying that no new territories are allowed to use slavery or premote it. It was a very powerful speech and many thought it was one of the big reasons he won the election.
  • Pony express

    Pony express
    Setting up 119 mail stations that are 12 miles apart made it easier to mail letters in a more timely manner.
  • Constitutional Party forms

    Constitutional Party forms
    American party and Whig party meet in Baltimore. Making a constituitional party, they put John Bell as their candidate in the upcoming election.
  • Grace Bedell

    Grace Bedell
    Writes a letter to Lincoln telling him to grow his beard because he looks so lanky. Next day after receiving the letter he starts to grow his beard out.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected as the 16th President of the United States of America

    Abraham Lincoln  Elected as the 16th President of the United States of America
    Lincoln elected as 16th Pres of the US. From Illinois obtained 180 electoral votes. Also won 39 percent of the popular vote
  • Meeting urged

    Meeting consisted of 7 senators 23 reps that all wanted secession and soutern confederate states.
  • Garrison transfers

    Garrison transferred from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter.
  • Soutern states begin to seceed from the union

    Soutern states begin to seceed from the union
    SC first to seceed
    Followed by many others
  • Soutern Senators removed

    Withdrawal of five Southern members of the U.S.Senate: Mallory, Yule, Fitzpatrick, Clay and Davis
  • Kansas

    Kansas is admitted into the Union as a free state
  • Confederate Staes of America were formed

    Confederate Staes of America were formed
    Confederate States were formed from seccession from the Union.
  • Abe Lincolns inaguration Day

    Abe Lincolns inaguration Day
    Abe delivers a message to the people on his inaguration day
  • Abe Lincoln declares war on the Confederates

    Abe Lincoln declares war on the Confederates
    Lincoln declares war on the confederates. Union V Confederates
  • Lincoln needs more men

    Lincoln needs more men
    Lincoln calls for more men. Receives 75,000 more men
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    The confederates demanded that the Union surrendered Fort Sumter. When the Union refused, Confederates attacked it. Nobody was killed at this battle.
  • First battle of Bull Run

    First battle of Bull Run
    First battle of Bull Run
  • Capture of the Tennessee River

    Capture of the Tennessee River
    Union forces under General Ulysses S. Grant, capture Paducah, Kentucky without spilling any blood. This gives the union control of the Tennesse River.
  • Lincoln appoints McClellan

    Lincoln appoints McClellan
    Lincoln appoints George B. McClellan as commander of the Union Army. Biggest mistake he makes during the whole army
  • McClellan ignores Lincoln

    McClellan ignores Lincoln
    Lincoln issues the first General War Order, telling all land and sea army forces to advance. McClellan igornes this, but because of his backing Lincoln could not punish him.
  • Greenbacks

    This was a form of paper money introduced by Lincoln. It was the unified money for the United States and was used by the Union army. This money was distributed longer then any other money.
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    Feds take Grant by surprise
    Grant reorganizes and attacks
    1/4th of the 100,000 men were killed
  • Conscription

    Davis and the Confederate Congress approve the conscription act. This calls forward any white male ages 18 to 35 to fight for the confederate army.
  • Revenue Law

    Revenue Law
    This law would give the government funds to use towards the civil war. It put a tax on inheritance, tobacco, and incomes over $600.
  • African Americans and the Army

    African Americans and the Army
    The Union army is officially allowed to hire African Americans as laborers. This is a step in the right direction because they are on their way to becoming equal. The slaves are now allowed to help in the army that is being fought to free them.
  • Antietam

    The battle of Antietam is the bloodiest single day battle in American history. Neither side won the war but the Confederate retreat during the battle made it a victory in Lincoln's eyes. The battle ended in a loss of 110 men.
  • Emancipation

    Lincoln's plan for Emancipation is published in the Union newspapers. This gives the slaves hope for their freedom and even more of a reason behind the war.
  • Grant Against the Jewish

    Grant Against the Jewish
    Grant issues an order to bar Jewish people from serving under his command. This is horribly ironic because he is fighting to free a group of people because of the harsh treatment they are receiving
  • Lincoln hangs Indians

    Lincoln hangs Indians
    Lincoln orders 39 Sioux Indian men to be hanged.
  • Emancipation Proclamation happens

    Emancipation Proclamation happens
    Lincoln signs the Emancipation and frees 3.1 million of the nation's slaves.
  • National banking act

    National banking act
    Lincoln signs the national banking act making it an official law, putting someone in charge of currency this also led to the making of banks.
  • Conscription act

    Conscription act
    The National Conscription Act is signed forcing males between 18-35 to fight for the union army.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    This battle took place from May 1st to May 4th, ending in a Confederate victory. Both sides lost many of their soldiers, the Union casualties were 17,500 men and the Confederate casualties were 13,000.
    Confederates biggest lose is Stonewall
  • Gettysburg

    Largest battle of the Civil War
    Took place in a field in Gettyburg, PA
    There were 28,000 Confederate casualties and 23,000 Union casualties. Union Victory.
  • General Lee resigns

    General Lee resigns
    After his shameful defeat at gettysburg lee sends pres Davis a resignation letter.
    Davis refuses to accept it.
  • Battle of lawrence

    Battle of lawrence
    Took place in Lawrence, Kansas
    William Qauntrill's raiders kill over 200 men and boys.
  • Thanksgiving

