American civil war

United States Civil War

  • Period: to

    United States Civil War

  • Licoln gives a speech at cooper institute

    Licoln gives a speech at cooper institute
    Abraham Lincoln gives a speech at cooper institute, NY. He spoke about slavery.
  • The pony express

    The pony express
    A Fast mail service is created.
  • Republic convention

    Republic party have a convention, deciding on 3 main candidates William H. Seward, Salmon P. Chase, and Abraham Lincoln.
  • Democratic convention

    Democratic convention
    Democrats hold convention.
  • William Yancey Speech

    William Yancey Speech
    William Yancey gives a speech on equal rights between the North and South.
  • Reagans letter

    Reagans letter
    Representative John Reagan ofTeas sends a letter to the north saying why slavery should be abolished.
  • Abraham Lincoln Becomes President

    Abraham Lincoln Becomes President
    Abraham Lincoln becomes 16th president of the United States. He becomes the first republican to become the president. Only had 40% popular vote, but easily won against John C. Breckinridge, John Bell, and Stephen Douglas. Lincoln will lead the Civil war, and predominently end slavery for good.
  • Southern Manifesto

    Southern Manifesto
    Louis Trezevant Wigfall wrote a southern manifesto, urging secession in the south.
  • South Carolina secedes from the Union

    South Carolina secedes from the Union
    South Carolina is officially not a part of the United states. They elect their own leaders and isolate themselves.
  • South Caroline confederacy

    South Caroline confederacy
    South Carolina has a secession Convention on the new confederacy.
  • Mississippi Secedes

    Mississippi Secedes
    Mississippi secedes from the union.
  • Florida secedes

    Florida secedes
    Florida secedes from the union.
  • Alabama secedes

    Alabama secedes
    Alabama secedes fromthe union.
  • Georgia secedes

    Georgia secedes
    Georgia secedes from the union.
  • Kansas 34th state

    Kansas 34th state
    Kansas becomes the 34th state of the U.S.
  • Texas secedes

    Texas secedes
    Texas secedes from the union.
  • Lincolns first inaugeration

    Lincolns first inaugeration
    Lincoln has his first Inaugeration in office.
  • Fort Sumter Begins

    Fort Sumter Begins
    Confederates fire on fort sumter.
  • First battle of Bull run

    First battle of Bull run
    The first official battle of the civil war begins in William county, Virginia. The south ultimately wins.
  • Davis elected

    Davis elected
    Jefferson Davis is elected President of the confederacy.
  • Fort Henry

    Fort Henry
    Union forces take fort Henry on the Tenessee river.
  • Fort Donelson

    Fort Donelson
    Fort Donelson is surrendered on cumberland river Tenessee, by the Confederacy.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Union forces defeat the Confederates at a church in TN, know as Shiloh.
  • Union captures New Orleans

    Union captures New Orleans
    David G. Farragut leads the union forces to capture New Orleans.
  • Battle of Glendale

    Battle of Glendale
    Part of the seven days battle of the civil war, Union forces get a grip of this battle and advance.
  • Battle of Cedar Mountain

    Battle of Cedar Mountain
    Confedrate forces are attacked at cedar mountain, Virginia. Under Gen. Stonewall jackson the confederate forces push out the union and win the battle.
  • Second battle of bull run

    Second battle of bull run
    The second battle of bull run takes place in manassas again, the confederates win again.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    In sharpsburg, Maryland the single day bloodiest battle of the civil war takes place.
  • Licolns preliminary emancipation proclamation

    Licolns preliminary emancipation proclamation
    The emancipation proclamation forces the abolition of slavery in the south, and gives them until january 1st 1863 to come backinto the union.
  • Battle of Corinth

    Battle of Corinth
    The union forces win this battle of corinth in Mississippi.
  • Emancipation Proclamation takes effect

    Emancipation Proclamation takes effect
    The Emancipation Proclamationofficially takes place. Slavery abolition is enforced, freeing over 50,000 slaves.
  • Military Draft

    Military Draft
    Congress enacts the first draft in American history. It requires every man to go into the military unless they have a substitute or pay $300 to the Government.
  • Bread riots

    Bread riots
    Mobs broke out and destroyed grocery stores and were angered by forces ravaging crops. This took place in richmond, VA the capital of the confederacy.
  • Chancellorsville

    The south wins a huge 4 day battle against the north. The North was led by Joseph Hooker, While General Lee led the south.
  • Stonewall Dies

    Stonewall Dies
    General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson dies after being mistaken for a union soldier and shot by his own men. Did not die from the wound,but from infection a few days later.
  • Gettysburg

    Perhaps The most important battle of the American Civil war. The North wins this 4 day battle and the momentum shifts. It was also the bloodiest battle of the war.
  • Picketts Charge

    Picketts Charge
    General Lee orders General Pickett to charge the Union on the final day of gettysburg. Most of the confederate soldiers died during this seige.
  • Vicksburg

    General U.S Grant takes vicksburg, giving the union the entire controlof the mississippi river, and splitting the Confederacy in two.
  • Draft riots

    Draft riots
    New York citizens riot over military drafts and over 120 people die until the soldiers returned.
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    Abraham Lincoln gives his twom minute speech on the civil war, which everyone think too be foolish atthe time. It turns out to be one of the greates speeches in History.
  • Grant takes command