    Lincoln declares thanksgiving a national holiday to be celebrated the last thursday in November.
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    Lincoln's speech dedicating the military cemetary at Gettysburg. The address is not very long but considered one ofthe most influential speechs ever.
  • Great escape

    Great escape
    John Hunt Morgan confederate leader and some of his troops escape from ohio state prison through the ventilation.
  • Andersonville

    The first 500 prisoners of war arrive at the Confederate prison camp, Andersonville. This was the harshest prison camp of the Civil War. Many of the men held there didnt survive because of the terrible conditions of the camp.
  • Coinage act

    Coinage act
    Congress passes the coinage act of 1864. This act states the the inscription In God we Trust must be on all coins that are to be used as us currency.
  • Conscription Hoax lol

    Conscription Hoax	lol
    New York Journal of Commerce publish an article stating that Lincoln has drafted 400,000 more soldiers into the Union army, The public decided it was not true when they found that only two papers had published the news.
  • Arlington national cemetery

    Arlington national cemetery
    The Arlington National Cemetary is established by Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. It is created using 200 acres land from Robert E Lee's home.
  • Lincoln's Conscription Law

    Lincoln's Conscription Law
    Lincoln signs away the fee that someone could pay to avoid being drafted into the Union Army.
  • Confederate Spy

    Confederate Spy
    Confederate spy Belle Boyd is arrested by Union forces.
  • GOLD

    Helena, Montana is founded by four prospectors. They create it after finding gold at Last Chance Gulch
  • RE-election of Abe Lincoln

    RE-election of Abe Lincoln
    Abes re elected
    Everyone is shocked by how bad he beats McClellan
  • New York burns down

    New York burns down
    A group of Confederatea that call themselves the Confederate Army of Manhattan set fires in more then 20 places
  • Sherman's march

    Sherman's march
    Sherman marches towards the sea destroying everything in his path
  • Fort Stedman

    Fort Stedman
    The Confederate forces capture Fort Stedman from the Union forces.
  • Booth caught and killed

    Booth caught and killed
    John Wilkes Booth is captured in a barn in Virginia at the Garret's farm.
    He is shot and killed.
  • Richmond

    Presiden Davis and his cabinet flee the confederate capital, Richmond, Virginia as Union forces approach it.
    Next day union captures it
  • Appottamax

    General Lee surrenders to General Grant at Appottamax courthouse. This marks the end of the Civil War
  • JWB

    John Wilkes Booth shoots President Lincoln at Fords Theater during a performance of My American Cousin. Lincoln is pronounced dead early the next morning.
  • Juneteenth

    General Granger goes to texas and tells them about the emancipation proclimation
    They celebrate it as juneteenth
  • Suspects to lincolns assination hanged

    Suspects to lincolns assination hanged
    The four conspirators in Lincoln's assassination are hanged.
    These men are Davide Harold, George Atzerodt, Lewis Payne, and Mary Surratt.
  • Henry Wirz

    Henry Wirz
    He is hanged for the way he treated people and crimes he committed while overseeing the prison camp Andersonville.
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    This amendment permenantly abolishes slavery in the United States.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    KKK is formed
  • The Liberator

    The Liberator
    The last issue of the LIberator is published.
    Slaves have been freed no reason for it.
  • Jesse James and his gang

    Jesse James  and his gang
    First day light bank robbery
    Liberty, MO

    Henry Bergh makes aspca to protect animals from abuse
  • Nickel

    Making the nickel is approved by congress
  • 14 amendment

    14 amendment
    Gives civil rights to all freed slaves
    They never truly have there right. Even till this day.
  • Tennesee

    First state readmitted to the union
  • First general

    First general
    Congress makes General and official rank. Grant becomes the first.
  • Atlantic Cable

    Atlantic Cable
    First translantic communication.
  • First train robbery

    First train robbery
    Reno bros get away with 13 grand
  • Jesse strikes again

    Jesse strikes again
    Jesse and gang strikes again.
    Rob bank in Lexington, MO get away with 2000
  • Male african americans are given the right to vote

    Male african americans are given the right to vote
    African American males are given the right to vote in Washington D.C. Congress over came President Johnson's veto to give the African Americans this right.
  • Jesse James in Savannah

    Jesse James in Savannah
    Attempts to rob another bank in savannah, MO attempt failed one gang member dies.
  • First reconstruction act

    First reconstruction act
    The first reconstruction act sets up five military districts in the South, each under the control of a military commander
  • Ride ins

    Ride ins
    African Americans stage a ride on streetcars in New Orleans to protest segregation.
  • Alaska purchased

    Alaska purchased
    Pres Andrew Johnson purchases alaska.
    Second to last state added to the USA
  • 3rd reconstruction project

    3rd reconstruction project
    Congress overrides Johnsons' veto, and takes control of reconstruction.
  • Johnson suspends stanton

    Johnson suspends stanton
    Johnson suspends Stanton as Secretary of War after the two clash over reconstruction plans.
  • Alaska all ours

    Alaska all ours
    Alaska is officialy in the possesion of the USA
  • Impeachment

    Congress tries to impeach Andrew Johnson for his lack of effectivness as President
  • Grange

    Former Minnesota farmer Oliver Hudson Kelley founds the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry. Today this order is known as the farmers organization Grange.