    Grant takes command
    Lincoln Officially puts Grant in command of all Armies.
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    Battle of the Wilderness
    Thousands of men burn to death as the woods they were fighting in caught fire.
  • Battle of Spotsylvania

    Battle of Spotsylvania
    During the advance towards Richmond,Grant loses more men than Lee, but Lee is still forced to retreat. This all happens at the battle of spotsylvania.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor

    Battle of Cold Harbor
    Grant takes a hard blow when he makes many tactical mistakes at the battle of cold harbor, leading to 7,000 deaths of the union in 20 minutes.
  • Siege of Petersburg

    Siege of Petersburg
    The nine month siege begins on Rishmond, VA the capital of the Confederacy.
  • Sherman burns Atlanta

    Sherman burns Atlanta
    Union Gen. Sherman captures Atlanta and burns it to the ground.
  • Lincoln reelected

    Lincoln reelected
    Lincolnis re-elected president by defeating his old general George Mcclellan.
  • Shermans march to sea

    Shermans march to sea
    Begins his march to the end of the west and reach the sea. He states that "All war is hell".
  • Battle of Nashville

    Battle of Nashville
    The union crushes the confederacy in this battle in Nashville, Tenessee. The war is near end.
  • Savvanah Captured

    Savvanah Captured
    savvanah is captured and Sherman offers the sity to Lincoln as a christmas present.
  • Thirteenth amendment

    Thirteenth amendment
    The thirteenth amendment is approved by the United states.
  • Fall of Richmod

    Fall of Richmod
    Theunion army captures richmond, The capital of the confederacy.
  • Lee surrenders

    Lee surrenders
    Lee and Grant Meet at appomatox court house, Virginia to discuss Surrender terms.
  • Lincolns assasination

    Lincolns assasination
    Abraham Lincoln is assassinated in Fords Theatre by John Wilkes Booth.
  • John Wilkes Booth is shot

    John Wilkes Booth is shot
    John Wilkes Booth is shot and killed in a tobbacco barn in virginia after being chased for nearly two weeks.
  • Johnston surrenders

    Johnston surrenders
    One of the biggest confederate armies led by johnston finally surrenders togeneral sherman of the union army in North Carolina.
  • Licoln is laid to rest

    Licoln is laid to rest
    Abraham lincoln is laid to rest in oak Ridge cemetary, in springfield virginia.
  • Jefferson davis is captured

    Jefferson davis is captured
    Confederate president Jefferson Davis is captured while wearing a dress as a disguisse by the Union army at the end of the war.
  • Henry Wirz hanged

    Henry Wirz hanged
    The leader of the andersonville prison camp is hanged on this date forthe brutal treatment of union soldiers.
  • Thirteenth Amendment ratified

    Thirteenth Amendment ratified
    The thirteenth amendment is ratified by the states and abolishes slavery.
  • Civil Rights act

    Civil Rights act
    Gives African americans rights in The united states and grants them full citizenship.
  • Memphis race riots

    Memphis race riots
    White civilians and police kill 46 African Americans and destroy 90 houses, schools, and four churches in Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Grant Promoted

    Grant Promoted
    Grant becomes a 4 star generalby congress.
  • Admiral David Farragut

    Admiral David Farragut
    Congress creates the rank of admiral and appoints David G. Farragut.
  • KKK

    U.S secret service begins to investigate the Ku KLux Klan. A group who enforced white supremacy by torchering and scaring african americans.
  • New Orleans Race Riot

    New Orleans Race Riot
    Police kill more than 40 black and white Republicans and wound more than 150.
  • NewJersey Ratifies 14

    NewJersey Ratifies 14
    NJ ratifies the 14th Amendment
  • Oregon ratifies 14

    Oregon ratifies 14
    Oregon ratifies the 14th Amendment.
  • Texas rejects

    Texas rejects
    Texas rejects the 14th Amendment
  • Georgia rejects

    Georgia rejects
    Georgia rejects the 14th Amendment
  • African Americans can vote

    African Americans can vote
    African americans in Washington D.C cannow vote,just after recently becoming citizens.
  • Nebraska

    Nebraska becomes a state.
  • Tenure of Office Act passed

    Tenure of Office Act passed
    denying the right of the President to remove officials who had been appointed with the consent of Congress.
  • 2nd Reconstrucrion act

    2nd Reconstrucrion act
    Congress passes the 2nd Reconstruction Act over Andrew Johnson's veto.
  • Alaska

    William P. Seward signs a treaty with Russia buying Alaska for 2 cents an acre.
  • Back into the union

    Back into the union
    Congress passes a bill admitting Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina into the Union. Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas, having refused to ratify the fourteenth amendment, were refused admission into the Union.
  • Reconstruction 3

    Reconstruction 3
    the third reconstruction act overrides Johnsons veto of it once again.
  • US grant secretary of war

    US grant secretary of war
    Johnson suspends his secratary of war Stanton, becuase of a disagreement. He then appoints U.S Grant.
  • Russia gives alaska

    Russia gives alaska
    Russia turns alaska over to the U.S.
  • Johnson Impeach?

    Johnson Impeach?
    Congress is trying to impeach Johnson for his stubborness over the matter of reconstruction